COVID-19 infection is a significant risk factor for death in patients presenting with acute cholecystitis: a secondary analysis of the ChoCO-W cohort study. World J Emerg Surg. 2025 Feb 25; 20(1):16.
De Simone B, Abu-Zidan FM, Kasongo L, Moore EE, Podda M, Sartelli M, Isik A, Bala M, Coimbra R, Balogh ZJ, Rasa K, Marchegiani F, Schena CA, DèAngelis N, Di Martino M, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, Gumbs AA, Biffl WL, Pikoulis E, Pararas N, Chouillard E, ChoCO Collaborative group
, Catena F. PMID: 40001181; PMCID: PMC11853863.
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Indocyanine green fluorescence-guided surgery in the emergency setting: the WSES international consensus position paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2025 Feb 13; 20(1):13.
De Simone B, Abu-Zidan FM, Boni L, Castillo AMG, Cassinotti E, Corradi F, Di Maggio F, Ashraf H, Baiocchi GL, Tarasconi A, Bonafede M, Truong H, De'Angelis N, Diana M, Coimbra R, Balogh ZJ, Chouillard E, Coccolini F, Kelly MD, Di Saverio S, Di Meo G, Isik A, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Moore EE, Pasculli A, Sartelli M, Podda M, Testini M, Wani I, Sakakushev B, Shelat VG, Weber D, Galante JM, Ansaloni L, Agnoletti V, Regimbeau JM, Garulli G, Kirkpatrick AL, Biffl WL, ICG-Fluorescence Guided Emergency Surgery Consensus Participants, Catena F. PMID: 39948641; PMCID: PMC11823064.
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Evidence-based, cost-effective management of acute appendicitis: An algorithm of the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery emergency general surgery algorithms work group. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2025 Feb 03.
Diaz JJ, Napolitano L, Livingston DH, Costantini T, Inaba K, Biffl WL, Winchell R, Salim A, Coimbra R. PMID: 39894950.
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Correction: Surgical stabilization of rib fractures (SSRF): the WSES and CWIS position paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2025 Jan 29; 20(1):8.
Sermonesi G, Bertelli R, Pieracci FM, Balogh ZJ, Coimbra R, Galante JM, Hecker A, Weber D, Bauman ZM, Kartiko S, Patel B, Whitbeck SS, White TW, Harrell KN, Perrina D, Rampini A, Tian B, Amico F, Beka SG, Bonavina L, Ceresoli M, Cobianchi L, Coccolini F, Cui Y, Dal Mas F, De Simone B, Di Carlo I, Saverio SD, Dogjani A, Fette A, Fraga GP, Gomes CA, Khan JS, Kirkpatrick AW, Kruger VF, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Mingoli A, Navarro DC, Passera E, Pisano M, Podda M, Russo E, Sakakushev B, Santonastaso D, Sartelli M, Shelat VG, Tan E, Wani I, Abu-Zidan FM, Biffl WL, Civil I, Latifi R, Marzi I, Picetti E, Pikoulis M, Agnoletti V, Bravi F, Vallicelli C, Ansaloni L, Moore EE, Catena F. PMID: 39881319; PMCID: PMC11776190.
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The diagnosis and management of acute traumatic diaphragmatic injury: A Western Trauma Association clinical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2025 Jan 28.
Schellenberg M, Coimbra R, Croft CA, Fox C, Hartwell J, Keric N, Lorenzo M, Martin MJ, Magee GA, Moore LJ, Privette AR, Schuster KM, Tesoriero R, Weinberg JA, Stein DM. PMID: 39874492.
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Outcomes Comparison of Endovascular and Open Surgical Approaches for Subclavian Arterial Injury: A Nationwide Analysis. Ann Vasc Surg. 2025 Mar; 112:239-245.
Kim M, Firek M, Coimbra BC, Allison-Aipa T, Zakhary B, Kwon J, Coimbra R. PMID: 39732326.
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Penetrating cardiac injuries: What you need to know. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Dec 10.
Parreira JG, Coimbra R. PMID: 39670817.
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Evidence-based, cost-effective management of acute cholecystitis: An algorithm of the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery emergency general surgery algorithms working group. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2025 Jan 01; 98(1):30-35.
Biffl WL, Napolitano L, Weiss L, Rouhi A, Costantini TW, Diaz J, Inaba K, Livingston DH, Salim A, Winchell R, Coimbra R. PMID: 39621447.
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Lung contusion complicated by pneumonia worsens lung injury via the inflammatory effect of alveolar small extracellular vesicles on macrophages and epithelial cells. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2025 Jan 01; 98(1):55-63.
Nakatsutsumi K, Choi W, Johnston W, Pool K, Park DJ, Weaver JL, Coimbra R, Eliceiri B, Costantini TW. PMID: 39621452.
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Western Trauma Association critical decisions in trauma: Damage-control resuscitation. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2025 Feb 01; 98(2):271-276.
Croft CA, Lorenzo M, Coimbra R, Duchesne JC, Fox C, Hartwell J, Holcomb JB, Keric N, Martin MJ, Magee GA, Moore LJ, Privette AR, Schellenberg M, Schuster KM, Tesoriero R, Weinberg JA, Stein DM. PMID: 39865549.
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Adult emergency resuscitative thoracotomy: A Western Trauma Association clinical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Oct 25.
Tesoriero R, Coimbra R, Biffl WL, Burlew CC, Croft CA, Fox C, Hartwell JL, Keric N, Lorenzo M, Martin MJ, Magee GA, Moore LJ, Privette AR, Schellenberg M, Schuster KM, Weinberg JA, Stein DM. PMID: 39451159.
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Surgical stabilization of rib fractures (SSRF): the WSES and CWIS position paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2024 Oct 18; 19(1):33.
Sermonesi G, Bertelli R, Pieracci FM, Balogh ZJ, Coimbra R, Galante JM, Hecker A, Weber D, Bauman ZM, Kartiko S, Patel B, Whitbeck SS, White TW, Harrell KN, Perrina D, Rampini A, Tian B, Amico F, Beka SG, Bonavina L, Ceresoli M, Cobianchi L, Coccolini F, Cui Y, Dal Mas F, De Simone B, Di Carlo I, Di Saverio S, Dogjani A, Fette A, Fraga GP, Gomes CA, Khan JS, Kirkpatrick AW, Kruger VF, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Mingoli A, Navarro DC, Passera E, Pisano M, Podda M, Russo E, Sakakushev B, Santonastaso D, Sartelli M, Shelat VG, Tan E, Wani I, Abu-Zidan FM, Biffl WL, Civil I, Latifi R, Marzi I, Picetti E, Pikoulis M, Agnoletti V, Bravi F, Vallicelli C, Ansaloni L, Moore EE, Catena F. PMID: 39425134; PMCID: PMC11487890.
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1 Fields:
Incidence and Outcomes of Pregnant Trauma Patients With Positive Urine Toxicology: A Southern California Multicenter Study. Am Surg. 2025 Feb; 91(2):259-265.
Clark I, Nahmias J, Jebbia M, Aryan N, Lucas AN, Fierro N, Dhillon NK, Ley EJ, Smith J, Burruss S, Dahan A, Johnson A, Ganske W, Biffl WL, Bayat D, Castelo M, Wintz D, Schaffer KB, Zheng DJ, Tillou A, Coimbra R, Tuli R, Santorelli JE, Emigh B, Schellenberg M, Inaba K, Duncan TK, Diaz G, Tay-Lasso E, Zezoff DC, Grigorian A. PMID: 39392904.
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Publisher Correction: European society for trauma and emergency surgery member-identified research priorities in emergency surgery: a roadmap for future clinical research opportunities. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2024 Oct; 50(5):2627-2628.
Bass GA, Kaplan LJ, Gaarder C, Coimbra R, Klingensmith NJ, Kurihara H, Zago M, Cioffi SPB, Mohseni S, Sugrue M, Tolonen M, Valcarcel CR, Tilsed J, Hildebrand F, Marzi I. PMID: 39172152; PMCID: PMC11599286.
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Trauma care and its financing around the world. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Nov 01; 97(5):e60-e64.
Chao TE, Chu K, Hardcastle TC, Steyn E, Gaarder C, Hsee L, Otomo Y, Vega-Rivera F, Coimbra R, Staudenmayer K. PMID: 39330943.
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The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery: Emergency General Surgery Algorithms Article Series. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Oct 01; 97(4):489.
Coimbra R, Salim A, Diaz J, Biffl WL, Winchell R, Napolitano L, Costantini T, Livingston DH, Inaba K. PMID: 39233333.
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Fat embolism syndrome after trauma: What you need to know. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Oct 01; 97(4):505-513.
Kwon J, Coimbra R. PMID: 39213184.
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Fluid resuscitation in trauma: What you need to know. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2025 Jan 01; 98(1):20-29.
Dhillon NK, Kwon J, Coimbra R. PMID: 39213260.
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Early major fracture care in polytrauma-priorities in the context of concomitant injuries: A Delphi consensus process and systematic review. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Oct 01; 97(4):639-650.
Pfeifer R, Klingebiel FK, Balogh ZJ, Beeres FJP, Coimbra R, Fang C, Giannoudis PV, Hietbrink F, Hildebrand F, Kurihara H, Lustenberger T, Marzi I, Oertel MF, Peralta R, Rajasekaran S, Schemitsch EH, Vallier HA, Zelle BA, Kalbas Y, Pape HC,
for the
IMPACT group—I
. PMID: 39085995; PMCID: PMC11446538.
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Strategies to prevent blood loss and reduce transfusion in emergency general surgery, WSES-AAST consensus paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2024 Jul 16; 19(1):26.
Coccolini F, Shander A, Ceresoli M, Moore E, Tian B, Parini D, Sartelli M, Sakakushev B, Doklestich K, Abu-Zidan F, Horer T, Shelat V, Hardcastle T, Bignami E, Kirkpatrick A, Weber D, Kryvoruchko I, Leppaniemi A, Tan E, Kessel B, Isik A, Cremonini C, Forfori F, Ghiadoni L, Chiarugi M, Ball C, Ottolino P, Hecker A, Mariani D, Melai E, Malbrain M, Agostini V, Podda M, Picetti E, Kluger Y, Rizoli S, Litvin A, Maier R, Beka SG, De Simone B, Bala M, Perez AM, Ordonez C, Bodnaruk Z, Cui Y, Calatayud AP, de Angelis N, Amico F, Pikoulis E, Damaskos D, Coimbra R, Chirica M, Biffl WL, Catena F. PMID: 39010099; PMCID: PMC11251377.
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Intra-abdominal infections survival guide: a position statement by the Global Alliance For Infections In Surgery. World J Emerg Surg. 2024 Jun 08; 19(1):22.
Sartelli M, Barie P, Agnoletti V, Al-Hasan MN, Ansaloni L, Biffl W, Buonomo L, Blot S, Cheadle WG, Coimbra R, De Simone B, Duane TM, Fugazzola P, Giamarellou H, Hardcastle TC, Hecker A, Inaba K, Kirkpatrick AW, Labricciosa FM, Leone M, Martin-Loeches I, Maier RV, Marwah S, Maves RC, Mingoli A, Montravers P, Ordóñez CA, Palmieri M, Podda M, Rello J, Sawyer RG, Sganga G, Tattevin P, Thapaliya D, Tessier J, Tolonen M, Ulrych J, Vallicelli C, Watkins RR, Catena F, Coccolini F. PMID: 38851700; PMCID: PMC11161965.
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The 2023 WSES guidelines on the management of trauma in elderly and frail patients. World J Emerg Surg. 2024 05 31; 19(1):18.
De Simone B, Chouillard E, Podda M, Pararas N, de Carvalho Duarte G, Fugazzola P, Birindelli A, Coccolini F, Polistena A, Sibilla MG, Kruger V, Fraga GP, Montori G, Russo E, Pintar T, Ansaloni L, Avenia N, Di Saverio S, Leppäniemi A, Lauretta A, Sartelli M, Puzziello A, Carcoforo P, Agnoletti V, Bissoni L, Isik A, Kluger Y, Moore EE, Romeo OM, Abu-Zidan FM, Beka SG, Weber DG, Tan ECTH, Paolillo C, Cui Y, Kim F, Picetti E, Di Carlo I, Toro A, Sganga G, Sganga F, Testini M, Di Meo G, Kirkpatrick AW, Marzi I, déAngelis N, Kelly MD, Wani I, Sakakushev B, Bala M, Bonavina L, Galante JM, Shelat VG, Cobianchi L, Mas FD, Pikoulis M, Damaskos D, Coimbra R, Dhesi J, Hoffman MR, Stahel PF, Maier RV, Litvin A, Latifi R, Biffl WL, Catena F. PMID: 38816766; PMCID: PMC11140935.
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Goodbye Hartmann trial: a prospective, international, multicenter, observational study on the current use of a surgical procedure developed a century ago. World J Emerg Surg. 2024 04 16; 19(1):14.
