Circadian clock genes and cell survival in bipolar disorder: Insights into lithium responsiveness and molecular mechanisms in patient-derived neural progenitor cells and mouse neurons. FEBS J. 2025 Feb 24.
Mishra HK, Wei H, LeRoux M, Ko D, Rohr K, Nievergelt CM, Maihofer AX, Shilling PD, Alda M, Berrettini WH, Coryell WH, Frye M, Gershon E, McInnis MG, Nurnberger J, Oedegaard KJ, Zandi PP, Kelsoe JR, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 39995020.
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The influence of chronotype, socioeconomic status, latitude, longitude, and seasonality on cognitive performance and academic outcomes in adolescents. Sleep Med. 2025 Jan 28; 128:95-102.
Burns J, Li AR, Rohr KE, Thomas ML, McCarthy MJ, Meruelo AD. PMID: 39904139.
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Synaptic protein expression in bipolar disorder patient-derived neurons implicates PSD-95 as a marker of lithium response. Neuropharmacology. 2025 Jan 15; 268:110313.
Rohr KE, Mishra HK, Amin J, Nakhla T, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 39824303.
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Bipolar disorder is characterized by chronotype instability: A longitudinal investigation of circadian typology and mood. Psychiatry Res. 2024 Oct; 340:116123.
Sperry SH, Boland EM, Burgess HJ, Gonzalez R, Gonzalez S, Lane JM, McCarthy MJ, McInnis MG, Yocum AK, Menkes MW, Gehrman PR. PMID: 39146617.
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Exploring the genetics of lithium response in bipolar disorders. Int J Bipolar Disord. 2024 Jun 12; 12(1):20.
Herrera-Rivero M, Adli M, Akiyama K, Akula N, Amare AT, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Bhattacharjee AK, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Cearns M, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Colom F, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Etain B, Falkai P, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, Forstner AJ, Frank J, Frisén L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gallo C, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hasler R, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hou L, Hsu YH, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Kuo PH, Kusumi I, König B, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Manchia M, Marie-Claire C, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Millischer V, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Novák T, Nöthen MM, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Papiol S, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Richard-Lepouriel H, Roberts G, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schulte EC, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Streit F, Tekola-Ayele F, Thalamuthu A, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Veeh J, Vieta E, Viswanath B, Witt SH, Zandi PP, Alda M, Bauer M, McMahon FJ, Mitchell PB, Rietschel M, Schulze TG, Baune BT. PMID: 38865039; PMCID: PMC11169116.
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Greater social jetlag predicts poorer NIH Toolbox crystallized cognitive and academic performance in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study. Chronobiol Int. 2024 Jun; 41(6):829-839.
Li AR, Thomas ML, Gonzalez MR, McCarthy MJ, Hasler BP, Tapert SF, Meruelo AD. PMID: 38771191; PMCID: PMC11292803.
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Differential contributions of circadian clock genes to cell survival in bipolar disorder patient derived neuronal progenitor cells distinguishes lithium responders and non-responders. Res Sq. 2024 Apr 30.
Mishra HK, Wei H, LeRoux M, Ko I, Rohr KE, Nievergelt CM, Maihofer AX, Shilling P, Alda M, Berrettini WH, Calabrese JR, Coryell WH, Frye M, Gershon E, McInnis MG, Nurnberger J, Oedegaard KJ, Zandi PP, Kelsoe JR, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 38746315; PMCID: PMC11092846.
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Lithium response in bipolar disorder is associated with focal adhesion and PI3K-Akt networks: a multi-omics replication study. Transl Psychiatry. 2024 Feb 23; 14(1):109.
Ou AH, Rosenthal SB, Adli M, Akiyama K, Akula N, Alda M, Amare AT, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bauer M, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Bhattacharjee AK, Biernacka JM, Cervantes P, Chen GB, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Colom F, Cousins DA, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dantas CR, Dayer A, Del Zompo M, Degenhardt F, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Falkai P, Fellendorf FT, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, Forstner AJ, Frisén L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Gruber O, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Hou L, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kato T, Kittel-Schneider S, König B, Kuo PH, Kusumi I, Lackner N, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Jaramillo CAL, MacQueen G, Maj M, Manchia M, Marie-Claire C, Martinsson L, Mattheisen M, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, McMahon FJ, Mitchell PB, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, Ösby U, Ozaki N, Papiol S, Perlis RH, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Pfennig A, Reich-Erkelenz D, Reif A, Reininghaus EZ, Rietschel M, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schulze TG, Schweizer BW, Seemüller F, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Tighe SK, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Vieta E, Volkert J, Witt S, Wray NR, Wright A, Young LT, Zandi PP, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 38395906; PMCID: PMC10891068.
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4 Fields:
Exploring the genetics of lithium response in bipolar disorders. Res Sq. 2023 Dec 02.
Herrera-Rivero M, Adli M, Akiyama K, Akula N, Amare AT, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Bhattacharjee AK, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Cearns M, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Colom F, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Etain B, Falkai P, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, Forstner AJ, Frank J, Frisén L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gallo C, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hasler R, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hou L, Hsu YH, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Kuo PH, Kusumi I, König B, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Manchia M, Marie-Claire C, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Millischer V, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Novák T, Nöthen MM, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Papiol S, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Richard-Lepouriel H, Roberts G, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schulte EC, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Streit F, Tekola-Ayele F, Thalamuthu A, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Veeh J, Vieta E, Viswanath B, Witt SH, Zandi PP, Alda M, Bauer M, McMahon FJ, Mitchell PB, Rietschel M, Schulze TG, Baune BT. PMID: 38077040; PMCID: PMC10705597.
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The relations between chronotype, stressful life events, and impulsivity in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study. J Psychiatr Res. 2023 11; 167:119-124.
McCarthy MJ, Brumback T, Thomas ML, Meruelo AD. PMID: 37866325.
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3 Fields:
Lithium Response in Bipolar Disorder is Associated with Focal Adhesion and PI3K-Akt Networks: A Multi-omics Replication Study. Res Sq. 2023 Oct 03.
Kelsoe J, Ou A, Rosenthal S, Adli M, Akiyama K, Akula N, Alda M, Amare AT, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Banzato C, Bauer M, Baune B, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Abesh B, Biernacka J, Bui E, Cervantes P, Chen GB, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark S, Colom F, Cousins D, Cruceanu C, Czerski P, Dantas C, Dayer A, Degenhardt F, DePaulo JR, Etain B, Falkai P, Fellendorf F, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye M, Fullerton J, Gard S, Garnham J, Goes F, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Gruber O, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Hou L, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kato T, Kittel-Schneider S, König B, Kuo PH, Kusumi I, Dalkner N, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband S, Jaramillo CL, MacQueen G, Maj M, Manchia M, Marie-Claire C, Martinsson L, Mattheisen M, McCarthy M, McElroy S, McMahon F, Mitchell P, Mitjans M, Mondimore F, Monteleone P, Nievergelt C, Nöthen M, Novak T, Osby U, Ozaki N, Papiol S, Perlis R, Pfennig A, Potash J, Reich-Erkelenz D, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rietschel M, Rouleau G, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield P, Schubert KO, Schulze T, Schweizer B, Seemüller F, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling P, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney C, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Tighe S, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Vieta E, Volkert J, Witt S, Wray N, Wright A, Young T, Zandi P, Zompo MD. PMID: 37886563; PMCID: PMC10602152.
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Association of polygenic score and the involvement of cholinergic and glutamatergic pathways with lithium treatment response in patients with bipolar disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2023 Dec; 28(12):5251-5261.
Amare AT, Thalamuthu A, Schubert KO, Fullerton JM, Ahmed M, Hartmann S, Papiol S, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hou L, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Hasler R, Richard-Lepouriel H, Perroud N, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Marie-Claire C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Jamain S, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Fallgatter AJ, Stegmaier S, Ethofer T, Biere S, Petrova K, Schuster C, Adorjan K, Budde M, Heilbronner M, Kalman JL, Kohshour MO, Reich-Erkelenz D, Schaupp SK, Schulte EC, Senner F, Vogl T, Anghelescu IG, Arolt V, Dannlowski U, Dietrich D, Figge C, Jäger M, Lang FU, Juckel G, Konrad C, Reimer J, Schmauß M, Schmitt A, Spitzer C, von Hagen M, Wiltfang J, Zimmermann J, Andlauer TFM, Fischer A, Bermpohl F, Ritter P, Matura S, Gryaznova A, Falkenberg I, Yildiz C, Kircher T, Schmidt J, Koch M, Gade K, Trost S, Haussleiter IS, Lambert M, Rohenkohl AC, Kraft V, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy S, Colom F, Millischer V, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Veeh J, Witt SH, Wright A, Zandi PP, Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Clark SR, Baune BT. PMID: 37433967; PMCID: PMC11041653.
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10 Fields:
Immunogenetics of lithium response and psychiatric phenotypes in patients with bipolar disorder. Res Sq. 2023 Jun 26.
Herrera-Rivero M, Gutiérrez-Fragoso K, Thalamuthu A, Amare AT, Adli M, Akiyama K, Akula N, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Abesh B, Biernacka J, Birner A, Cearns M, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark S, Colom F, Cruceanu C, Czerski P, Dalkner N, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Etain B, Falkai P, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, Forstner AJ, Frank J, Frisen L, Frye M, Fullerton J, Gallo C, Gard S, Garnham J, Goes F, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hasler R, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hou L, Hsu Y, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Kuo PH, Kurtz J, Kusumi I, König B, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband S, Maj M, Manchia M, Marie-Claire C, Martinsson L, McCarthy M, McElroy SL, Millischer V, Mitjans M, Mondimore F, Monteleone P, Nievergelt C, Novak T, Nöthen M, Odonovan C, Ozaki N, Papiol S, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash J, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Richard-Lepouriel H, Roberts G, Rouleau G, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield P, Schubert KO, Schulte E, Schweizer B, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling P, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney C, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Streit F, Ayele F, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Veeh J, Vieta E, Viswanath B, Witt S, Zandi P, Alda M, Bauer M, McMahon F, Mitchell P, Rietschel M, Schulze T, Baune B. PMID: 37461719; PMCID: PMC10350128.
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Serum from Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome patients causes loss of coherence in cellular circadian rhythms. J Neuroimmunol. 2023 08 15; 381:578142.
Wei H, Adelsheim Z, Fischer R, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 37393850; PMCID: PMC10527922.
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Contributions of circadian clock genes to cell survival in fibroblast models of lithium-responsive bipolar disorder. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2023 09; 74:1-14.
Mishra HK, Wei H, Rohr KE, Ko I, Nievergelt CM, Maihofer AX, Shilling PD, Alda M, Berrettini WH, Brennand KJ, Calabrese JR, Coryell WH, Frye M, Gage F, Gershon E, McInnis MG, Nurnberger J, Oedegaard KJ, Zandi PP, Kelsoe JR, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 37126998; PMCID: PMC11801370.
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5 Fields:
Focal adhesion is associated with lithium response in bipolar disorder: evidence from a network-based multi-omics analysis. Mol Psychiatry. 2024 01; 29(1):6-19.
Niemsiri V, Rosenthal SB, Nievergelt CM, Maihofer AX, Marchetto MC, Santos R, Shekhtman T, Alliey-Rodriguez N, Anand A, Balaraman Y, Berrettini WH, Bertram H, Burdick KE, Calabrese JR, Calkin CV, Conroy C, Coryell WH, DeModena A, Eyler LT, Feeder S, Fisher C, Frazier N, Frye MA, Gao K, Garnham J, Gershon ES, Goes FS, Goto T, Harrington GJ, Jakobsen P, Kamali M, Kelly M, Leckband SG, Lohoff FW, McCarthy MJ, McInnis MG, Craig D, Millett CE, Mondimore F, Morken G, Nurnberger JI, Donovan CO, Øedegaard KJ, Ryan K, Schinagle M, Shilling PD, Slaney C, Stapp EK, Stautland A, Tarwater B, Zandi PP, Alda M, Fisch KM, Gage FH, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 36991131; PMCID: PMC11078741.
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Rapid Detection of Lithium Concentrations in Oral Fluid. Ther Drug Monit. 2023 12 01; 45(6):813-816.
Granger DA, Parkin GM, Buspavanich P, Findeisen P, Rietschel M, McCarthy MJ, Thomas EA. PMID: 37012622.
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Association of Polygenic Score and the involvement of Cholinergic and Glutamatergic Pathways with Lithium Treatment Response in Patients with Bipolar Disorder. Res Sq. 2023 Feb 14.