Perrone G, Giuffrida M, Abu-Zidan F, Kruger VF, Livrini M, Petracca GL, Rossi G, Tarasconi A, Tian BWCA, Bonati E, Mentz R, Mazzini FN, Campana JP, Gasser E, Kafka-Ritsch R, Felsenreich DM, Dawoud C, Riss S, Gomes CA, Gomes FC, Gonzaga RAT, Canton CAB, Pereira BM, Fraga GP, Zem LG, Cordeiro-Fonseca V, de Mesquita Tauil R, Atanasov B, Belev N, Kovachev N, Meléndez LJJ, Dimova A, Dimov S, Zelic Z, Augustin G, Bogdanic B, Moric T, Chouillard E, Bajul M, De Simone B, Panis Y, Esposito F, Notarnicola M, Lauka L, Fabbri A, Hentati H, Fnaiech I, Aurélien V, Bougard M, Roulet M, Demetrashvili Z, Pipia I, Merabishvili G, Bouliaris K, Koukoulis G, Doudakmanis C, Xenaki S, Chrysos E, Kokkinakis S, Vassiliu P, Michalopoulos N, Margaris I, Kechagias A, Avgerinos K, Katunin J, Lostoridis E, Nagorni EA, Pujante A, Mulita F, Maroulis I, Vailas M, Marinis A, Siannis I, Bourbouteli E, Manatakis DK, Tasis N, Acheimastos V, Maria S, Stylianos K, Kuzeridis H, Korkolis D, Fradelos E, Kavalieratos G, Petropoulou T, Polydorou A, Papacostantinou I, Triantafyllou T, Kimpizi D, Theodorou D, Toutouzas K, Chamzin A, Frountzas M, Schizas D, Karavokyros I, Syllaios A, Charalabopoulos A, Boura M, Baili E, Ioannidis O, Loutzidou L, Anestiadou E, Tsouknidas I, Petrakis G, Polenta E, Bains L, Gupta R, Singh SK, Khanduri A, Bala M, Kedar A, Pisano M, Podda M, Pisanu A, Martines G, Trigiante G, Lantone G, Agrusa A, Di Buono G, Buscemi S, Veroux M, Gioco R, Veroux G, Oragano L, Zonta S, Lovisetto F, Feo CV, Pesce A, Fabbri N, Lantone G, Marino F, Perrone F, Vincenti L, Papagni V, Picciariello A, Rossi S, Picardi B, Del Monte SR, Visconti D, Osella G, Petruzzelli L, Pignata G, Andreuccetti J, D'Alessio R, Buonfantino M, Guaitoli E, Spinelli S, Sampietro GM, Corbellini C, Lorusso L, Frontali A, Pezzoli I, Bonomi A, Chierici A, Cotsoglou C, Manca G, Delvecchio A, Musa N, Casati M, Letizia L, Abate E, Ercolani G, D'Acapito F, Solaini L, Guercioni G, Cicconi S, Sasia D, Borghi F, Giraudo G, Sena G, Castaldo P, Cardamone E, Portale G, Zuin M, Spolverato Y, Esposito M, Isernia RM, Di Salvo M, Manunza R, Esposito G, Agus M, Asti ELG, Bernardi DT, Tonucci TP, Luppi D, Casadei M, Bonilauri S, Pezzolla A, Panebianco A, Laforgia R, De Luca M, Zese M, Parini D, Jovine E, De Sario G, Lombardi R, Aprea G, Palomba G, Capuano M, Argenio G, Orio G, Armellino MF, Troian M, Guerra M, Nagliati C, Biloslavo A, Germani P, Aizza G, Monsellato I, Chahrour AC, Anania G, Bombardini C, Bagolini F, Sganga G, Fransvea P, Bianchi V, Boati P, Ferrara F, Palmieri F, Cianci P, Gattulli D, Restini E, Cillara N, Cannavera A, Nita GE, Sarnari J, Roscio F, Clerici F, Scandroglio I, Berti S, Cadeo A, Filippelli A, Conti L, Grassi C, Cattaneo GM, Pighin M, Papis D, Gambino G, Bertino V, Schifano D, Prando D, Fogato L, Cavallo F, Ansaloni L, Picheo R, Pontarolo N, Depalma N, Spampinato M, D'Ugo S, Lepre L, Capponi MG, Campa RD, Sarro G, Dinuzzi VP, Olmi S, Uccelli M, Ferrari D, Inama M, Moretto G, Fontana M, Favi F, Picariello E, Rampini A, Barberis A, Azzinnaro A, Oliva A, Totaro L, Benzoni I, Ranieri V, Capolupo GT, Carannante F, Caricato M, Ronconi M, Casiraghi S, Casole G, Pantalone D, Alemanno G, Scheiterle M, Ceresoli M, Cereda M, Fumagalli C, Zanzi F, Bolzon S, Guerra E, Lecchi F, Cellerino P, Ardito A, Scaramuzzo R, Balla A, Lepiane P, Tartaglia N, Ambrosi A, Pavone G, Palini GM, Veneroni S, Garulli G, Ricci C, Torre B, Russo IS, Rottoli M, Tanzanu M, Belvedere A, Milone M, Manigrasso M, De Palma GD, Piccoli M, Pattacini GC, Magnone S, Bertoli P, Pisano M, Massucco P, Palisi M, Luzzi AP, Fleres F, Clarizia G, Spolini A, Kobe Y, Toma T, Shimamura F, Parker R, Ranketi S, Mitei M, Svagzdys S, Pauzas H, Zilinskas J, Poskus T, Kryzauskas M, Jakubauskas M, Zakaria AD, Zakaria Z, Wong MP, Jusoh AC, Zakaria MN, Cruz DR, Elizalde ABR, Reynaud AB, Hernandez EEL, Monroy JMVP, Hinojosa-Ugarte D, Quiodettis M, Du Bois ME, Latorraca J, Major P, Pedziwiatr M, Pisarska-Adamczyk M, Waledziak M, et al. PMID: 38627831; PMCID: PMC11020610.
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HumansPHPublic Health
European society for trauma and emergency surgery member-identified research priorities in emergency surgery: a roadmap for future clinical research opportunities. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2024 Apr; 50(2):367-382.
Bass GA, Kaplan LJ, Gaarder C, Coimbra R, Klingensmith NJ, Kurihara H, Zago M, Cioffi SPB, Mohseni S, Sugrue M, Tolonen M, Valcarcel CR, Tilsed J, Hildebrand F, Marzi I. PMID: 38411700; PMCID: PMC11035411.
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Prostaglandin E-major urinary metabolites as a new biomarker for acute mesenteric ischemia. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Jun 01; 96(6):909-914.
Suzuki K, Morishita K, Adachi T, Suekane A, Nakatsutsumi K, Teeratakulpisarn P, Kojima M, Coimbra R, Otomo Y. PMID: 38315046.
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Early management of adult traumatic spinal cord injury in patients with polytrauma: a consensus and clinical recommendations jointly developed by the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) & the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS). World J Emerg Surg. 2024 01 18; 19(1):4.
Picetti E, Demetriades AK, Catena F, Aarabi B, Abu-Zidan FM, Alves OL, Ansaloni L, Armonda RA, Badenes R, Bala M, Balogh ZJ, Barbanera A, Bertuccio A, Biffl WL, Bouzat P, Buki A, Castano-Leon AM, Cerasti D, Citerio G, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Coniglio C, Costa F, De Iure F, Depreitere B, Fainardi E, Fehlings MJ, Gabrovsky N, Godoy DA, Gruen P, Gupta D, Hawryluk GWJ, Helbok R, Hossain I, Hutchinson PJ, Iaccarino C, Inaba K, Ivanov M, Kaprovoy S, Kirkpatrick AW, Klein S, Kolias A, Konovalov NA, Lagares A, Lippa L, Loza-Gomez A, Luoto TM, Maas AIR, Maciejczak A, Maier RV, Marklund N, Martin MJ, Melloni I, Mendoza-Lattes S, Meyfroidt G, Munari M, Napolitano LM, Okonkwo DO, Otomo Y, Papadopoulos MC, Petr O, Peul WC, Pudkrong AK, Qasim Z, Rasulo F, Reizinho C, Ringel F, Rizoli S, Rostami E, Rubiano AM, Russo E, Sarwal A, Schwab JM, Servadei F, Sharma D, Sharif S, Shiban E, Shutter L, Stahel PF, Taccone FS, Terpolilli NA, Thomé C, Toth P, Tsitsopoulos PP, Udy A, Vaccaro AR, Varon AJ, Vavilala MS, Younsi A, Zackova M, Zoerle T, Robba C. PMID: 38238783; PMCID: PMC10795357.
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Does frailty impact failure-to-rescue in geriatric trauma patients? J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 May 01; 96(5):708-714.
Kojima M, Morishita K, Shoko T, Zakhary B, Costantini T, Haines L, Coimbra R. PMID: 38196096.
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Significant variation in computed tomography imaging of pregnant trauma patients: a retrospective multicenter study. Emerg Radiol. 2024 Feb; 31(1):53-61.
Lucas AN, Tay-Lasso E, Zezoff DC, Fierro N, Dhillon NK, Ley EJ, Smith J, Burruss S, Dahan A, Johnson A, Ganske W, Biffl WL, Bayat D, Castelo M, Wintz D, Schaffer KB, Zheng DJ, Tillou A, Coimbra R, Tuli R, Santorelli JE, Emigh B, Schellenberg M, Inaba K, Duncan TK, Diaz G, Kirby KA, Nahmias J. PMID: 38150084; PMCID: PMC10830714.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Antibiotic prophylaxis in trauma: Global Alliance for Infection in Surgery, Surgical Infection Society Europe, World Surgical Infection Society, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, and World Society of Emergency Surgery guidelines. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Apr 01; 96(4):674-682.
Coccolini F, Sartelli M, Sawyer R, Rasa K, Ceresoli M, Viaggi B, Catena F, Damaskos D, Cicuttin E, Cremonini C, Moore EE, Biffl WL, Coimbra R. PMID: 38108632.
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Declaration on infection prevention and management in global surgery. World J Emerg Surg. 2023 12 06; 18(1):56.
Sartelli M, Coccolini F, Ansaloni L, Biffl WL, Blake DP, Boermeester MA, Coimbra R, Evans HL, Ferrada P, Gkiokas G, Jeschke MG, Hardcastle T, Hinson C, Labricciosa FM, Marwah S, Marttos AC, Quiodettis M, Rasa K, Ren J, Rubio-Perez I, Sawyer R, Shelat V, Upperman JS, Catena F. PMID: 38057900; PMCID: PMC10702029.
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Correction: ECLAPTE: Effective Closure of LAParoTomy in Emergency-2023 World Society of Emergency Surgery guidelines for the closure of laparotomy in emergency settings. World J Emerg Surg. 2023 Nov 27; 18(1):52.
Frassini S, Cobianchi L, Fugazzola P, Biffl WL, Coccolini F, Damaskos D, Moore EE, Kluger Y, Ceresoli M, Coimbra R, Davies J, Kirkpatrick A, Di Carlo I, Hardcastle TC, Isik A, Chiarugi M, Gurusamy K, Maier RV, Segovia Lohse HA, Jeekel H, Boermeester MA, Abu-Zidan F, Inaba K, Weber DG, Augustin G, Bonavina L, Velmahos G, Sartelli M, Di Saverio S, Ten Broek RPG, Granieri S, Dal Mas F, Farè CN, Peverada J, Zanghì S, Viganò J, Tomasoni M, Dominioni T, Cicuttin E, Hecker A, Tebala GD, Galante JM, Wani I, Khokha V, Sugrue M, Scalea TM, Tan E, Malangoni MA, Pararas N, Podda M, De Simone B, Ivatury R, Cui Y, Kashuk J, Peitzman A, Kim F, Pikoulis E, Sganga G, Chiara O, Kelly MD, Marzi I, Picetti E, Agnoletti V, De'Angelis N, Campanelli G, de Moya M, Litvin A, Martínez-Pérez A, Sall I, Rizoli S, Tomadze G, Sakakushev B, Stahel PF, Civil I, Shelat V, Costa D, Chichom-Mefire A, Latifi R, Chirica M, Amico F, Pardhan A, Seenarain V, Boyapati N, Hatz B, Ackermann T, Abeyasundara S, Fenton L, Plani F, Sarvepalli R, Rouhbakhshfar O, Caleo P, Ho-Ching Yau V, Clement K, Christou E, Castillo AMG, Gosal PKS, Balasubramaniam S, Hsu J, Banphawatanarak K, Pisano M, Toro A, Michele A, Cioffi SPB, Spota A, Catena F, Ansaloni L. PMID: 38012756; PMCID: PMC10683098.
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A heterogenous population of extracellular vesicles mobilize to the alveoli postinjury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Mar 01; 96(3):371-377.
Costantini TW, Park DJ, Johnston W, Nakatsutsumi K, Kezios J, Weaver JL, Coimbra R, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 37880828; PMCID: PMC10922252.
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The intersection of coagulation activation and inflammation after injury: What you need to know. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Mar 01; 96(3):347-356.
Costantini TW, Kornblith LZ, Pritts T, Coimbra R. PMID: 37962222; PMCID: PMC11001294.
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Extremity vascular injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Feb 01; 96(2):265-269.
Fox CJ, Feliciano DV, Hartwell JL, Ley EJ, Coimbra R, Schellenberg M, de Moya M, Moore LJ, Brown CVR, Inaba K, Keric N, Peck KA, Rosen NG, Weinberg JA, Martin MJ. PMID: 37926992.
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When is it safe to start venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after blunt solid organ injury? A prospective American Association for the Surgery of Trauma multi-institutional trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Feb 01; 96(2):209-215.
Schellenberg M, Owattanapanich N, Emigh B, Van Gent JM, Egodage T, Murphy PB, Ball CG, Spencer AL, Vogt KN, Keeley JA, Doris S, Beiling M, Donnelly M, Ghneim M, Schroeppel T, Bradford J, Breinholt CS, Coimbra R, Berndtson AE, Anding C, Charles MS, Rieger W, Inaba K, AAST VTE Prophylaxis Study Group. PMID: 37872669.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Adult blunt hepatic injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 01 01; 96(1):123-128.
Keric N, Shatz DV, Schellenberg M, de Moya M, Moore LJ, Brown CVR, Hartwell JL, Inaba K, Ley EJ, Peck KA, Fox CJ, Rosen NG, Weinberg JA, Coimbra R, Kozar R, Martin MJ. PMID: 37747241.