Amare A, Thalamuthu A, Schubert KO, Fullerton J, Ahmed M, Hartmann S, Papiol S, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hou L, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka J, Birner A, Marie-Claire C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski P, Dalkner N, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Etain B, Jamain S, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisén L, Frye M, Gard S, Garnham J, Goes F, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Fallgatter A, Stegmaier S, Ethofer T, Biere S, Petrova K, Schuster C, Adorjan K, Budde M, Heilbronner M, Kalman J, Oraki Kohshour M, Reich-Erkelenz D, Schaupp S, Schulte E, Senner F, Vogl T, Anghelescu IG, Arolt V, Dannlowski U, Dietrich DE, Figge C, Jäger M, Lang F, Juckel G, Spitzer C, Reimer J, Schmauß M, Schmitt A, Konrad C, von Hagen M, Wiltfang J, Zimmermann J, Andlauer T, Fischer A, Bermpohl F, Kraft V, Matura S, Gryaznova A, Falkenberg I, Yildiz C, Kircher T, Schmidt J, Koch M, Gade K, Trost S, Haußleiter I, Lambert M, Rohenkohl AC, Kraft V, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy M, McElroy SL, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore F, Monteleone P, Nievergelt C, Nöthen M, Novak T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash J, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau G, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield P, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney C, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Veeh J, Witt S, Wright A, Zandi P, Mitchell P, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon F, Schulze TG, Millischer V, Clark S, Baune B. PMID: 36824922; PMCID: PMC9949170.
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Neural progenitor cells derived from lithium responsive and non-responsive bipolar disorder patients exhibit distinct sensitivity to cell death following methamphetamine. Neuropharmacology. 2023 03 15; 226:109410.
Mishra HK, Mandyam AD, Trenet W, Wei H, Nievergelt CM, Maihofer AX, Shilling PD, Alda M, Gershon E, McInnis MG, Pharmacogenomics of Bipolar Disorder Study, Kelsoe JR, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 36608815.
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2 Fields:
IN MEMORIAM-Norton Herbert Neff, Ph.D. (1935-2022). Neuropsychopharmacology. 2023 Feb; 48(3):576.
McCarthy MJ, Hadjiconstantinou M. PMID: 36471054; PMCID: PMC9852438.
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Antipsychotic-induced weight gain and metabolic effects show diurnal dependence and are reversible with time restricted feeding. Schizophrenia (Heidelb). 2022 Aug 30; 8(1):70.
Zapata RC, Silver A, Yoon D, Chaudry B, Libster A, McCarthy MJ, Osborn O. PMID: 36042214; PMCID: PMC9427943.
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Using polygenic scores and clinical data for bipolar disorder patient stratification and lithium response prediction: machine learning approach - CORRIGENDUM. Br J Psychiatry. 2022 Aug; 221(2):494.
Cearns M, Amare AT, Schubert KO, Thalamuthu A, Frank J, Streit F, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry J, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Cervantes P, Chen H, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Degenhardt F, Zompo MD, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Hou L, Hsu YH, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy S, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Millischer V, Papiol S, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, TekolaAyele F, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Veeh J, Vieta E, Witt SH, Roberts G, Zandi PP, Alda M, Bauer M, McMahon FJ, Mitchell PB, Schulze TG, Rietschel M, Clark SR, Baune BT. PMID: 35505515.
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Correction: Combining schizophrenia and depression polygenic risk scores improves the genetic prediction of lithium response in bipolar disorder patients. Transl Psychiatry. 2022 Jul 11; 12(1):278.
Schubert KO, Thalamuthu A, Amare AT, Frank J, Streit F, Adl M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Marie-Claire C, Cearns M, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hou L, Hsu YH, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy S, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Ösby U, Papiol S, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Tekola-Ayele F, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Veeh J, Vieta E, Witt SH, Roberts G, Zandi PP, Alda M, Bauer M, McMahon FJ, Mitchell PB, Schulze TG, Rietschel M, Baune BT. PMID: 35817769; PMCID: PMC9273602.
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The impact of lithium on circadian rhythms and implications for bipolar disorder pharmacotherapy. Neurosci Lett. 2022 08 24; 786:136772.
Rohr KE, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 35798199; PMCID: PMC11801369.
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Using polygenic scores and clinical data for bipolar disorder patient stratification and lithium response prediction: machine learning approach. Br J Psychiatry. 2022 Feb 28; 1-10.
Cearns M, Amare AT, Schubert KO, Thalamuthu A, Frank J, Streit F, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Degenhardt F, Zompo MD, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Hou L, Hsu YH, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy S, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Millischer V, Papiol S, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Tekola-Ayele F, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Veeh J, Vieta E, Witt SH, Roberts G, Zandi PP, Alda M, Bauer M, McMahon FJ, Mitchell PB, Schulze TG, Rietschel M, Clark SR, Baune BT. PMID: 35225756.
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Circadian rhythm disruption in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Implications for the post-acute sequelae of COVID-19. Brain Behav Immun Health. 2022 Mar; 20:100412.
McCarthy MJ. PMID: 35465246; PMCID: PMC9019698.
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Neurobiological and behavioral mechanisms of circadian rhythm disruption in bipolar disorder: A critical multi-disciplinary literature review and agenda for future research from the ISBD task force on chronobiology. Bipolar Disord. 2022 05; 24(3):232-263.
McCarthy MJ, Gottlieb JF, Gonzalez R, McClung CA, Alloy LB, Cain S, Dulcis D, Etain B, Frey BN, Garbazza C, Ketchesin KD, Landgraf D, Lee HJ, Marie-Claire C, Nusslock R, Porcu A, Porter R, Ritter P, Scott J, Smith D, Swartz HA, Murray G. PMID: 34850507; PMCID: PMC9149148.
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Correction of depression-associated circadian rhythm abnormalities is associated with lithium response in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord. 2022 08; 24(5):521-529.
Federoff M, McCarthy MJ, Anand A, Berrettini WH, Bertram H, Bhattacharjee A, Calkin CV, Conroy C, Coryell WH, D'Arcangelo N, DeModena A, Fisher C, Feeder S, Frazier N, Frye MA, Gao K, Garnham J, Gershon ES, Alliey-Rodriguez N, Glazer K, Goes F, Karberg T, Harrington G, Jakobsen P, Kamali M, Kelly M, Leckband SG, Lohoff F, Maihofer AX, McInnis MG, Mondimore F, Morken G, Nurnberger JI, Oedegaard KJ, Ritchey M, Ryan K, Schinagle M, Schoeyen H, Schwebel C, Shaw M, Shilling PD, Slaney C, Stautland A, Tarwater B, Calabrese JR, Alda M, Nievergelt CM, Zandi PP, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 34825444.
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Combining schizophrenia and depression polygenic risk scores improves the genetic prediction of lithium response in bipolar disorder patients. Transl Psychiatry. 2021 11 29; 11(1):606.
Schubert KO, Thalamuthu A, Amare AT, Frank J, Streit F, Adl M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Marie-Claire C, Cearns M, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hou L, Hsu YH, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy S, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Ösby U, Papiol S, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Tekola-Ayele F, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Veeh J, Vieta E, Witt SH, Roberts G, Zandi PP, Alda M, Bauer M, McMahon FJ, Mitchell PB, Schulze TG, Rietschel M, Baune BT. PMID: 34845190; PMCID: PMC8630000.
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Association of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Depression Polygenic Scores with Lithium Response: A Consortium for Lithium Genetics Study. Complex Psychiatry. 2021 Dec; 7(3-4):80-89.
Coombes BJ, Millischer V, Batzler A, Larrabee B, Hou L, Papiol S, Heilbronner U, Adli M, Akiyama K, Akula N, Amare AT, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bauer M, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Bhattacharjee AK, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Colom F, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Falkai P, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kato T, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, König B, Kuo PH, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Mitchell PB, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Osby U, Ozaki N, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rietschel M, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Vieta E, Witt SH, Zandi PP, Fullerton JM, Alda M, Frye MA, Schulze TG, McMahon FJ, Biernacka JM. PMID: 36408127; PMCID: PMC8740189.
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Saliva testing as a means to monitor therapeutic lithium levels in patients with psychiatric disorders: Identification of clinical and environmental covariates, and their incorporation into a prediction model. Bipolar Disord. 2021 11; 23(7):679-688.
Parkin GM, McCarthy MJ, Thein SH, Piccerillo HL, Warikoo N, Granger DA, Thomas EA. PMID: 34536974; PMCID: PMC9291088.
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HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 genetic diversity modulates response to lithium in bipolar affective disorders. Sci Rep. 2021 09 08; 11(1):17823.
Le Clerc S, Lombardi L, Baune BT, Amare AT, Schubert KO, Hou L, Clark SR, Papiol S, Cearns M, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Jamain S, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leckband SG, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Colom F, Millischer V, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Ösby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Pisanu C, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Veeh J, Witt SH, Wright A, Zandi PP, Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Spadoni JL, Boukouaci W, Richard JR, Le Corvoisier P, Barrau C, Zagury JF, Leboyer M, Tamouza R. PMID: 34497278; PMCID: PMC8426488.
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Clinical predictors of non-response to lithium treatment in the Pharmacogenomics of Bipolar Disorder (PGBD) study. Bipolar Disord. 2021 12; 23(8):821-831.
Lin Y, Maihofer AX, Stapp E, Ritchey M, Alliey-Rodriguez N, Anand A, Balaraman Y, Berrettini WH, Bertram H, Bhattacharjee A, Calkin CV, Conroy C, Coryell W, D'Arcangelo N, DeModena A, Biernacka JM, Fisher C, Frazier N, Frye M, Gao K, Garnham J, Gershon E, Glazer K, Goes FS, Goto T, Karberg E, Harrington G, Jakobsen P, Kamali M, Kelly M, Leckband SG, Lohoff FW, Stautland A, McCarthy MJ, McInnis MG, Mondimore F, Morken G, Nurnberger JI, Oedegaard KJ, Syrstad VEG, Ryan K, Schinagle M, Schoeyen H, Andreassen OA, Shaw M, Shilling PD, Slaney C, Tarwater B, Calabrese JR, Alda M, Nievergelt CM, Zandi PP, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 33797828.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
A prospective study to determine the clinical utility of pharmacogenetic testing of veterans with treatment-resistant depression. J Psychopharmacol. 2021 Aug; 35(8):992-1002.
McCarthy MJ, Chen Y, Demodena A, Leckband SG, Fischer E, Golshan S, Suppes T, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 33938307.
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Circadian rhythms in bipolar disorder patient-derived neurons predict lithium response: preliminary studies. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 07; 26(7):3383-3394.
Mishra HK, Ying NM, Luis A, Wei H, Nguyen M, Nakhla T, Vandenburgh S, Alda M, Berrettini WH, Brennand KJ, Calabrese JR, Coryell WH, Frye MA, Gage FH, Gershon ES, McInnis MG, Nievergelt CM, Nurnberger JI, Shilling PD, Oedegaard KJ, Zandi PP, Pharmacogenomics of Bipolar Disorder Study, Kelsoe JR, Welsh DK, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 33674753; PMCID: PMC8418615.
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23 Fields:
Altered Neuronal Support and Inflammatory Response in Bipolar Disorder Patient-Derived Astrocytes. Stem Cell Reports. 2021 04 13; 16(4):825-835.
Vadodaria KC, Mendes APD, Mei A, Racha V, Erikson G, Shokhirev MN, Oefner R, Heard KJ, McCarthy MJ, Eyler L, Kelsoe JR, Santos R, Marchetto MC, Gage FH. PMID: 33667413; PMCID: PMC8072028.
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18 Fields:
Genomic perspectives on the circadian clock hypothesis of psychiatric disorders. Adv Genet. 2021; 107:153-191.
von Schantz M, Leocadio-Miguel MA, McCarthy MJ, Papiol S, Landgraf D. PMID: 33641746.
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Sleep and circadian rhythm disruption is corrected by lithium in a case of bipolar disorder with familial BRCA1 mutation. Bipolar Disord. 2021 Feb; 23(1):101-103.
Federoff M, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 33012081.
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Addressing the Needs of Rural Caregivers of Individuals With Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias During and Beyond Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Public Policy Aging Rep. 2020 Sep 04; 30(4):178-180.
Williamson HJ, McCarthy MJ, Garcia YE, Bacon R, Dunn DJ, Baldwin JA. PMID: 33185627; PMCID: PMC7499747.
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Attitudes on pharmacogenetic testing in psychiatric patients with treatment-resistant depression. Depress Anxiety. 2020 09; 37(9):842-850.