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2023 WSES guidelines for the prevention, detection, and management of iatrogenic urinary tract injuries (IUTIs) during emergency digestive surgery. World J Emerg Surg. 2023 09 09; 18(1):45.
de'Angelis N, Schena CA, Marchegiani F, Reitano E, De Simone B, Wong GYM, Martínez-Pérez A, Abu-Zidan FM, Agnoletti V, Aisoni F, Ammendola M, Ansaloni L, Bala M, Biffl W, Ceccarelli G, Ceresoli M, Chiara O, Chiarugi M, Cimbanassi S, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Di Saverio S, Diana M, Dioguardi Burgio M, Fraga G, Gavriilidis P, Gurrado A, Inchingolo R, Ingels A, Ivatury R, Kashuk JL, Khan J, Kirkpatrick AW, Kim FJ, Kluger Y, Lakkis Z, Leppäniemi A, Maier RV, Memeo R, Moore EE, Ordoñez CA, Peitzman AB, Pellino G, Picetti E, Pikoulis M, Pisano M, Podda M, Romeo O, Rosa F, Tan E, Ten Broek RP, Testini M, Tian Wei Cheng BA, Weber D, Sacco E, Sartelli M, Tonsi A, Dal Moro F, Catena F. PMID: 37689688; PMCID: PMC10492308.
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Emergency general surgery verification: Quality improvement and the case for optimal resources and process standards. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 01 01; 96(1):e1-e4.
Coleman JJ, Davis KA, Savage SA, Staudenmayer K, Coimbra R. PMID: 37678150.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Predictors of fetal delivery in pregnant trauma patients: A multicenter study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 01 01; 96(1):109-115.
Santos JW, Grigorian A, Lucas AN, Fierro N, Dhillon NK, Ley EJ, Smith J, Burruss S, Dahan A, Johnson A, Ganske W, Biffl WL, Bayat D, Castelo M, Wintz D, Schaffer KB, Zheng DJ, Tillou A, Coimbra R, Tuli R, Santorelli JE, Emigh B, Schellenberg M, Inaba K, Duncan TK, Diaz G, Tay-Lasso E, Zezoff DC, Nahmias J. PMID: 37580875.
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ECLAPTE: Effective Closure of LAParoTomy in Emergency-2023 World Society of Emergency Surgery guidelines for the closure of laparotomy in emergency settings. World J Emerg Surg. 2023 07 26; 18(1):42.
Frassini S, Cobianchi L, Fugazzola P, Biffl WL, Coccolini F, Damaskos D, Moore EE, Kluger Y, Ceresoli M, Coimbra R, Davies J, Kirkpatrick A, Di Carlo I, Hardcastle TC, Isik A, Chiarugi M, Gurusamy K, Maier RV, Segovia Lohse HA, Jeekel H, Boermeester MA, Abu-Zidan F, Inaba K, Weber DG, Augustin G, Bonavina L, Velmahos G, Sartelli M, Di Saverio S, Ten Broek RPG, Granieri S, Dal Mas F, Farè CN, Peverada J, Zanghì S, Viganò J, Tomasoni M, Dominioni T, Cicuttin E, Hecker A, Tebala GD, Galante JM, Wani I, Khokha V, Sugrue M, Scalea TM, Tan E, Malangoni MA, Pararas N, Podda M, De Simone B, Ivatury R, Cui Y, Kashuk J, Peitzman A, Kim F, Pikoulis E, Sganga G, Chiara O, Kelly MD, Marzi I, Picetti E, Agnoletti V, De'Angelis N, Campanelli G, de Moya M, Litvin A, Martínez-Pérez A, Sall I, Rizoli S, Tomadze G, Sakakushev B, Stahel PF, Civil I, Shelat V, Costa D, Chichom-Mefire A, Latifi R, Chirica M, Amico F, Pardhan A, Seenarain V, Boyapati N, Hatz B, Ackermann T, Abeyasundara S, Fenton L, Plani F, Sarvepalli R, Rouhbakhshfar O, Caleo P, Ho-Ching Yau V, Clement K, Christou E, Castillo AMG, Gosal PKS, Balasubramaniam S, Hsu J, Banphawatanarak K, Pisano M, Adriana T, Michele A, Cioffi SPB, Spota A, Catena F, Ansaloni L. PMID: 37496068; PMCID: PMC10373269.
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6 Fields:
Management of complicated diaphragmatic hernia in the acute setting: a WSES position paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2023 07 26; 18(1):43.
Giuffrida M, Perrone G, Abu-Zidan F, Agnoletti V, Ansaloni L, Baiocchi GL, Bendinelli C, Biffl WL, Bonavina L, Bravi F, Carcoforo P, Ceresoli M, Chichom-Mefire A, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, de'Angelis N, de Moya M, De Simone B, Di Saverio S, Fraga GP, Galante J, Ivatury R, Kashuk J, Kelly MD, Kirkpatrick AW, Kluger Y, Koike K, Leppaniemi A, Maier RV, Moore EE, Peitzmann A, Sakakushev B, Sartelli M, Sugrue M, Tian BWCA, Broek RT, Vallicelli C, Wani I, Weber DG, Docimo G, Catena F. PMID: 37496073; PMCID: PMC10373334.
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11 Fields:
Source control in emergency general surgery: WSES, GAIS, SIS-E, SIS-A guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2023 07 21; 18(1):41.
Coccolini F, Sartelli M, Sawyer R, Rasa K, Viaggi B, Abu-Zidan F, Soreide K, Hardcastle T, Gupta D, Bendinelli C, Ceresoli M, Shelat VG, Broek RT, Baiocchi GL, Moore EE, Sall I, Podda M, Bonavina L, Kryvoruchko IA, Stahel P, Inaba K, Montravers P, Sakakushev B, Sganga G, Ballestracci P, Malbrain MLNG, Vincent JL, Pikoulis M, Beka SG, Doklestic K, Chiarugi M, Falcone M, Bignami E, Reva V, Demetrashvili Z, Di Saverio S, Tolonen M, Navsaria P, Bala M, Balogh Z, Litvin A, Hecker A, Wani I, Fette A, De Simone B, Ivatury R, Picetti E, Khokha V, Tan E, Ball C, Tascini C, Cui Y, Coimbra R, Kelly M, Martino C, Agnoletti V, Boermeester MA, De'Angelis N, Chirica M, Biffl WL, Ansaloni L, Kluger Y, Catena F, Kirkpatrick AW. PMID: 37480129; PMCID: PMC10362628.
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8 Fields:
Use of Tranexamic Acid With Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta is Associated With Higher Distal Embolism Rates: Results From the American Association of Surgery for Trauma Aortic Occlusion and Resuscitation for Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Trial. Am Surg. 2023 Oct; 89(10):4208-4217.
Shaw J, Zakhary B, Coimbra R, Moore L, Scalea T, Kundi R, Teeter W, Romagnoli A, Moore E, Sauaia A, Dennis B, Brenner M. PMID: 37431165.
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Diagnosis and management of traumatic rectal injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 11 01; 95(5):731-736.
Schellenberg M, Koller S, de Moya M, Moore LJ, Brown CVR, Hartwell JL, Inaba K, Ley EJ, Keric N, Peck KA, Fox CJ, Rosen NG, Weinberg JA, Coimbra R, Martin MJ. PMID: 37405856.
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The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery position on the issue of disclosure of conflict of interests by authors of scientific manuscripts. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 07 01; 95(1):1-3.
Biffl WL, Stein DM, Livingston DH, Winchell RJ, Diaz JJ, Albrecht R, Brasel KJ, Burlew CC, Costantini TW, Dicker RA, Inaba K, Kozar RA, Nance ML, Napolitano LM, Salim A, Santry HP, Valadka AB, Wolinsky P, Zarzaur B, Coimbra R. PMID: 37246300.
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Pediatric emergency resuscitative thoracotomy: A Western Trauma Association, Pediatric Trauma Society, and Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma collaborative critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 10 01; 95(4):583-591.
Martin MJ, Brasel KJ, Brown CVR, Hartwell JL, de Moya M, Inaba K, Ley EJ, Moore EE, Peck KA, Rizzo AG, Rosen NG, Weinberg JA, Coimbra R, Crandall M, Mukherjee K, Ignacio R, Longshore S, Flynn-O'Brien KT, Ng G, Selesner L, Jafri M. PMID: 37337331.
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Outcomes for advanced aged (35 and older) versus younger aged pregnant trauma patients: A multicenter study. Am J Surg. 2023 12; 226(6):798-802.
Aryan N, Grigorian A, Lucas AN, Tay-Lasso E, Zezoff DC, Fierro N, Dhillon NK, Ley EJ, Smith J, Dahan A, Johnson A, Ganske W, Biffl WL, Bayat D, Castelo M, Wintz D, Schaffer KB, Zheng DJ, Tillou A, Coimbra R, Santorelli JE, Schellenberg M, Inaba K, Emigh B, Duncan TK, Diaz G, Burruss S, Tuli R, Nahmias J. PMID: 37355376.
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WSES consensus guidelines on sigmoid volvulus management. World J Emerg Surg. 2023 05 15; 18(1):34.
Tian BWCA, Vigutto G, Tan E, van Goor H, Bendinelli C, Abu-Zidan F, Ivatury R, Sakakushev B, Di Carlo I, Sganga G, Maier RV, Coimbra R, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Damaskos D, Broek RT, Biffl W, Di Saverio S, De Simone B, Ceresoli M, Picetti E, Galante J, Tebala GD, Beka SG, Bonavina L, Cui Y, Khan J, Cicuttin E, Amico F, Kenji I, Hecker A, Ansaloni L, Sartelli M, Moore EE, Kluger Y, Testini M, Weber D, Agnoletti V, Angelis ND, Coccolini F, Sall I, Catena F. PMID: 37189134; PMCID: PMC10186802.
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14 Fields:
The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma-European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery Emergency Surgery Course: Initial experience in Japan. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 08 01; 95(2):e3-e5.
Morishita K, Coimbra R, Ito K, Otomo Y. PMID: 37125818.
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The new timing in acute care surgery (new TACS) classification: a WSES Delphi consensus study. World J Emerg Surg. 2023 04 28; 18(1):32.
De Simone B, Kluger Y, Moore EE, Sartelli M, Abu-Zidan FM, Coccolini F, Ansaloni L, Tebala GD, Di Saverio S, Di Carlo I, Sakakushev BE, Bonavina L, Sugrue M, Galante JM, Ivatury R, Picetti E, Chirica M, Wani I, Bala M, Sall I, Kirkpatrick AW, Shelat VG, Pikoulis E, Leppäniemi A, Tan E, Broek RPGT, Gurmu Beka S, Litvin A, Chouillard E, Coimbra R, Cui Y, De' Angelis N, Sganga G, Stahel PF, Agnoletti V, Rampini A, WSES TACS panel of experts, Testini M, Bravi F, Maier RV, Biffl WL, Catena F. PMID: 37118816; PMCID: PMC10147354.
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6 Fields:
Correction: Early management of isolated severe traumatic brain injury patients in a hospital without neurosurgical capabilities: a consensus and clinical recommendations of the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES). World J Emerg Surg. 2023 Apr 06; 18(1):29.
Picetti E, Catena F, Abu-Zidan F, Ansaloni L, Armonda RA, Bala M, Balogh ZJ, Bertuccio A, Biffl WL, Bouzat P, Buki A, Cerasti D, Chesnut RM, Citerio G, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Coniglio C, Fainardi E, Gupta D, Gurney JM, Hawryluk GWJ, Helbok R, Hutchinson PJA, Iaccarino C, Kolias A, Maier RW, Martin MJ, Meyfroidt G, Okonkwo DO, Rasulo F, Rizoli S, Rubiano A, Sahuquillo J, Sams VG, Servadei F, Sharma D, Shutter L, Stahel PF, Taccone FS, Udy A, Zoerle T, Agnoletti V, Bravi F, De Simone B, Kluger Y, Martino C, Moore EE, Sartelli M, Weber D, Robba C. PMID: 37024937; PMCID: PMC10080738.
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Understanding the burden of traumatic injuries at the United States-Mexico border: A scoping review of the literature. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 08 01; 95(2):276-284.
Keller BA, Skubic J, Betancourt-Garcia M, Ignacio RC, Radowsky JS, Tyroch AH, Lascano CP, Joseph B, Stewart C, Moore FO, Costantini TW, Rizzo JA, Paul JS, Galindo RM, Silva A, Coimbra R, Berndtson AE. PMID: 36872517.
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Training curriculum in minimally invasive emergency digestive surgery: 2022 WSES position paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2023 01 27; 18(1):11.
de'Angelis N, Marchegiani F, Schena CA, Khan J, Agnoletti V, Ansaloni L, Barría Rodríguez AG, Bianchi PP, Biffl W, Bravi F, Ceccarelli G, Ceresoli M, Chiara O, Chirica M, Cobianchi L, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Cotsoglou C, D'Hondt M, Damaskos D, De Simone B, Di Saverio S, Diana M, Espin-Basany E, Fichtner-Feigl S, Fugazzola P, Gavriilidis P, Gronnier C, Kashuk J, Kirkpatrick AW, Ammendola M, Kouwenhoven EA, Laurent A, Leppaniemi A, Lesurtel M, Memeo R, Milone M, Moore E, Pararas N, Peitzmann A, Pessaux P, Picetti E, Pikoulis M, Pisano M, Ris F, Robison T, Sartelli M, Shelat VG, Spinoglio G, Sugrue M, Tan E, Van Eetvelde E, Kluger Y, Weber D, Catena F. PMID: 36707879; PMCID: PMC9883976.
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8 Fields:
Early management of isolated severe traumatic brain injury patients in a hospital without neurosurgical capabilities: a consensus and clinical recommendations of the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES). World J Emerg Surg. 2023 01 09; 18(1):5.
Picetti E, Catena F, Abu-Zidan F, Ansaloni L, Armonda RA, Bala M, Balogh ZJ, Bertuccio A, Biffl WL, Bouzat P, Buki A, Cerasti D, Chesnut RM, Citerio G, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Coniglio C, Fainardi E, Gupta D, Gurney JM, Hawryluk GWJ, Helbok R, Hutchinson PJA, Iaccarino C, Kolias A, Maier RW, Martin MJ, Meyfroidt G, Okonkwo DO, Rasulo F, Rizoli S, Rubiano A, Sahuquillo J, Sams VG, Servadei F, Sharma D, Shutter L, Stahel PF, Taccone FS, Udy A, Zoerle T, Agnoletti V, Bravi F, De Simone B, Kluger Y, Martino C, Moore EE, Sartelli M, Weber D, Robba C. PMID: 36624517; PMCID: PMC9830860.
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Case volume and rate are associated with outcomes in geriatric trauma: A case for geriatric trauma centers? J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 02 01; 94(2):241-247.
Kojima M, Endo A, Zakhary B, Shoko T, Firek M, Coimbra R. PMID: 36399493.
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Blunt splenic injury, Emergency Department to discharge: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 03 01; 94(3):448-454.
Shatz DV, de Moya M, Brasel KJ, Brown CVR, Hartwell JL, Inaba K, Ley EJ, Moore EE, Peck KA, Rizzo AG, Rosen NG, Sperry JL, Weinberg JA, Moren AM, Coimbra R, Martin MJ. PMID: 36730563.
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Blunt pancreatic trauma: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 03 01; 94(3):455-460.
Moren AM, Biffl WL, Ball CG, de Moya M, Brasel KJ, Brown CVR, Hartwell JL, Inaba K, Ley EJ, Moore EE, Peck KA, Rizzo AG, Rosen NG, Sperry JL, Weinberg JA, Coimbra R, Shatz DV, Martin MJ. PMID: 36397206.
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4 Fields:
Correction: Operative management of acute abdomen after bariatric surgery in the emergency setting: the OBA guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 Nov 07; 17(1):58.
De Simone B, Chouillard E, Ramos AC, Donatelli G, Pintar T, Gupta R, Renzi F, Mahawar K, Madhok B, Maccatrozzo S, Abu-Zidan FM, Moore EE, Weber DG, Coccolini F, Di Saverio S, Kirkpatrick A, Shelat VG, Amico F, Pikoulis E, Ceresoli M, Galante JM, Wani I, De'Angelis N, Hecker A, Sganga G, Tan E, Balogh ZJ, Bala M, Coimbra R, Damaskos D, Ansaloni L, Sartelli M, Pararas N, Kluger Y, Chahine E, Agnoletti V, Fraga G, Biffl WL, Catena F. PMID: 36344991; PMCID: PMC9641895.
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Acute mesenteric ischemia: updated guidelines of the World Society of Emergency Surgery. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 10 19; 17(1):54.
Bala M, Catena F, Kashuk J, De Simone B, Gomes CA, Weber D, Sartelli M, Coccolini F, Kluger Y, Abu-Zidan FM, Picetti E, Ansaloni L, Augustin G, Biffl WL, Ceresoli M, Chiara O, Chiarugi M, Coimbra R, Cui Y, Damaskos D, Di Saverio S, Galante JM, Khokha V, Kirkpatrick AW, Inaba K, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Peitzman AB, Shelat VG, Sugrue M, Tolonen M, Rizoli S, Sall I, Beka SG, Di Carlo I, Ten Broek R, Mircea C, Tebala G, Pisano M, van Goor H, Maier RV, Jeekel H, Civil I, Hecker A, Tan E, Soreide K, Lee MJ, Wani I, Bonavina L, Malangoni MA, Koike K, Velmahos GC, Fraga GP, Fette A, de'Angelis N, Balogh ZJ, Scalea TM, Sganga G, Kelly MD, Khan J, Stahel PF, Moore EE. PMID: 36261857; PMCID: PMC9580452.
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55 Fields:
Standards of fracture care in polytrauma: results of a Europe-wide survey by the ESTES polytrauma section. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2024 Jun; 50(3):671-678.
Scherer J, Coimbra R, Mariani D, Leenen L, Komadina R, Peralta R, Fattori L, Marzi I, Wendt K, Gaarder C, Pape HC, Pfeifer R. PMID: 36227354; PMCID: PMC11249422.
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Follow-up strategies for patients with splenic trauma managed non-operatively: the 2022 World Society of Emergency Surgery consensus document. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 10 12; 17(1):52.
Podda M, De Simone B, Ceresoli M, Virdis F, Favi F, Wiik Larsen J, Coccolini F, Sartelli M, Pararas N, Beka SG, Bonavina L, Bova R, Pisanu A, Abu-Zidan F, Balogh Z, Chiara O, Wani I, Stahel P, Di Saverio S, Scalea T, Soreide K, Sakakushev B, Amico F, Martino C, Hecker A, de'Angelis N, Chirica M, Galante J, Kirkpatrick A, Pikoulis E, Kluger Y, Bensard D, Ansaloni L, Fraga G, Civil I, Tebala GD, Di Carlo I, Cui Y, Coimbra R, Agnoletti V, Sall I, Tan E, Picetti E, Litvin A, Damaskos D, Inaba K, Leung J, Maier R, Biffl W, Leppaniemi A, Moore E, Gurusamy K, Catena F. PMID: 36224617; PMCID: PMC9560023.
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15 Fields:
Operative management of acute abdomen after bariatric surgery in the emergency setting: the OBA guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 09 27; 17(1):51.
De Simone B, Chouillard E, Ramos AC, Donatelli G, Pintar T, Gupta R, Renzi F, Mahawar K, Madhok B, Maccatrozzo S, Abu-Zidan FM, E Moore E, Weber DG, Coccolini F, Di Saverio S, Kirkpatrick A, Shelat VG, Amico F, Pikoulis E, Ceresoli M, Galante JM, Wani I, De' Angelis N, Hecker A, Sganga G, Tan E, Balogh ZJ, Bala M, Coimbra R, Damaskos D, Ansaloni L, Sartelli M, Pararas N, Kluger Y, Chahine E, Agnoletti V, Fraga G, Biffl WL, Catena F. PMID: 36167572; PMCID: PMC9516804.
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Postoperative pain management in non-traumatic emergency general surgery: WSES-GAIS-SIAARTI-AAST guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 09 21; 17(1):50.
Coccolini F, Corradi F, Sartelli M, Coimbra R, Kryvoruchko IA, Leppaniemi A, Doklestic K, Bignami E, Biancofiore G, Bala M, Marco C, Damaskos D, Biffl WL, Fugazzola P, Santonastaso D, Agnoletti V, Sbarbaro C, Nacoti M, Hardcastle TC, Mariani D, De Simone B, Tolonen M, Ball C, Podda M, Di Carlo I, Di Saverio S, Navsaria P, Bonavina L, Abu-Zidan F, Soreide K, Fraga GP, Carvalho VH, Batista SF, Hecker A, Cucchetti A, Ercolani G, Tartaglia D, Galante JM, Wani I, Kurihara H, Tan E, Litvin A, Melotti RM, Sganga G, Zoro T, Isirdi A, De'Angelis N, Weber DG, Hodonou AM, tenBroek R, Parini D, Khan J, Sbrana G, Coniglio C, Giarratano A, Gratarola A, Zaghi C, Romeo O, Kelly M, Forfori F, Chiarugi M, Moore EE, Catena F, Malbrain MLNG. PMID: 36131311; PMCID: PMC9494880.
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Blunt thoracic aortic injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 01 01; 94(1):113-116.
Brown CVR, de Moya M, Brasel KJ, Hartwell JL, Inaba K, Ley EJ, Moore EE, Peck KA, Rizzo AG, Rosen NG, Sperry JL, Weinberg JA, Moren AM, DuBose JJ, Coimbra R, Martin MJ. PMID: 35999667.
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Common bile duct stones management: A network meta-analysis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 11 01; 93(5):e155-e165.
Mohseni S, Bass GA, Forssten MP, Casas IM, Martin M, Davis KA, Haut ER, Sugrue M, Kurihara H, Sarani B, Cao Y, Coimbra R. PMID: 35939370.
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Developing and leading a sustainable organization for early career acute care surgeons: Lessons from the inaugural American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Associate Member Council. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 10 01; 93(4):e143-e146.
Dumas RP, Bankhead BK, Coleman JR, Dhillon NK, Meizoso JP, Bessoff K, Butler WJ, Strickland M, Dultz LA, Davis K, Bulger EM, Reilly PM, Croce MA, Spain DA, Livingston DH, Brasel KJ, Coimbra R, Knowlton LM. PMID: 35777976.
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National blood shortage: A call to action from the trauma community. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 09 01; 93(3):e119-e122.
Stein DM, Upperman JS, Livingston DH, Andrews J, Bulger EM, Cohen MJ, Eastridge BJ, Fontaine MJ, Guillamondegui O, Hess JR, Jenkins DH, Kaups KL, Nance ML, Spinella PC, Zarzaur BL, Zonies D, Coimbra R. PMID: 35610747.
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The acute phase management of spinal cord injury affecting polytrauma patients: the ASAP study. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 04 25; 17(1):20.
Picetti E, Iaccarino C, Coimbra R, Abu-Zidan F, Tebala GD, Balogh ZJ, Biffl WL, Coccolini F, Gupta D, Maier RV, Marzi I, Robba C, Sartelli M, Servadei F, Stahel PF, Taccone FS, Unterberg AW, Antonini MV, Galante JM, Ansaloni L, Kirkpatrick AW, Rizoli S, Leppaniemi A, Chiara O, De Simone B, Chirica M, Shelat VG, Fraga GP, Ceresoli M, Cattani L, Minardi F, Tan E, Wani I, Petranca M, Domenichelli F, Cui Y, Malchiodi L, Sani E, Litvin A, Hecker A, Montanaro V, Beka SG, Di Saverio S, Rossi S, Catena F. PMID: 35468806; PMCID: PMC9036814.
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Developing a National Trauma Research Action Plan: Results from the acute resuscitation, initial patient evaluation, imaging, and management research gap Delphi survey. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 08 01; 93(2):200-208.
Costantini TW, Galante JM, Braverman MA, Phuong J, Price MA, Cuschieri J, Godat LN, Holcomb JB, Coimbra R, Bulger EM, NTRAP Acute Resuscitation Panel. PMID: 35444148.
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It's time for a minimum synoptic operation template in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a systematic review. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 03 17; 17(1):15.
O'Connor N, Sugrue M, Melly C, McGeehan G, Bucholc M, Crawford A, O'Connor P, Abu-Zidan F, Wani I, Balogh ZJ, Shelat VG, Tebala GD, De Simone B, Eid HO, Chirica M, Fraga GP, Di Saverio S, Picetti E, Bonavina L, Ceresoli M, Fette A, Sakakushe B, Pikoulis E, Coimbra R, Ten Broek R, Hecker A, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Stahel P, Tan E, Koike K, Catena F, Pisano M, Coccolini F, Johnston A. PMID: 35296354; PMCID: PMC8928637.
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It is time to define an organizational model for the prevention and management of infections along the surgical pathway: a worldwide cross-sectional survey. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 03 17; 17(1):17.
Sartelli M, Labricciosa FM, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Abu-Zidan FM, Ansaloni L, Al-Hasan MN, Ansari S, Barie PS, Caínzos MA, Ceresoli M, Chiarugi M, Claridge JA, Cicuttin E, Dellinger EP, Fry DE, Guirao X, Hardcastle TC, Hecker A, Leppäniemi AK, Litvin A, Marwah S, Maseda E, Mazuski JE, Memish ZA, Kirkpatrick AW, Pagani L, Podda M, Rasa HK, Sakakushev BE, Sawyer RG, Tumietto F, Xiao Y, Aboubreeg WF, Adamou H, Akhmeteli L, Akin E, Alberio MG, Alconchel F, Magagi IA, Araúz AB, Argenio G, Atanasov BC, Atici SD, Awad SS, Baili E, Bains L, Bala M, Baraket O, Baral S, Belskii VA, Benboubker M, Ben-Ishay O, Bordoni P, Boumédiène A, Brisinda G, Cavazzuti L, Chandy SJ, Chiarello MM, Cillara N, Clarizia G, Cocuz ME, Cocuz IG, Conti L, Coppola R, Cui Y, Czepiel J, D'Acapito F, Damaskos D, Das K, De Simone B, Delibegovic S, Demetrashvili Z, Detanac DS, Dhingra S, Di Bella S, Dimitrov EN, Dogjani A, D'Oria M, Dumitru IM, Elmangory MM, Enciu O, Fantoni M, Filipescu D, Fleres F, Foghetti D, Fransvea P, Gachabayov M, Galeiras R, Gattuso G, Ghannam WM, Ghisetti V, Giraudo G, Gonfa KB, Gonullu E, Hamad YTEY, Hecker M, Isik A, Ismail N, Ismail A, Jain SA, Kanj SS, Kapoor G, Karaiskos I, Kavalakat AJ, Kenig J, Khamis F, Khokha V, Kiguba R, Kim JI, Kobe Y, Kok KYY, Kovacevic BM, Kryvoruchko IA, Kuriyama A, Landaluce-Olavarria A, Lasithiotakis K, Lohsiriwat V, Lostoridis E, Luppi D, Vega GMM, Maegele M, Marinis A, Martines G, Martínez-Pérez A, Massalou D, Mesina C, Metan G, Miranda-Novales MG, Mishra SK, Mohamed MIH, Mohamedahmed AYY, Mora-Guzmán I, Mulita F, Musina AM, Navsaria PH, Negoi I, Nita GE, O'Connor DB, Ordoñez CA, Pantalone D, Panyko A, Papadopoulos A, Pararas N, Pata F, Patel T, Pellino G, Perra T, Perrone G, Pesce A, Pintar T, Popivanov GI, Porcu A, Quiodettis MA, Rahim R, Mitul AR, Reichert M, Rems M, Campbell GYR, Rocha-Pereira N, Rodrigues G, Villamil GER, Rossi S, Sall I, Kafil HS, Sasia D, Seni J, Seretis C, Serradilla-Martín M, Shelat VG, Siribumrungwong B, Slavchev M, Solaini L, Tan BK, Tarasconi A, Tartaglia D, Toma EA, Tomadze G, Toro A, Tovani-Palone MR, van Goor H, Vasilescu A, Vereczkei A, Veroux M, Weckmann SA, Widmer LW, Yahya A, Zachariah SK, Zakaria AD, Zubareva N, Zuidema WP, Di Carlo I, Cortese F, Baiocchi GL, Maier RV, Catena F. PMID: 35300731; PMCID: PMC8928018.