McCarthy MJ, Chen Y, Demodena A, Fisher E, Golshan S, Suppes T, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 32667102; PMCID: PMC7484047.
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The association between lithium use and neurocognitive performance in patients with bipolar disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 09; 45(10):1743-1749.
Burdick KE, Millett CE, Russo M, Alda M, Alliey-Rodriguez N, Anand A, Balaraman Y, Berrettini W, Bertram H, Calabrese JR, Calkin C, Conroy C, Coryell W, DeModena A, Feeder S, Fisher C, Frazier N, Frye M, Gao K, Garnham J, Gershon ES, Glazer K, Goes FS, Goto T, Harrington GJ, Jakobsen P, Kamali M, Kelly M, Leckband S, Løberg EM, Lohoff FW, Maihofer AX, McCarthy MJ, McInnis M, Morken G, Nievergelt CM, Nurnberger J, Oedegaard KJ, Ortiz A, Ritchey M, Ryan K, Schinagle M, Schwebel C, Shaw M, Shilling P, Slaney C, Stapp E, Tarwater B, Zandi P, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 32349118; PMCID: PMC7419515.
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Association of polygenic score for major depression with response to lithium in patients with bipolar disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 06; 26(6):2457-2470.
Amare AT, Schubert KO, Hou L, Clark SR, Papiol S, Cearns M, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Jamain S, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Ösby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Reif A, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Veeh J, Witt SH, Wright A, Zandi PP, Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Baune BT. PMID: 32203155.
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26 Fields:
Using Chronobiological Phenotypes to Address Heterogeneity in Bipolar Disorder. Mol Neuropsychiatry. 2020 Apr; 5(Suppl 1):72-84.
Gonzalez R, Gonzalez SD, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 32399471; PMCID: PMC7206594.
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Identification and characterization of self-association domains on small ankyrin 1 isoforms. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2020 02; 139:225-237.
Subramaniam J, Yang P, McCarthy MJ, Cunha SR. PMID: 32035138; PMCID: PMC11042479.
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Dopamine D2 receptor signaling modulates pancreatic beta cell circadian rhythms. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2020 03; 113:104551.
Wei H, Zapata RC, Lopez-Valencia M, Aslanoglou D, Farino ZJ, Benner V, Osborn O, Freyberg Z, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 31884319; PMCID: PMC7787223.
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15 Fields:
Pharmacological Manipulation of the Circadian Clock: A Possible Approach to the Management of Bipolar Disorder. CNS Drugs. 2019 10; 33(10):981-999.
Porcu A, Gonzalez R, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 31625128.
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SCN11A mRNA levels in female bipolar disorder PBMCs as tentative biomarker for distinct patient sub-phenotypes. Drug Dev Res. 2019 12; 80(8):1128-1135.
Voinsky I, McCarthy MJ, Shekhtman T, Kelsoe JR, Gurwitz D. PMID: 31498915.
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Entrainment of Circadian Rhythms to Temperature Reveals Amplitude Deficits in Fibroblasts from Patients with Bipolar Disorder and Possible Links to Calcium Channels. Mol Neuropsychiatry. 2019 Apr; 5(2):115-124.
Nudell V, Wei H, Nievergelt C, Maihofer AX, Shilling P, Alda M, Berrettini WH, Brennand KJ, Calabrese JR, Coryell WH, Covault JM, Frye MA, Gage F, Gershon E, McInnis MG, Nurnberger JI, Oedegaard KJ, Shekhtman T, Zandi PP, Kelsoe JR, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 31192224; PMCID: PMC6528084.
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Missing a beat: assessment of circadian rhythm abnormalities in bipolar disorder in the genomic era. Psychiatr Genet. 2019 04; 29(2):29-36.
McCarthy MJ. PMID: 30516584.
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A functional variant in the serotonin receptor 7 gene (HTR7), rs7905446, is associated with good response to SSRIs in bipolar and unipolar depression. Mol Psychiatry. 2020 06; 25(6):1312-1322.
Wei YB, McCarthy M, Ren H, Carrillo-Roa T, Shekhtman T, DeModena A, Liu JJ, Leckband SG, Mors O, Rietschel M, Henigsberg N, Cattaneo A, Binder EB, Aitchison KJ, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 30874608; PMCID: PMC6745302.
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Discovery of High-Affinity Noncovalent Allosteric KRAS Inhibitors That Disrupt Effector Binding. ACS Omega. 2019 Feb 28; 4(2):2921-2930.
McCarthy MJ, Pagba CV, Prakash P, Naji AK, van der Hoeven D, Liang H, Gupta AK, Zhou Y, Cho KJ, Hancock JF, Gorfe AA. PMID: 30842983; PMCID: PMC6396121.
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Study of 45 candidate genes suggests CACNG2 may be associated with lithium response in bipolar disorder. J Affect Disord. 2019 04 01; 248:175-179.
Miranda A, Shekhtman T, McCarthy M, DeModena A, Leckband SG, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 30738251; PMCID: PMC7292366.
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Chronotype and cellular circadian rhythms predict the clinical response to lithium maintenance treatment in patients with bipolar disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019 02; 44(3):620-628.
McCarthy MJ, Wei H, Nievergelt CM, Stautland A, Maihofer AX, Welsh DK, Shilling P, Alda M, Alliey-Rodriguez N, Anand A, Andreasson OA, Balaraman Y, Berrettini WH, Bertram H, Brennand KJ, Calabrese JR, Calkin CV, Claasen A, Conroy C, Coryell WH, Craig DW, D'Arcangelo N, Demodena A, Djurovic S, Feeder S, Fisher C, Frazier N, Frye MA, Gage FH, Gao K, Garnham J, Gershon ES, Glazer K, Goes F, Goto T, Harrington G, Jakobsen P, Kamali M, Karberg E, Kelly M, Leckband SG, Lohoff F, McInnis MG, Mondimore F, Morken G, Nurnberger JI, Obral S, Oedegaard KJ, Ortiz A, Ritchey M, Ryan K, Schinagle M, Schoeyen H, Schwebel C, Shaw M, Shekhtman T, Slaney C, Stapp E, Szelinger S, Tarwater B, Zandi PP, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 30487653; PMCID: PMC6333516.
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45 Fields:
Does the Time of Drug Administration Alter the Metabolic Risk of Aripiprazole? Front Psychiatry. 2018; 9:494.
Chipchura DA, Freyberg Z, Edwards C, Leckband SG, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 30364286; PMCID: PMC6193090.
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Investigating polygenic burden in age at disease onset in bipolar disorder: Findings from an international multicentric study. Bipolar Disord. 2019 02; 21(1):68-75.
Kalman JL, Papiol S, Forstner AJ, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Strohmaier J, Adli M, Adorjan K, Akula N, Alda M, Anderson-Schmidt H, Andlauer TF, Anghelescu IG, Ardau R, Arias B, Arolt V, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bartholdi K, Bauer M, Baune BT, Becker T, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Bhattacharjee AK, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Budde M, Cervantes P, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Colom F, Comes AL, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dannlowski U, Dayer A, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Dietrich DE, Étain B, Ethofer T, Falkai P, Fallgatter A, Figge C, Flatau L, Folkerts H, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gade K, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Gryaznova A, Hake M, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hou L, Jäger M, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Juckel G, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, Klohn-Sagatholislam F, Koller M, König B, Konrad C, Lackner N, Laje G, Landén M, Lang FU, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Maj M, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, McMahon FJ, Mitchell PB, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nieratschker V, Nievergelt CM, Novák T, Ösby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Reich-Erkelenz D, Reif A, Reimer J, Reininghaus E, Reitt M, Ripke S, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Scherk H, Schmauß M, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schulte EC, Schulz S, Senner F, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Spitzer C, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stegmaier S, Stierl S, Stopkova P, Thiel A, Tighe SK, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Vieta E, Veeh J, von Hagen M, Wigand ME, Wiltfang J, Witt S, Wright A, Zandi PP, Zimmermann J, Nöthen M, Rietschel M, Schulze TG. PMID: 29956436; PMCID: PMC6585855.
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Analysis of the Influence of microRNAs in Lithium Response in Bipolar Disorder. Front Psychiatry. 2018; 9:207.
Reinbold CS, Forstner AJ, Hecker J, Fullerton JM, Hoffmann P, Hou L, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Adli M, Akiyama K, Akula N, Ardau R, Arias B, Backlund L, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Bhattacharjee AK, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Marie-Claire C, Cervantes P, Chen GB, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Clark SR, Colom F, Cousins DA, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dayer A, Étain B, Falkai P, Frisén L, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grof P, Gruber O, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, König B, Kusumi I, Lackner N, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, López Jaramillo CA, MacQueen G, Manchia M, Martinsson L, Mattheisen M, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Ösby U, Ozaki N, Perlis RH, Pfennig A, Reich-Erkelenz D, Rouleau GA, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schweizer BW, Seemüller F, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Smoller JW, Squassina A, Stamm TJ, Stopkova P, Tighe SK, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Volkert J, Witt SH, Wright AJ, Young LT, Zandi PP, Potash JB, DePaulo JR, Bauer M, Reininghaus E, Novák T, Aubry JM, Maj M, Baune BT, Mitchell PB, Vieta E, Frye MA, Rybakowski JK, Kuo PH, Kato T, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Reif A, Del Zompo M, Bellivier F, Schalling M, Wray NR, Kelsoe JR, Alda M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Rietschel M, Nöthen MM, Cichon S. PMID: 29904359; PMCID: PMC5991073.
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Genome-wide analysis of insomnia disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2018 11; 23(11):2238-2250.
Stein MB, McCarthy MJ, Chen CY, Jain S, Gelernter J, He F, Heeringa SG, Kessler RC, Nock MK, Ripke S, Sun X, Wynn GH, Smoller JW, Ursano RJ. PMID: 29520036; PMCID: PMC6129221.
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A common genetic variant in CACNA1C predicts heart rate in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Res. 2018 05; 263:294-295.
McCarthy MJ, Korelova O, Demodena A, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 29395250.
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Inositol polyphosphates contribute to cellular circadian rhythms: Implications for understanding lithium's molecular mechanism. Cell Signal. 2018 04; 44:82-91.
Wei H, Landgraf D, Wang G, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 29331582.
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Association of Polygenic Score for Schizophrenia and HLA Antigen and Inflammation Genes With Response to Lithium in Bipolar Affective Disorder: A Genome-Wide Association Study. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018 01 01; 75(1):65-74.
International Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLi+Gen), Amare AT, Schubert KO, Hou L, Clark SR, Papiol S, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Tekola-Ayele F, Hsu YH, Shekhtman T, Adli M, Akula N, Akiyama K, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Bhattacharjee AK, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Cervantes P, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dalkner N, Dayer A, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Étain B, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisen L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Grof P, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kuo PH, Kato T, Kelsoe J, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, König B, Kusumi I, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Tortorella A, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy S, Colom F, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, O'Donovan C, Ozaki N, Ösby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Maj M, Turecki G, Vieta E, Volkert J, Witt S, Wright A, Zandi PP, Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Baune BT. PMID: 29121268; PMCID: PMC5833535.
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Probing the lithium-response pathway in hiPSCs implicates the phosphoregulatory set-point for a cytoskeletal modulator in bipolar pathogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 05 30; 114(22):E4462-E4471.
Tobe BTD, Crain AM, Winquist AM, Calabrese B, Makihara H, Zhao WN, Lalonde J, Nakamura H, Konopaske G, Sidor M, Pernia CD, Yamashita N, Wada M, Inoue Y, Nakamura F, Sheridan SD, Logan RW, Brandel M, Wu D, Hunsberger J, Dorsett L, Duerr C, Basa RCB, McCarthy MJ, Udeshi ND, Mertins P, Carr SA, Rouleau GA, Mastrangelo L, Li J, Gutierrez GJ, Brill LM, Venizelos N, Chen G, Nye JS, Manji H, Price JH, McClung CA, Akiskal HS, Alda M, Chuang DM, Coyle JT, Liu Y, Teng YD, Ohshima T, Mikoshiba K, Sidman RL, Halpain S, Haggarty SJ, Goshima Y, Snyder EY. PMID: 28500272; PMCID: PMC5465887.
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Dopamine D2 receptors and the circadian clock reciprocally mediate antipsychotic drug-induced metabolic disturbances. NPJ Schizophr. 2017; 3:17.
Freyberg Z, McCarthy MJ. PMID: 28560263; PMCID: PMC5441531.
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Circadian alterations during early stages of Alzheimer's disease are associated with aberrant cycles of DNA methylation in BMAL1. Alzheimers Dement. 2017 Jun; 13(6):689-700.