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HumansPHPublic Health
WSES guidelines on blunt and penetrating bowel injury: diagnosis, investigations, and treatment. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 03 04; 17(1):13.
Smyth L, Bendinelli C, Lee N, Reeds MG, Loh EJ, Amico F, Balogh ZJ, Di Saverio S, Weber D, Ten Broek RP, Abu-Zidan FM, Campanelli G, Beka SG, Chiarugi M, Shelat VG, Tan E, Moore E, Bonavina L, Latifi R, Hecker A, Khan J, Coimbra R, Tebala GD, Søreide K, Wani I, Inaba K, Kirkpatrick AW, Koike K, Sganga G, Biffl WL, Chiara O, Scalea TM, Fraga GP, Peitzman AB, Catena F. PMID: 35246190; PMCID: PMC8896237.
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Precision targeting of the vagal anti-inflammatory pathway attenuates the systemic inflammatory response to burn injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 02 01; 92(2):323-329.
Costantini TW, Coimbra R, Weaver JL, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 34789702; PMCID: PMC8792272.
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WSES/GAIS/WSIS/SIS-E/AAST global clinical pathways for patients with skin and soft tissue infections. World J Emerg Surg. 2022 01 15; 17(1):3.
Sartelli M, Coccolini F, Kluger Y, Agastra E, Abu-Zidan FM, Abbas AES, Ansaloni L, Adesunkanmi AK, Augustin G, Bala M, Baraket O, Biffl WL, Ceresoli M, Cerutti E, Chiara O, Cicuttin E, Chiarugi M, Coimbra R, Corsi D, Cortese F, Cui Y, Damaskos D, de'Angelis N, Delibegovic S, Demetrashvili Z, De Simone B, de Jonge SW, Di Bella S, Di Saverio S, Duane TM, Fugazzola P, Galante JM, Ghnnam W, Gkiokas G, Gomes CA, Griffiths EA, Hardcastle TC, Hecker A, Herzog T, Karamarkovic A, Khokha V, Kim PK, Kim JI, Kirkpatrick AW, Kong V, Koshy RM, Inaba K, Isik A, Ivatury R, Labricciosa FM, Lee YY, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Luppi D, Maier RV, Marinis A, Marwah S, Mesina C, Moore EE, Moore FA, Negoi I, Olaoye I, Ordoñez CA, Ouadii M, Peitzman AB, Perrone G, Pintar T, Pipitone G, Podda M, Rasa K, Ribeiro J, Rodrigues G, Rubio-Perez I, Sall I, Sato N, Sawyer RG, Shelat VG, Sugrue M, Tarasconi A, Tolonen M, Viaggi B, Celotti A, Casella C, Pagani L, Dhingra S, Baiocchi GL, Catena F. PMID: 35033131; PMCID: PMC8761341.
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CHRFAM7A expression in mice increases resiliency after injury. Inflamm Res. 2022 Jan; 71(1):9-11.
Costantini TW, Coimbra R, Weaver JL, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 34792616; PMCID: PMC8758545.
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Vagus nerve stimulation modulates arachidonic acid production in the mesenteric lymph following intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 10 01; 91(4):700-707.
Nakatsutsumi K, Morishita K, Yagi M, Doki S, Watanabe A, Ikegami N, Kobayashi T, Kojima M, Senda A, Yamamoto K, Aiboshi J, Coimbra R, Otomo Y. PMID: 34238858.
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WSES/GAIS/SIS-E/WSIS/AAST global clinical pathways for patients with intra-abdominal infections. World J Emerg Surg. 2021 09 25; 16(1):49.
Sartelli M, Coccolini F, Kluger Y, Agastra E, Abu-Zidan FM, Abbas AES, Ansaloni L, Adesunkanmi AK, Atanasov B, Augustin G, Bala M, Baraket O, Baral S, Biffl WL, Boermeester MA, Ceresoli M, Cerutti E, Chiara O, Cicuttin E, Chiarugi M, Coimbra R, Colak E, Corsi D, Cortese F, Cui Y, Damaskos D, De' Angelis N, Delibegovic S, Demetrashvili Z, De Simone B, de Jonge SW, Dhingra S, Di Bella S, Di Marzo F, Di Saverio S, Dogjani A, Duane TM, Enani MA, Fugazzola P, Galante JM, Gachabayov M, Ghnnam W, Gkiokas G, Gomes CA, Griffiths EA, Hardcastle TC, Hecker A, Herzog T, Kabir SMU, Karamarkovic A, Khokha V, Kim PK, Kim JI, Kirkpatrick AW, Kong V, Koshy RM, Kryvoruchko IA, Inaba K, Isik A, Iskandar K, Ivatury R, Labricciosa FM, Lee YY, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Luppi D, Machain GM, Maier RV, Marinis A, Marmorale C, Marwah S, Mesina C, Moore EE, Moore FA, Negoi I, Olaoye I, Ordoñez CA, Ouadii M, Peitzman AB, Perrone G, Pikoulis M, Pintar T, Pipitone G, Podda M, Rasa K, Ribeiro J, Rodrigues G, Rubio-Perez I, Sall I, Sato N, Sawyer RG, Segovia Lohse H, Sganga G, Shelat VG, Stephens I, Sugrue M, Tarasconi A, Tochie JN, Tolonen M, Tomadze G, Ulrych J, Vereczkei A, Viaggi B, Gurioli C, Casella C, Pagani L, Baiocchi GL, Catena F. PMID: 34563232; PMCID: PMC8467193.
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Anorectal emergencies: WSES-AAST guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2021 09 16; 16(1):48.
Tarasconi A, Perrone G, Davies J, Coimbra R, Moore E, Azzaroli F, Abongwa H, De Simone B, Gallo G, Rossi G, Abu-Zidan F, Agnoletti V, de'Angelis G, de'Angelis N, Ansaloni L, Baiocchi GL, Carcoforo P, Ceresoli M, Chichom-Mefire A, Di Saverio S, Gaiani F, Giuffrida M, Hecker A, Inaba K, Kelly M, Kirkpatrick A, Kluger Y, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Ordoñez C, Pattonieri V, Peitzman A, Pikoulis M, Sakakushev B, Sartelli M, Shelat V, Tan E, Testini M, Velmahos G, Wani I, Weber D, Biffl W, Coccolini F, Catena F. PMID: 34530908; PMCID: PMC8447593.
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HumansPHPublic Health
A pandemic recap: lessons we have learned. World J Emerg Surg. 2021 09 10; 16(1):46.
Coccolini F, Cicuttin E, Cremonini C, Tartaglia D, Viaggi B, Kuriyama A, Picetti E, Ball C, Abu-Zidan F, Ceresoli M, Turri B, Jain S, Palombo C, Guirao X, Rodrigues G, Gachabayov M, Machado F, Eftychios L, Kanj SS, Di Carlo I, Di Saverio S, Khokha V, Kirkpatrick A, Massalou D, Forfori F, Corradi F, Delibegovic S, Machain Vega GM, Fantoni M, Demetriades D, Kapoor G, Kluger Y, Ansari S, Maier R, Leppaniemi A, Hardcastle T, Vereczkei A, Karamagioli E, Pikoulis E, Pistello M, Sakakushev BE, Navsaria PH, Galeiras R, Yahya AI, Osipov AV, Dimitrov E, Doklestic K, Pisano M, Malacarne P, Carcoforo P, Sibilla MG, Kryvoruchko IA, Bonavina L, Kim JI, Shelat VG, Czepiel J, Maseda E, Marwah S, Chirica M, Biancofiore G, Podda M, Cobianchi L, Ansaloni L, Fugazzola P, Seretis C, Gomez CA, Tumietto F, Malbrain M, Reichert M, Augustin G, Amato B, Puzziello A, Hecker A, Gemignani A, Isik A, Cucchetti A, Nacoti M, Kopelman D, Mesina C, Ghannam W, Ben-Ishay O, Dhingra S, Coimbra R, Moore EE, Cui Y, Quiodettis MA, Bala M, Testini M, Diaz J, Girardis M, Biffl WL, Hecker M, Sall I, Boggi U, Materazzi G, Ghiadoni L, Matsumoto J, Zuidema WP, Ivatury R, Enani MA, Litvin A, Al-Hasan MN, Demetrashvili Z, Baraket O, Ordoñez CA, Negoi I, Kiguba R, Memish ZA, Elmangory MM, Tolonen M, Das K, Ribeiro J, O'Connor DB, Tan BK, Van Goor H, Baral S, De Simone B, Corbella D, Brambillasca P, Scaglione M, Basolo F, De'Angelis N, Bendinelli C, Weber D, Pagani L, Monti C, Baiocchi G, Chiarugi M, Catena F, Sartelli M. PMID: 34507603; PMCID: PMC8430288.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Acute abdomen in the immunocompromised patient: WSES, SIS-E, WSIS, AAST, and GAIS guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2021 08 09; 16(1):40.
Coccolini F, Improta M, Sartelli M, Rasa K, Sawyer R, Coimbra R, Chiarugi M, Litvin A, Hardcastle T, Forfori F, Vincent JL, Hecker A, Ten Broek R, Bonavina L, Chirica M, Boggi U, Pikoulis E, Di Saverio S, Montravers P, Augustin G, Tartaglia D, Cicuttin E, Cremonini C, Viaggi B, De Simone B, Malbrain M, Shelat VG, Fugazzola P, Ansaloni L, Isik A, Rubio I, Kamal I, Corradi F, Tarasconi A, Gitto S, Podda M, Pikoulis A, Leppaniemi A, Ceresoli M, Romeo O, Moore EE, Demetrashvili Z, Biffl WL, Wani I, Tolonen M, Duane T, Dhingra S, DeAngelis N, Tan E, Abu-Zidan F, Ordonez C, Cui Y, Labricciosa F, Perrone G, Di Marzo F, Peitzman A, Sakakushev B, Sugrue M, Boermeester M, Nunez RM, Gomes CA, Bala M, Kluger Y, Catena F. PMID: 34372902; PMCID: PMC8352154.
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2020 WSES guidelines for the detection and management of bile duct injury during cholecystectomy. World J Emerg Surg. 2021 06 10; 16(1):30.
de'Angelis N, Catena F, Memeo R, Coccolini F, Martínez-Pérez A, Romeo OM, De Simone B, Di Saverio S, Brustia R, Rhaiem R, Piardi T, Conticchio M, Marchegiani F, Beghdadi N, Abu-Zidan FM, Alikhanov R, Allard MA, Allievi N, Amaddeo G, Ansaloni L, Andersson R, Andolfi E, Azfar M, Bala M, Benkabbou A, Ben-Ishay O, Bianchi G, Biffl WL, Brunetti F, Carra MC, Casanova D, Celentano V, Ceresoli M, Chiara O, Cimbanassi S, Bini R, Coimbra R, Luigi de'Angelis G, Decembrino F, De Palma A, de Reuver PR, Domingo C, Cotsoglou C, Ferrero A, Fraga GP, Gaiani F, Gheza F, Gurrado A, Harrison E, Henriquez A, Hofmeyr S, Iadarola R, Kashuk JL, Kianmanesh R, Kirkpatrick AW, Kluger Y, Landi F, Langella S, Lapointe R, Le Roy B, Luciani A, Machado F, Maggi U, Maier RV, Mefire AC, Hiramatsu K, Ordoñez C, Patrizi F, Planells M, Peitzman AB, Pekolj J, Perdigao F, Pereira BM, Pessaux P, Pisano M, Puyana JC, Rizoli S, Portigliotti L, Romito R, Sakakushev B, Sanei B, Scatton O, Serradilla-Martin M, Schneck AS, Sissoko ML, Sobhani I, Ten Broek RP, Testini M, Valinas R, Veloudis G, Vitali GC, Weber D, Zorcolo L, Giuliante F, Gavriilidis P, Fuks D, Sommacale D. PMID: 34112197; PMCID: PMC8190978.
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WSES-AAST guidelines: management of inflammatory bowel disease in the emergency setting. World J Emerg Surg. 2021 05 11; 16(1):23.
De Simone B, Davies J, Chouillard E, Di Saverio S, Hoentjen F, Tarasconi A, Sartelli M, Biffl WL, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, Chiarugi M, De'Angelis N, Moore EE, Kluger Y, Abu-Zidan F, Sakakushev B, Coimbra R, Celentano V, Wani I, Pintar T, Sganga G, Di Carlo I, Tartaglia D, Pikoulis M, Cardi M, De Moya MA, Leppaniemi A, Kirkpatrick A, Agnoletti V, Poggioli G, Carcoforo P, Baiocchi GL, Catena F. PMID: 33971899; PMCID: PMC8111988.
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Correction to: Intraoperative surgical site infection control and prevention: a position paper and future addendum to WSES intra-abdominal infections guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2021 Apr 14; 16(1):18.
De Simone B, Sartelli M, Coccolini F, Ball CG, Brambillasca P, Chiarugi M, Campanile FC, Nita G, Corbella D, Leppaniemi A, Boschini E, Moore EE, Biffl W, Peitzmann A, Kluger Y, Sugrue M, Fraga G, Di Saverio S, Weber D, Sakakushev B, Chiara O, Abu-Zidan FM, Ten Broek R, Kirkpatrick AW, Wani I, Coimbra R, Baiocchi GL, Kelly MD, Ansaloni L, Catena F. PMID: 33853621; PMCID: PMC8048183.
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Trauma quality indicators: internationally approved core factors for trauma management quality evaluation. World J Emerg Surg. 2021 02 23; 16(1):6.
Coccolini F, Kluger Y, Moore EE, Maier RV, Coimbra R, Ordoñez C, Ivatury R, Kirkpatrick AW, Biffl W, Sartelli M, Hecker A, Ansaloni L, Leppaniemi A, Reva V, Civil I, Vega F, Chiarugi M, Chichom-Mefire A, Sakakushev B, Peitzman A, Chiara O, Abu-Zidan F, Maegele M, Miccoli M, Chirica M, Khokha V, Sugrue M, Fraga GP, Otomo Y, Baiocchi GL, Catena F, the WSES Trauma Quality Indicators Expert Panel. PMID: 33622373; PMCID: PMC7901006.