Cronin P, McCarthy MJ, Lim ASP, Salmon DP, Galasko D, Masliah E, De Jager PL, Bennett DA, Desplats P. PMID: 27883893; PMCID: PMC5785929.
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Caregiving for youth with co-occurring developmental disabilities and behavioral health issues when caregivers face additional health-related stressors: Analysis of risk and protective factors from a national sample. Res Dev Disabil. 2016 Dec; 59:399-409.
McCarthy MJ, Behimer G, Anderson JA, Riddle I. PMID: 27721195.
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Genome-wide association study of 40,000 individuals identifies two novel loci associated with bipolar disorder. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 08 01; 25(15):3383-3394.
Hou L, Bergen SE, Akula N, Song J, Hultman CM, Landén M, Adli M, Alda M, Ardau R, Arias B, Aubry JM, Backlund L, Badner JA, Barrett TB, Bauer M, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Berrettini WH, Bhattacharjee AK, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Bloss CS, Brichant-Petitjean C, Bui ET, Byerley W, Cervantes P, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Colom F, Coryell W, Craig DW, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Davis T, Dayer A, Degenhardt F, Del Zompo M, DePaulo JR, Edenberg HJ, Étain B, Falkai P, Foroud T, Forstner AJ, Frisén L, Frye MA, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Gershon ES, Goes FS, Greenwood TA, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Hauser J, Heilbronner U, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Herms S, Hipolito M, Hitturlingappa S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kelsoe JR, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, Koller DL, König B, Lackner N, Laje G, Lang M, Lavebratt C, Lawson WB, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Liu C, Maaser A, Mahon PB, Maier W, Maj M, Manchia M, Martinsson L, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, McInnis MG, McKinney R, Mitchell PB, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Mühleisen TW, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Novák T, Nurnberger JI, Nwulia EA, Ösby U, Pfennig A, Potash JB, Propping P, Reif A, Reininghaus E, Rice J, Rietschel M, Rouleau GA, Rybakowski JK, Schalling M, Scheftner WA, Schofield PR, Schork NJ, Schulze TG, Schumacher J, Schweizer BW, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Smith EN, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Streit F, Strohmaier J, Szelinger S, Tighe SK, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Vieta E, Volkert J, Witt SH, Wright A, Zandi PP, Zhang P, Zollner S, McMahon FJ. PMID: 27329760; PMCID: PMC5179929.
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Disinhibition of the extracellular-signal-regulated kinase restores the amplification of circadian rhythms by lithium in cells from bipolar disorder patients. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2016 08; 26(8):1310-9.
McCarthy MJ, Wei H, Landgraf D, Le Roux MJ, Welsh DK. PMID: 27216486.
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The Pharmacogenomics of Bipolar Disorder study (PGBD): identification of genes for lithium response in a prospective sample. BMC Psychiatry. 2016 May 05; 16:129.
Oedegaard KJ, Alda M, Anand A, Andreassen OA, Balaraman Y, Berrettini WH, Bhattacharjee A, Brennand KJ, Burdick KE, Calabrese JR, Calkin CV, Claasen A, Coryell WH, Craig D, DeModena A, Frye M, Gage FH, Gao K, Garnham J, Gershon E, Jakobsen P, Leckband SG, McCarthy MJ, McInnis MG, Maihofer AX, Mertens J, Morken G, Nievergelt CM, Nurnberger J, Pham S, Schoeyen H, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Szelinger S, Tarwater B, Yao J, Zandi PP, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 27150464; PMCID: PMC4857276.
Suicide rates rise sharply in the US, figures show. BMJ. 2016 04 25; 353:i2355.
McCarthy M. PMID: 27112501.
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The mood stabilizer valproic acid opposes the effects of dopamine on circadian rhythms. Neuropharmacology. 2016 08; 107:262-270.
Landgraf D, Joiner WJ, McCarthy MJ, Kiessling S, Barandas R, Young JW, Cermakian N, Welsh DK. PMID: 27033596.
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Genetic variants associated with response to lithium treatment in bipolar disorder: a genome-wide association study. Lancet. 2016 Mar 12; 387(10023):1085-1093.
Hou L, Heilbronner U, Degenhardt F, Adli M, Akiyama K, Akula N, Ardau R, Arias B, Backlund L, Banzato CEM, Benabarre A, Bengesser S, Bhattacharjee AK, Biernacka JM, Birner A, Brichant-Petitjean C, Bui ET, Cervantes P, Chen GB, Chen HC, Chillotti C, Cichon S, Clark SR, Colom F, Cousins DA, Cruceanu C, Czerski PM, Dantas CR, Dayer A, Étain B, Falkai P, Forstner AJ, Frisén L, Fullerton JM, Gard S, Garnham JS, Goes FS, Grof P, Gruber O, Hashimoto R, Hauser J, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Hofmann A, Jamain S, Jiménez E, Kahn JP, Kassem L, Kittel-Schneider S, Kliwicki S, König B, Kusumi I, Lackner N, Laje G, Landén M, Lavebratt C, Leboyer M, Leckband SG, Jaramillo CAL, MacQueen G, Manchia M, Martinsson L, Mattheisen M, McCarthy MJ, McElroy SL, Mitjans M, Mondimore FM, Monteleone P, Nievergelt CM, Nöthen MM, Ösby U, Ozaki N, Perlis RH, Pfennig A, Reich-Erkelenz D, Rouleau GA, Schofield PR, Schubert KO, Schweizer BW, Seemüller F, Severino G, Shekhtman T, Shilling PD, Shimoda K, Simhandl C, Slaney CM, Smoller JW, Squassina A, Stamm T, Stopkova P, Tighe SK, Tortorella A, Turecki G, Volkert J, Witt S, Wright A, Young LT, Zandi PP, Potash JB, DePaulo JR, Bauer M, Reininghaus EZ, Novák T, Aubry JM, Maj M, Baune BT, Mitchell PB, Vieta E, Frye MA, Rybakowski JK, Kuo PH, Kato T, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Reif A, Del Zompo M, Bellivier F, Schalling M, Wray NR, Kelsoe JR, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG. PMID: 26806518; PMCID: PMC4814312.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Circadian Clocks as Modulators of Metabolic Comorbidity in Psychiatric Disorders. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2015 Dec; 17(12):98.
Barandas R, Landgraf D, McCarthy MJ, Welsh DK. PMID: 26483181.