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American Association for the Surgery of Trauma-World Society of Emergency Surgery guidelines on diagnosis and management of peripheral vascular injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 12; 89(6):1183-1196.
Kobayashi L, Coimbra R, Goes AMO, Reva V, Santorelli J, Moore EE, Galante J, Abu-Zidan F, Peitzman AB, Ordonez C, Maier RV, Di Saverio S, Ivatury R, De Angelis N, Scalea T, Catena F, Kirkpatrick A, Khokha V, Parry N, Civil I, Leppaniemi A, Chirica M, Pikoulis E, Fraga GP, Chiarugi M, Damaskos D, Cicuttin E, Ceresoli M, De Simone B, Vega-Rivera F, Sartelli M, Biffl W, Ansaloni L, Weber DG, Coccolini F. PMID: 33230048.
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American Association for the Surgery of Trauma-World Society of Emergency Surgery guidelines on diagnosis and management of abdominal vascular injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 12; 89(6):1197-1211.
Kobayashi L, Coimbra R, Goes AMO, Reva V, Santorelli J, Moore EE, Galante JM, Abu-Zidan F, Peitzman AB, Ordonez CA, Maier RV, Di Saverio S, Ivatury R, De Angelis N, Scalea T, Catena F, Kirkpatrick A, Khokha V, Parry N, Civil I, Leppaniemi A, Chirica M, Pikoulis E, Fraga GP, Chiarugi M, Damaskos D, Cicuttin E, Ceresoli M, De Simone B, Vega-Rivera F, Sartelli M, Biffl W, Ansaloni L, Weber DG, Coccolini F. PMID: 33230049.
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The role of mesenteric lymph exosomal lipid mediators following intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury on activation of inflammation. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 12; 89(6):1099-1106.
Senda A, Morishita K, Kojima M, Doki S, Taylor B, Yagi M, Watanabe A, Kobayashi T, Aiboshi J, Coimbra R, Otomo Y. PMID: 32769950.
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Endovascular repair is a feasible option for superficial femoral artery injuries: a comparative effectiveness analysis. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2022 Feb; 48(1):321-328.
Degmetich S, Brenner M, Firek M, Zakhary B, Coimbra BC, Coimbra R. PMID: 33151356.
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2020 World Society of Emergency Surgery updated guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute calculus cholecystitis. World J Emerg Surg. 2020 11 05; 15(1):61.
Pisano M, Allievi N, Gurusamy K, Borzellino G, Cimbanassi S, Boerna D, Coccolini F, Tufo A, Di Martino M, Leung J, Sartelli M, Ceresoli M, Maier RV, Poiasina E, De Angelis N, Magnone S, Fugazzola P, Paolillo C, Coimbra R, Di Saverio S, De Simone B, Weber DG, Sakakushev BE, Lucianetti A, Kirkpatrick AW, Fraga GP, Wani I, Biffl WL, Chiara O, Abu-Zidan F, Moore EE, Leppäniemi A, Kluger Y, Catena F, Ansaloni L. PMID: 33153472; PMCID: PMC7643471.
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Predictors of retained hemothorax in trauma: Results of an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multi-institutional trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 10; 89(4):679-685.
Prakash PS, Moore SA, Rezende-Neto JB, Trpcic S, Dunn JA, Smoot B, Jenkins DH, Cardenas T, Mukherjee K, Farnsworth J, Wild J, Young K, Schroeppel TJ, Coimbra R, Lee J, Skarupa DJ, Sabra MJ, Carrick MM, Moore FO, Ward J, Geng T, Lapham D, Piccinini A, Inaba K, Dodgion C, Gooley B, Schwartz T, Shraga S, Haan JM, Lightwine K, Burris J, Agrawal V, Seamon MJ, Cannon JW. PMID: 32649619.
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The effect of age and sex on outcomes following isolated moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2022 Apr; 48(2):871-880.
Hong ZJ, Firek M, Zachary B, Mörs K, Schindler C, Marzi I, Yu JC, Coimbra R. PMID: 32929551.
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Management of intra-abdominal-infections: 2017 World Society of Emergency Surgery guidelines summary focused on remote areas and low-income nations. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Oct; 99:140-148.
Perrone G, Sartelli M, Mario G, Chichom-Mefire A, Labricciosa FM, Abu-Zidan FM, Ansaloni L, Biffl WL, Ceresoli M, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Demetrashvili Z, Di Saverio S, Fraga GP, Khokha V, Kirkpatrick AW, Kluger Y, Leppaniemi A, Maier RV, Moore EE, Negoi I, Ordonez CA, Sakakushev B, Lohse HAS, Velmahos GC, Wani I, Weber DG, Bonati E, Catena F. PMID: 32739433.
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Indications and interventions of damage control orthopedic surgeries: an expert opinion survey. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2021 Dec; 47(6):2081-2092.
Pfeifer R, Kalbas Y, Coimbra R, Leenen L, Komadina R, Hildebrand F, Halvachizadeh S, Akhtar M, Peralta R, Fattori L, Mariani D, Hasler RM, Lefering R, Marzi I, Pitance F, Osterhoff G, Volpin G, Weil Y, Wendt K, Pape HC. PMID: 32458046.
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2020 update of the WSES guidelines for the management of acute colonic diverticulitis in the emergency setting. World J Emerg Surg. 2020 05 07; 15(1):32.
Sartelli M, Weber DG, Kluger Y, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, Abu-Zidan F, Augustin G, Ben-Ishay O, Biffl WL, Bouliaris K, Catena R, Ceresoli M, Chiara O, Chiarugi M, Coimbra R, Cortese F, Cui Y, Damaskos D, De' Angelis GL, Delibegovic S, Demetrashvili Z, De Simone B, Di Marzo F, Di Saverio S, Duane TM, Faro MP, Fraga GP, Gkiokas G, Gomes CA, Hardcastle TC, Hecker A, Karamarkovic A, Kashuk J, Khokha V, Kirkpatrick AW, Kok KYY, Inaba K, Isik A, Labricciosa FM, Latifi R, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Mazuski JE, Maier RV, Marwah S, McFarlane M, Moore EE, Moore FA, Negoi I, Pagani L, Rasa K, Rubio-Perez I, Sakakushev B, Sato N, Sganga G, Siquini W, Tarasconi A, Tolonen M, Ulrych J, Zachariah SK, Catena F. PMID: 32381121; PMCID: PMC7206757.
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European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES) recommendations for trauma and emergency surgery preparation during times of COVID-19 infection. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2020 Jun; 46(3):505-510.
Coimbra R, Edwards S, Kurihara H, Bass GA, Balogh ZJ, Tilsed J, Faccincani R, Carlucci M, Martínez Casas I, Gaarder C, Tabuenca A, Coimbra BC, Marzi I. PMID: 32303798; PMCID: PMC7164519.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis: 2020 update of the WSES Jerusalem guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2020 04 15; 15(1):27.
Di Saverio S, Podda M, De Simone B, Ceresoli M, Augustin G, Gori A, Boermeester M, Sartelli M, Coccolini F, Tarasconi A, De' Angelis N, Weber DG, Tolonen M, Birindelli A, Biffl W, Moore EE, Kelly M, Soreide K, Kashuk J, Ten Broek R, Gomes CA, Sugrue M, Davies RJ, Damaskos D, Leppäniemi A, Kirkpatrick A, Peitzman AB, Fraga GP, Maier RV, Coimbra R, Chiarugi M, Sganga G, Pisanu A, De' Angelis GL, Tan E, Van Goor H, Pata F, Di Carlo I, Chiara O, Litvin A, Campanile FC, Sakakushev B, Tomadze G, Demetrashvili Z, Latifi R, Abu-Zidan F, Romeo O, Segovia-Lohse H, Baiocchi G, Costa D, Rizoli S, Balogh ZJ, Bendinelli C, Scalea T, Ivatury R, Velmahos G, Andersson R, Kluger Y, Ansaloni L, Catena F. PMID: 32295644; PMCID: PMC7386163.
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COVID-19 the showdown for mass casualty preparedness and management: the Cassandra Syndrome. World J Emerg Surg. 2020 04 09; 15(1):26.
Coccolini F, Sartelli M, Kluger Y, Pikoulis E, Karamagioli E, Moore EE, Biffl WL, Peitzman A, Hecker A, Chirica M, Damaskos D, Ordonez C, Vega F, Fraga GP, Chiarugi M, Di Saverio S, Kirkpatrick AW, Abu-Zidan F, Mefire AC, Leppaniemi A, Khokha V, Sakakushev B, Catena R, Coimbra R, Ansaloni L, Corbella D, Catena F. PMID: 32272957; PMCID: PMC7145275.
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33 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
Liver trauma: WSES 2020 guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2020 03 30; 15(1):24.
Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Ordonez C, Kluger Y, Vega F, Moore EE, Biffl W, Peitzman A, Horer T, Abu-Zidan FM, Sartelli M, Fraga GP, Cicuttin E, Ansaloni L, Parra MW, Millán M, DeAngelis N, Inaba K, Velmahos G, Maier R, Khokha V, Sakakushev B, Augustin G, di Saverio S, Pikoulis E, Chirica M, Reva V, Leppaniemi A, Manchev V, Chiarugi M, Damaskos D, Weber D, Parry N, Demetrashvili Z, Civil I, Napolitano L, Corbella D, Catena F, WSES expert panel. PMID: 32228707; PMCID: PMC7106618.
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Intraoperative surgical site infection control and prevention: a position paper and future addendum to WSES intra-abdominal infections guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2020 02 10; 15(1):10.
De Simone B, Sartelli M, Coccolini F, Ball CG, Brambillasca P, Chiarugi M, Campanile FC, Nita G, Corbella D, Leppaniemi A, Boschini E, Moore EE, Biffl W, Peitzmann A, Kluger Y, Sugrue M, Fraga G, Di Saverio S, Weber D, Sakakushev B, Chiara O, Abu-Zidan FM, Ten Broek R, Kirkpatrick AW, Wani I, Coimbra R, Baiocchi GL, Kelly MD, Ansaloni L, Catena F. PMID: 32041636; PMCID: PMC7158095.
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Ultrasonographic inferior vena cava diameter response to trauma resuscitation after 1 hour predicts 24-hour fluid requirement. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 01; 88(1):70-79.
Doucet JJ, Ferrada P, Murthi S, Nirula R, Edwards S, Cantrell E, Han J, Haase D, Singleton A, Birkas Y, Casola G, Coimbra R, AAST Multi-Institutional Trials Committee. PMID: 31688824.
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Duodeno-pancreatic and extrahepatic biliary tree trauma: WSES-AAST guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2019; 14:56.
Coccolini F, Kobayashi L, Kluger Y, Moore EE, Ansaloni L, Biffl W, Leppaniemi A, Augustin G, Reva V, Wani I, Kirkpatrick A, Abu-Zidan F, Cicuttin E, Fraga GP, Ordonez C, Pikoulis E, Sibilla MG, Maier R, Matsumura Y, Masiakos PT, Khokha V, Mefire AC, Ivatury R, Favi F, Manchev V, Sartelli M, Machado F, Matsumoto J, Chiarugi M, Arvieux C, Catena F, Coimbra R, WSES-AAST Expert Panel. PMID: 31867050; PMCID: PMC6907251.
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38 Fields:
Kidney and uro-trauma: WSES-AAST guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2019; 14:54.
Coccolini F, Moore EE, Kluger Y, Biffl W, Leppaniemi A, Matsumura Y, Kim F, Peitzman AB, Fraga GP, Sartelli M, Ansaloni L, Augustin G, Kirkpatrick A, Abu-Zidan F, Wani I, Weber D, Pikoulis E, Larrea M, Arvieux C, Manchev V, Reva V, Coimbra R, Khokha V, Mefire AC, Ordonez C, Chiarugi M, Machado F, Sakakushev B, Matsumoto J, Maier R, di Carlo I, Catena F, WSES-AAST Expert Panel. PMID: 31827593; PMCID: PMC6886230.
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57 Fields:
WSES consensus conference guidelines: monitoring and management of severe adult traumatic brain injury patients with polytrauma in the first 24 hours. World J Emerg Surg. 2019; 14:53.
Picetti E, Rossi S, Abu-Zidan FM, Ansaloni L, Armonda R, Baiocchi GL, Bala M, Balogh ZJ, Berardino M, Biffl WL, Bouzat P, Buki A, Ceresoli M, Chesnut RM, Chiara O, Citerio G, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Di Saverio S, Fraga GP, Gupta D, Helbok R, Hutchinson PJ, Kirkpatrick AW, Kinoshita T, Kluger Y, Leppaniemi A, Maas AIR, Maier RV, Minardi F, Moore EE, Myburgh JA, Okonkwo DO, Otomo Y, Rizoli S, Rubiano AM, Sahuquillo J, Sartelli M, Scalea TM, Servadei F, Stahel PF, Stocchetti N, Taccone FS, Tonetti T, Velmahos G, Weber D, Catena F. PMID: 31798673; PMCID: PMC6884766.
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26 Fields:
Neurocognitive markers of childhood abuse in individuals with PTSD: Findings from the INTRuST Clinical Consortium. J Psychiatr Res. 2020 02; 121:108-117.
Bomyea J, Simmons AN, Shenton ME, Coleman MJ, Bouix S, Rathi Y, Pasternak O, Coimbra R, Shutter L, George MS, Grant G, Zafonte RD, McAllister TW, Stein MB, INTRuST consortium. PMID: 31809943; PMCID: PMC7568209.
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2 Fields:
Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve improves intestinal blood flow after trauma and hemorrhagic shock. Surgery. 2020 03; 167(3):638-645.
Yagi M, Morishita K, Ueno A, Nakamura H, Akabori H, Senda A, Kojima M, Aiboshi J, Costantini T, Coimbra R, Otomo Y. PMID: 31759624.
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6 Fields:
Rectal Injury After Foreign Body Insertion: Secondary Analysis From the AAST Contemporary Management of Rectal Injuries Study Group. J Surg Res. 2020 03; 247:541-546.
Schellenberg M, Brown CVR, Trust MD, Sharpe JP, Musonza T, Holcomb J, Bui E, Bruns B, Hopper HA, Truitt MS, Burlew CC, Inaba K, Sava J, Vanhorn J, Eastridge B, Cross AM, Vasak R, Vercuysse G, Curtis EE, Haan J, Coimbra R, Bohan P, Gale S, Bendix PG, AAST Contemporary Management of Rectal Injuries Study Group. PMID: 31648812.
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Open reading frame mining identifies a TLR4 binding domain in the primary sequence of ECRG4. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2019 Dec; 76(24):5027-5039.
Dang X, Coimbra R, Mao L, Podvin S, Li X, Yu H, Costantini TW, Zeng X, Larocca D, Eliceiri BP, Baird A. PMID: 31190084; PMCID: PMC11105628.
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The TEAM (Trauma Evaluation and Management) course: medical student knowledge gains and retention in the USA versus Ghana. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2019; 4(1):e000287.
Berndtson AE, Morna M, Debrah S, Coimbra R. PMID: 31245617; PMCID: PMC6560475.
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The EGS grading scale for skin and soft-tissue infections is predictive of poor outcomes: a multicenter validation study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 04; 86(4):601-608.
Savage SA, Li SW, Utter GH, Cox JA, Wydo SM, Cahill K, Sarani B, Holzmacher J, Duane TM, Gandhi RR, Zielinski MD, Ray-Zack M, Tierney J, Chapin T, Murphy PB, Vogt KN, Schroeppel TJ, Callaghan E, Kobayashi L, Coimbra R, Schuster KM, Gillaspie D, Timsina L, Louis A, Crandall M. PMID: 30601458; PMCID: PMC6433490.
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2019 update of the WSES guidelines for management of Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile infection in surgical patients. World J Emerg Surg. 2019; 14:8.
Sartelli M, Di Bella S, McFarland LV, Khanna S, Furuya-Kanamori L, Abuzeid N, Abu-Zidan FM, Ansaloni L, Augustin G, Bala M, Ben-Ishay O, Biffl WL, Brecher SM, Camacho-Ortiz A, Caínzos MA, Chan S, Cherry-Bukowiec JR, Clanton J, Coccolini F, Cocuz ME, Coimbra R, Cortese F, Cui Y, Czepiel J, Demetrashvili Z, Di Carlo I, Di Saverio S, Dumitru IM, Eckmann C, Eiland EH, Forrester JD, Fraga GP, Frossard JL, Fry DE, Galeiras R, Ghnnam W, Gomes CA, Griffiths EA, Guirao X, Ahmed MH, Herzog T, Kim JI, Iqbal T, Isik A, Itani KMF, Labricciosa FM, Lee YY, Juang P, Karamarkovic A, Kim PK, Kluger Y, Leppaniemi A, Lohsiriwat V, Machain GM, Marwah S, Mazuski JE, Metan G, Moore EE, Moore FA, Ordoñez CA, Pagani L, Petrosillo N, Portela F, Rasa K, Rems M, Sakakushev BE, Segovia-Lohse H, Sganga G, Shelat VG, Spigaglia P, Tattevin P, Tranà C, Urbánek L, Ulrych J, Viale P, Baiocchi GL, Catena F. PMID: 30858872; PMCID: PMC6394026.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Precious cargo: Modulation of the mesenteric lymph exosome payload after hemorrhagic shock. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 01; 86(1):52-61.
Williams EC, Coimbra R, Chan TW, Baird A, Eliceiri BP, Costantini TW. PMID: 30576304; PMCID: PMC7265989.
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2018 WSES/SIS-E consensus conference: recommendations for the management of skin and soft-tissue infections. World J Emerg Surg. 2018; 13:58.
Sartelli M, Guirao X, Hardcastle TC, Kluger Y, Boermeester MA, Rasa K, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, Montravers P, Abu-Zidan FM, Bartoletti M, Bassetti M, Ben-Ishay O, Biffl WL, Chiara O, Chiarugi M, Coimbra R, De Rosa FG, De Simone B, Di Saverio S, Giannella M, Gkiokas G, Khokha V, Labricciosa FM, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Moore EE, Negoi I, Pagani L, Peghin M, Picetti E, Pintar T, Pupelis G, Rubio-Perez I, Sakakushev B, Segovia-Lohse H, Sganga G, Shelat V, Sugrue M, Tarasconi A, Tranà C, Ulrych J, Viale P, Catena F. PMID: 30564282; PMCID: PMC6295010.
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91 Fields:
Associations between neuropsychiatric and health status outcomes in individuals with probable mTBI. Psychiatry Res. 2019 02; 272:531-539.
Bomyea J, Flashman LA, Zafonte R, Andaluz N, Coimbra R, George MS, Grant GA, Marx CE, McAllister TW, Shutter L, Lang AJ, Stein MB. PMID: 30616120.
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Traumatic rectal injuries: Is the combination of computed tomography and rigid proctoscopy sufficient? J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 12; 85(6):1033-1037.
Trust MD, Veith J, Brown CVR, Sharpe JP, Musonza T, Holcomb J, Bui E, Bruns B, Andrew Hopper H, Truitt M, Burlew C, Schellenberg M, Sava J, Vanhorn J, Eastridge B, Cross AM, Vasak R, Vercuysse G, Curtis EE, Haan J, Coimbra R, Bohan P, Gale S, Bendix PG, AAST Contemporary Management of Rectal Injuries Study Group. PMID: 30211848.
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5 Fields:
Impact of the Affordable Care Act on elective general surgery clinical practice. Am J Surg. 2019 06; 217(6):1055-1059.
Yuen L, Costantini TW, Coimbra R, Godat LN. PMID: 30448210.
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Comparison of trauma outcomes between Japan and the USA using national trauma registries. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2018; 3(1):e000247.
Matsumoto S, Jung K, Smith A, Yamazaki M, Kitano M, Coimbra R. PMID: 30539156; PMCID: PMC6241981.
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Time to stroke: A Western Trauma Association multicenter study of blunt cerebrovascular injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 11; 85(5):858-866.
Burlew CC, Sumislawski JJ, Behnfield CD, McNutt MK, McCarthy J, Sharpe JP, Croce MA, Bala M, Kashuk J, Spalding MC, Beery PR, John S, Hunt DJ, Harmon L, Stein DM, Callcut R, Wybourn C, Sperry J, Anto V, Dunn J, Veith JP, Brown CVR, Celii A, Zander TL, Coimbra R, Berndtson AE, Moss TZ, Malhotra AK, Hazelton JP, Linden K, West M, Alam HB, Williams AM, Kim J, Inaba K, Moulton S, Choi YM, Warren HL, Collier B, Ball CG, Savage S, Hartwell JL, Cullinane DC, Zielinski MD, Ray-Zack MD, Morse BC, Rhee P, Rutherford EJ, Udekwu P, Reynolds C, Toschlog E, Gondek S, Ju T, Haan JM, Lightwine KL, Kulvatunyou N, Coates B, Khouqeer AF, Todd SR, Zarzaur B, Waller CJ, Kallies KJ, Neideen T, Eddine SBZ, Peck KA, Dunne CE, Kramer K, Bokhari F, Dhillon TS, Galante JM, Cohen MJ. PMID: 29847537.
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8 Fields:
Laboratory measures of coagulation among trauma patients on NOAs: results of the AAST-MIT. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2018; 3(1):e000231.
Kobayashi LM, Brito A, Barmparas G, Bosarge P, Brown CV, Bukur M, Carrick MM, Catalano RD, Holly-Nicolas J, Inaba K, Kaminski S, Klein AL, Kopelman T, Ley EJ, Martinez EM, Moore FO, Murry J, Nirula R, Paul D, Quick J, Rivera O, Schreiber M, Coimbra R. PMID: 30402564; PMCID: PMC6203140.
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The risk of delayed intracranial hemorrhage with direct acting oral anticoagulants after trauma: A two-center study. Am J Surg. 2019 06; 217(6):1051-1054.
Barmparas G, Kobayashi L, Dhillon NK, Patel KA, Ley EJ, Coimbra R, Margulies DR. PMID: 30336936.
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An AAST-MITC analysis of pancreatic trauma: Staple or sew? Resect or drain? J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 09; 85(3):435-443.
Byrge N, Heilbrun M, Winkler N, Sommers D, Evans H, Cattin LM, Scalea T, Stein DM, Neideen T, Walsh P, Sims CA, Brahmbhatt TS, Galante JM, Phan HH, Malhotra A, Stovall RT, Jurkovich GJ, Coimbra R, Berndtson AE, O'Callaghan TA, Gaspard SF, Schreiber MA, Cook MR, Demetriades D, Rivera O, Velmahos GC, Zhao T, Park PK, Machado-Aranda D, Ahmad S, Lewis J, Hoff WS, Suleiman G, Sperry J, Zolin S, Carrick MM, Mallory GR, Nunez J, Colonna A, Enniss T, Nirula R. PMID: 29787527.
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2017 WSES guidelines on colon and rectal cancer emergencies: obstruction and perforation. World J Emerg Surg. 2018; 13:36.
Pisano M, Zorcolo L, Merli C, Cimbanassi S, Poiasina E, Ceresoli M, Agresta F, Allievi N, Bellanova G, Coccolini F, Coy C, Fugazzola P, Martinez CA, Montori G, Paolillo C, Penachim TJ, Pereira B, Reis T, Restivo A, Rezende-Neto J, Sartelli M, Valentino M, Abu-Zidan FM, Ashkenazi I, Bala M, Chiara O, De' Angelis N, Deidda S, De Simone B, Di Saverio S, Finotti E, Kenji I, Moore E, Wexner S, Biffl W, Coimbra R, Guttadauro A, Leppäniemi A, Maier R, Magnone S, Mefire AC, Peitzmann A, Sakakushev B, Sugrue M, Viale P, Weber D, Kashuk J, Fraga GP, Kluger I, Catena F, Ansaloni L. PMID: 30123315; PMCID: PMC6090779.
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100 Fields:
Outcomes Comparison Between Ligation and Repair after Major Lower Extremity Venous Injury. Ann Vasc Surg. 2019 Jan; 54:152-160.
Matsumoto S, Jung K, Smith A, Coimbra R. PMID: 30096427.
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Influence of postoperative hepatic angiography on mortality after laparotomy in Grade IV/V hepatic injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 08; 85(2):290-297.
Matsumoto S, Cantrell E, Jung K, Smith A, Coimbra R. PMID: 29613955.
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Closed Or Open after Source Control Laparotomy for Severe Complicated Intra-Abdominal Sepsis (the COOL trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. World J Emerg Surg. 2018; 13:26.
Kirkpatrick AW, Coccolini F, Ansaloni L, Roberts DJ, Tolonen M, McKee JL, Leppaniemi A, Faris P, Doig CJ, Catena F, Fabian T, Jenne CN, Chiara O, Kubes P, Manns B, Kluger Y, Fraga GP, Pereira BM, Diaz JJ, Sugrue M, Moore EE, Ren J, Ball CG, Coimbra R, Balogh ZJ, Abu-Zidan FM, Dixon E, Biffl W, MacLean A, Ball I, Drover J, McBeth PB, Posadas-Calleja JG, Parry NG, Di Saverio S, Ordonez CA, Xiao J, Sartelli M, Closed Or Open after Laparotomy (COOL) after Source Control for Severe Complicated Intra-Abdominal S. PMID: 29977328; PMCID: PMC6015449.
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29 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
Bologna guidelines for diagnosis and management of adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO): 2017 update of the evidence-based guidelines from the world society of emergency surgery ASBO working group. World J Emerg Surg. 2018; 13:24.
Ten Broek RPG, Krielen P, Di Saverio S, Coccolini F, Biffl WL, Ansaloni L, Velmahos GC, Sartelli M, Fraga GP, Kelly MD, Moore FA, Peitzman AB, Leppaniemi A, Moore EE, Jeekel J, Kluger Y, Sugrue M, Balogh ZJ, Bendinelli C, Civil I, Coimbra R, De Moya M, Ferrada P, Inaba K, Ivatury R, Latifi R, Kashuk JL, Kirkpatrick AW, Maier R, Rizoli S, Sakakushev B, Scalea T, Søreide K, Weber D, Wani I, Abu-Zidan FM, De'Angelis N, Piscioneri F, Galante JM, Catena F, van Goor H. PMID: 29946347; PMCID: PMC6006983.
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Comparison of outcomes in severely injured patients between a South Korean trauma center and matched patients treated in the United States. Surgery. 2018 09; 164(3):482-488.
Jung K, Matsumoto S, Smith A, Hwang K, Lee JC, Coimbra R. PMID: 29884477.
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Impact of Trauma System Structure on Injury Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. World J Surg. 2018 05; 42(5):1327-1339.
Moore L, Champion H, Tardif PA, Kuimi BL, O'Reilly G, Leppaniemi A, Cameron P, Palmer CS, Abu-Zidan FM, Gabbe B, Gaarder C, Yanchar N, Stelfox HT, Coimbra R, Kortbeek J, Noonan VK, Gunning A, Gordon M, Khajanchi M, Porgo TV, Turgeon AF, Leenen L, International Injury Care Improvement Initiative. PMID: 29071424.
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How has the Affordable Care Act changed outcomes in emergency general surgery? J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 05; 84(5):693-701.
Hamel MG, Godat LN, Coimbra R, Doucet JJ. PMID: 29370065.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Prospective Observational Study on acute Appendicitis Worldwide (POSAW). World J Emerg Surg. 2018; 13:19.