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Erratum: Differential responses to lithium in hyperexcitable neurons from patients with bipolar disorder. Nature. 2016 Feb 11; 530(7589):242.
Mertens J, Wang QW, Kim Y, Yu DX, Pham S, Yang B, Zheng Y, Diffenderfer KE, Zhang J, Soltani S, Eames T, Schafer ST, Boyer L, Marchetto MC, Nurnberger JI, Calabrese JR, Oedegaard KJ, McCarthy MJ, Zandi PP, Alda M, Nievergelt CM, Pharmacogenomics of Bipolar Disorder Study, Mi S, Brennand KJ, Kelsoe JR, Gage FH, Yao J. PMID: 26605530.
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Differential responses to lithium in hyperexcitable neurons from patients with bipolar disorder. Nature. 2015 Nov 05; 527(7576):95-9.
Mertens J, Wang QW, Kim Y, Yu DX, Pham S, Yang B, Zheng Y, Diffenderfer KE, Zhang J, Soltani S, Eames T, Schafer ST, Boyer L, Marchetto MC, Nurnberger JI, Calabrese JR, Ødegaard KJ, McCarthy MJ, Zandi PP, Alda M, Alba M, Nievergelt CM, Pharmacogenomics of Bipolar Disorder Study, Mi S, Brennand KJ, Kelsoe JR, Gage FH, Yao J. PMID: 26524527; PMCID: PMC4742055.
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268 Fields:
Calcium channel genes associated with bipolar disorder modulate lithium's amplification of circadian rhythms. Neuropharmacology. 2016 Feb; 101:439-48.
McCarthy MJ, Le Roux MJ, Wei H, Beesley S, Kelsoe JR, Welsh DK. PMID: 26476274; PMCID: PMC4681663.
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Only 30% of Americans with HIV have virus in check, finds report. BMJ. 2014 Nov 27; 349:g7329.
McCarthy M. PMID: 25429969.
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Circadian clock and stress interactions in the molecular biology of psychiatric disorders. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2014 Oct; 16(10):483.
Landgraf D, McCarthy MJ, Welsh DK. PMID: 25135782.
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Whole brain expression of bipolar disorder associated genes: structural and genetic analyses. PLoS One. 2014; 9(6):e100204.
McCarthy MJ, Liang S, Spadoni AD, Kelsoe JR, Simmons AN. PMID: 24941232; PMCID: PMC4062532.
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Towards the clinical implementation of pharmacogenetics in bipolar disorder. BMC Med. 2014 May 30; 12:90.
Salloum NC, McCarthy MJ, Leckband SG, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 24885933; PMCID: PMC4039055.
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Oxidative stress: a link between cardiovascular disease and psychiatric illness? Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2014 Sep; 130(3):161-2.
McCarthy MJ. PMID: 24660876.
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The role of the circadian clock in animal models of mood disorders. Behav Neurosci. 2014 Jun; 128(3):344-59.
Landgraf D, McCarthy MJ, Welsh DK. PMID: 24660657.
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Circadian clocks, brain function, and development. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2013 Dec; 1306:43-67.
Frank E, Sidor MM, Gamble KL, Cirelli C, Sharkey KM, Hoyle N, Tikotzky L, Talbot LS, McCarthy MJ, Hasler BP. PMID: 24329517.
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Genetic and clinical factors predict lithium's effects on PER2 gene expression rhythms in cells from bipolar disorder patients. Transl Psychiatry. 2013 Oct 22; 3:e318.
McCarthy MJ, Wei H, Marnoy Z, Darvish RM, McPhie DL, Cohen BM, Welsh DK. PMID: 24150227; PMCID: PMC3818008.
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Circadian clock period inversely correlates with illness severity in cells from patients with alcohol use disorders. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013 Aug; 37(8):1304-10.
McCarthy MJ, Fernandes M, Kranzler HR, Covault JM, Welsh DK. PMID: 23550834; PMCID: PMC3706548.
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Adjunctive agomelatine therapy in the treatment of acute bipolar II depression: a preliminary open label study. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2013; 9:243-51.
Fornaro M, McCarthy MJ, De Berardis D, De Pasquale C, Tabaton M, Martino M, Colicchio S, Cattaneo CI, D'Angelo E, Fornaro P. PMID: 23430979; PMCID: PMC3575211.
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Cellular circadian clocks in mood disorders. J Biol Rhythms. 2012 Oct; 27(5):339-52.
McCarthy MJ, Welsh DK. PMID: 23010657.
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A survey of genomic studies supports association of circadian clock genes with bipolar disorder spectrum illnesses and lithium response. PLoS One. 2012; 7(2):e32091.
McCarthy MJ, Nievergelt CM, Kelsoe JR, Welsh DK. PMID: 22384149; PMCID: PMC3285204.
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CREB involvement in the regulation of striatal prodynorphin by nicotine. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2012 May; 221(1):143-53.
McCarthy MJ, Duchemin AM, Neff NH, Hadjiconstantinou M. PMID: 22086359.
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The eyes are the window to the brain: reviewing oculomotor abnormalities in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2011 Aug; 124(2):85-6.
McCarthy MJ. PMID: 21740402; PMCID: PMC6512963.
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Desensitization of δ-opioid receptors in nucleus accumbens during nicotine withdrawal. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2011 Feb; 213(4):735-44.
McCarthy MJ, Zhang H, Neff NH, Hadjiconstantinou M. PMID: 20941594.
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Pharmacogenetics of lithium response in bipolar disorder. Pharmacogenomics. 2010 Oct; 11(10):1439-65.
McCarthy MJ, Leckband SG, Kelsoe JR. PMID: 21047205.
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Nicotine withdrawal and kappa-opioid receptors. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2010 Jun; 210(2):221-9.
McCarthy MJ, Zhang H, Neff NH, Hadjiconstantinou M. PMID: 19806344.
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Allele specific analysis of the ADRBK2 gene in lymphoblastoid cells from bipolar disorder patients. J Psychiatr Res. 2010 Mar; 44(4):201-8.
McCarthy MJ, Barrett TB, Nissen S, Kelsoe JR, Turner EE. PMID: 19766236; PMCID: PMC2830298.
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Internet monitoring of suicide risk in the population. J Affect Disord. 2010 May; 122(3):277-9.
McCarthy MJ. PMID: 19748681; PMCID: PMC2847052.
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