Sartelli M, Baiocchi GL, Di Saverio S, Ferrara F, Labricciosa FM, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, Vijayan D, Abbas A, Abongwa HK, Agboola J, Ahmed A, Akhmeteli L, Akkapulu N, Akkucuk S, Altintoprak F, Andreiev AL, Anyfantakis D, Atanasov B, Bala M, Balalis D, Baraket O, Bellanova G, Beltran M, Melo RB, Bini R, Bouliaris K, Brunelli D, Castillo A, Catani M, Che Jusoh A, Chichom-Mefire A, Cocorullo G, Coimbra R, Colak E, Costa S, Das K, Delibegovic S, Demetrashvili Z, Di Carlo I, Kiseleva N, El Zalabany T, Faro M, Ferreira M, Fraga GP, Gachabayov M, Ghnnam WM, Giménez Maurel T, Gkiokas G, Gomes CA, Griffiths E, Guner A, Gupta S, Hecker A, Hirano ES, Hodonou A, Hutan M, Ioannidis O, Isik A, Ivakhov G, Jain S, Jokubauskas M, Karamarkovic A, Kauhanen S, Kaushik R, Kavalakat A, Kenig J, Khokha V, Khor D, Kim D, Kim JI, Kong V, Lasithiotakis K, Leão P, Leon M, Litvin A, Lohsiriwat V, López-Tomassetti Fernandez E, Lostoridis E, Maciel J, Major P, Dimova A, Manatakis D, Marinis A, Martinez-Perez A, Marwah S, McFarlane M, Mesina C, Pedziwiatr M, Michalopoulos N, Misiakos E, Mohamedahmed A, Moldovanu R, Montori G, Mysore Narayana R, Negoi I, Nikolopoulos I, Novelli G, Novikovs V, Olaoye I, Omari A, Ordoñez CA, Ouadii M, Ozkan Z, Pal A, Palini GM, Partecke LI, Pata F, Pedziwiatr M, Pereira Júnior GA, Pintar T, Pisarska M, Ploneda-Valencia CF, Pouggouras K, Prabhu V, Ramakrishnapillai P, Regimbeau JM, Reitz M, Rios-Cruz D, Saar S, Sakakushev B, Seretis C, Sazhin A, Shelat V, Skrovina M, Smirnov D, Spyropoulos C, Strzalka M, Talving P, Teixeira Gonsaga RA, Theobald G, Tomadze G, Torba M, Tranà C, Ulrych J, Uzunoglu MY, Vasilescu A, Occhionorelli S, Venara A, Vereczkei A, Vettoretto N, Vlad N, Waledziak M, Yilmaz TU, Yuan KC, Yunfeng C, Zilinskas J, Grelpois G, Catena F. PMID: 29686725; PMCID: PMC5902943.
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Getting the invite list right: a discussion of sepsis severity scoring systems in severe complicated intra-abdominal sepsis and randomized trial inclusion criteria. World J Emerg Surg. 2018; 13:17.
Tolonen M, Coccolini F, Ansaloni L, Sartelli M, Roberts DJ, McKee JL, Leppaniemi A, Doig CJ, Catena F, Fabian T, Jenne CN, Chiara O, Kubes P, Kluger Y, Fraga GP, Pereira BM, Diaz JJ, Sugrue M, Moore EE, Ren J, Ball CG, Coimbra R, Dixon E, Biffl W, MacLean A, McBeth PB, Posadas-Calleja JG, Di Saverio S, Xiao J, Kirkpatrick AW, From the Closed Or Open after Laparotomy (COOL) for Source Control in Severe Complicated Intra-Abdom. PMID: 29636790; PMCID: PMC5889572.
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WSES worldwide emergency general surgery formation and evaluation project. World J Emerg Surg. 2018; 13:13.
Coccolini F, Kluger Y, Ansaloni L, Moore EE, Coimbra R, Fraga GP, Kirkpatrick A, Peitzman A, Maier R, Baiocchi G, Agnoletti V, Gamberini E, Leppaniemi A, Ivatury R, Sugrue M, Sartelli M, Di Saverio S, Biffl W, Catena F. PMID: 29563962; PMCID: PMC5851068.
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New Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) adjustments for survival prediction. World J Emerg Surg. 2018; 13:12.
Domingues CA, Coimbra R, Poggetti RS, Nogueira LS, de Sousa RMC. PMID: 29541155; PMCID: PMC5840784.
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Management of IVC Injury: Repair or Ligation? A Propensity Score Matching Analysis Using the National Trauma Data Bank. J Am Coll Surg. 2018 05; 226(5):752-759.e2.
Matsumoto S, Jung K, Smith A, Coimbra R. PMID: 29408285.
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The open abdomen in trauma and non-trauma patients: WSES guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2018; 13:7.
Coccolini F, Roberts D, Ansaloni L, Ivatury R, Gamberini E, Kluger Y, Moore EE, Coimbra R, Kirkpatrick AW, Pereira BM, Montori G, Ceresoli M, Abu-Zidan FM, Sartelli M, Velmahos G, Fraga GP, Leppaniemi A, Tolonen M, Galante J, Razek T, Maier R, Bala M, Sakakushev B, Khokha V, Malbrain M, Agnoletti V, Peitzman A, Demetrashvili Z, Sugrue M, Di Saverio S, Martzi I, Soreide K, Biffl W, Ferrada P, Parry N, Montravers P, Melotti RM, Salvetti F, Valetti TM, Scalea T, Chiara O, Cimbanassi S, Kashuk JL, Larrea M, Hernandez JAM, Lin HF, Chirica M, Arvieux C, Bing C, Horer T, De Simone B, Masiakos P, Reva V, DeAngelis N, Kike K, Balogh ZJ, Fugazzola P, Tomasoni M, Latifi R, Naidoo N, Weber D, Handolin L, Inaba K, Hecker A, Kuo-Ching Y, Ordoñez CA, Rizoli S, Gomes CA, De Moya M, Wani I, Mefire AC, Boffard K, Napolitano L, Catena F. PMID: 29434652; PMCID: PMC5797335.
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Contemporary management of rectal injuries at Level I trauma centers: The results of an American Association for the Surgery of Trauma multi-institutional study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 02; 84(2):225-233.
Brown CVR, Teixeira PG, Furay E, Sharpe JP, Musonza T, Holcomb J, Bui E, Bruns B, Hopper HA, Truitt MS, Burlew CC, Schellenberg M, Sava J, VanHorn J, Eastridge PB, Cross AM, Vasak R, Vercruysse G, Curtis EE, Haan J, Coimbra R, Bohan P, Gale S, Bendix PG, AAST Contemporary Management of Rectal Injuries Study Group. PMID: 29140953.
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Gut epithelial cell-derived exosomes trigger posttrauma immune dysfunction. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 02; 84(2):257-264.
Kojima M, Costantini TW, Eliceiri BP, Chan TW, Baird A, Coimbra R. PMID: 29194317.
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2017 WSES guidelines for the management of iatrogenic colonoscopy perforation. World J Emerg Surg. 2018; 13:5.
de'Angelis N, Di Saverio S, Chiara O, Sartelli M, Martínez-Pérez A, Patrizi F, Weber DG, Ansaloni L, Biffl W, Ben-Ishay O, Bala M, Brunetti F, Gaiani F, Abdalla S, Amiot A, Bahouth H, Bianchi G, Casanova D, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, de'Angelis GL, De Simone B, Fraga GP, Genova P, Ivatury R, Kashuk JL, Kirkpatrick AW, Le Baleur Y, Machado F, Machain GM, Maier RV, Chichom-Mefire A, Memeo R, Mesquita C, Salamea Molina JC, Mutignani M, Manzano-Núñez R, Ordoñez C, Peitzman AB, Pereira BM, Picetti E, Pisano M, Puyana JC, Rizoli S, Siddiqui M, Sobhani I, Ten Broek RP, Zorcolo L, Carra MC, Kluger Y, Catena F. PMID: 29416554; PMCID: PMC5784542.
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33 Fields:
Cervical spine evaluation and clearance in the intoxicated patient: A prospective Western Trauma Association Multi-Institutional Trial and Survey. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 12; 83(6):1032-1040.
Martin MJ, Bush LD, Inaba K, Byerly S, Schreiber M, Peck KA, Barmparas G, Menaker J, Hazelton JP, Coimbra R, Zielinski MD, Brown CVR, Ball CG, Cherry-Bukowiec JR, Burlew CC, Dunn J, Minshall CT, Carrick MM, Berg GM, Demetriades D, Long W, WTA C-Spine Study Group. PMID: 28723840.
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13 Fields:
HumansCTClinical Trials
Natural history of splenic vascular abnormalities after blunt injury: A Western Trauma Association multicenter trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 12; 83(6):999-1005.
Zarzaur BL, Dunn JA, Leininger B, Lauerman M, Shanmuganathan K, Kaups K, Zamary K, Hartwell JL, Bhakta A, Myers J, Gordy S, Todd SR, Claridge JA, Teicher E, Sperry J, Privette A, Allawi A, Burlew CC, Maung AA, Davis KA, Cogbill T, Bonne S, Livingston DH, Coimbra R, Kozar RA. PMID: 28570347.
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Ongoing Evolution of Emergency General Surgery as a Surgical Subspecialty. J Am Coll Surg. 2018 02; 226(2):194-200.
Becher RD, Davis KA, Rotondo MF, Coimbra R. PMID: 29111417.
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10 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
Counter regulation of ECRG4 gene expression by hypermethylation-dependent inhibition and the Sp1 transcription factor-dependent stimulation of the c2orf40 promoter. Gene. 2017 Dec 15; 636:103-111.
Dang X, Zeng X, Coimbra R, Eliceiri BP, Baird A. PMID: 28870864.
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8 Fields:
Exosomes in postshock mesenteric lymph are key mediators of acute lung injury triggering the macrophage activation via Toll-like receptor 4. FASEB J. 2018 01; 32(1):97-110.
Kojima M, Gimenes-Junior JA, Chan TW, Eliceiri BP, Baird A, Costantini TW, Coimbra R. PMID: 28855278.
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43 Fields:
Splenic trauma: WSES classification and guidelines for adult and pediatric patients. World J Emerg Surg. 2017; 12:40.
Coccolini F, Montori G, Catena F, Kluger Y, Biffl W, Moore EE, Reva V, Bing C, Bala M, Fugazzola P, Bahouth H, Marzi I, Velmahos G, Ivatury R, Soreide K, Horer T, Ten Broek R, Pereira BM, Fraga GP, Inaba K, Kashuk J, Parry N, Masiakos PT, Mylonas KS, Kirkpatrick A, Abu-Zidan F, Gomes CA, Benatti SV, Naidoo N, Salvetti F, Maccatrozzo S, Agnoletti V, Gamberini E, Solaini L, Costanzo A, Celotti A, Tomasoni M, Khokha V, Arvieux C, Napolitano L, Handolin L, Pisano M, Magnone S, Spain DA, de Moya M, Davis KA, De Angelis N, Leppaniemi A, Ferrada P, Latifi R, Navarro DC, Otomo Y, Coimbra R, Maier RV, Moore F, Rizoli S, Sakakushev B, Galante JM, Chiara O, Cimbanassi S, Mefire AC, Weber D, Ceresoli M, Peitzman AB, Wehlie L, Sartelli M, Di Saverio S, Ansaloni L. PMID: 28828034; PMCID: PMC5562999.
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118 Fields:
The role of open abdomen in non-trauma patient: WSES Consensus Paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2017; 12:39.
Coccolini F, Montori G, Ceresoli M, Catena F, Moore EE, Ivatury R, Biffl W, Peitzman A, Coimbra R, Rizoli S, Kluger Y, Abu-Zidan FM, Sartelli M, De Moya M, Velmahos G, Fraga GP, Pereira BM, Leppaniemi A, Boermeester MA, Kirkpatrick AW, Maier R, Bala M, Sakakushev B, Khokha V, Malbrain M, Agnoletti V, Martin-Loeches I, Sugrue M, Di Saverio S, Griffiths E, Soreide K, Mazuski JE, May AK, Montravers P, Melotti RM, Pisano M, Salvetti F, Marchesi G, Valetti TM, Scalea T, Chiara O, Kashuk JL, Ansaloni L. PMID: 28814969; PMCID: PMC5557069.
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2017 update of the WSES guidelines for emergency repair of complicated abdominal wall hernias. World J Emerg Surg. 2017; 12:37.
Birindelli A, Sartelli M, Di Saverio S, Coccolini F, Ansaloni L, van Ramshorst GH, Campanelli G, Khokha V, Moore EE, Peitzman A, Velmahos G, Moore FA, Leppaniemi A, Burlew CC, Biffl WL, Koike K, Kluger Y, Fraga GP, Ordonez CA, Novello M, Agresta F, Sakakushev B, Gerych I, Wani I, Kelly MD, Gomes CA, Faro MP, Tarasconi A, Demetrashvili Z, Lee JG, Vettoretto N, Guercioni G, Persiani R, Tranà C, Cui Y, Kok KYY, Ghnnam WM, Abbas AE, Sato N, Marwah S, Rangarajan M, Ben-Ishay O, Adesunkanmi ARK, Lohse HAS, Kenig J, Mandalà S, Coimbra R, Bhangu A, Suggett N, Biondi A, Portolani N, Baiocchi G, Kirkpatrick AW, Scibé R, Sugrue M, Chiara O, Catena F. PMID: 28804507; PMCID: PMC5545868.
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46 Fields:
The management of intra-abdominal infections from a global perspective: 2017 WSES guidelines for management of intra-abdominal infections. World J Emerg Surg. 2017; 12:29.
Sartelli M, Chichom-Mefire A, Labricciosa FM, Hardcastle T, Abu-Zidan FM, Adesunkanmi AK, Ansaloni L, Bala M, Balogh ZJ, Beltrán MA, Ben-Ishay O, Biffl WL, Birindelli A, Cainzos MA, Catalini G, Ceresoli M, Che Jusoh A, Chiara O, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Cortese F, Demetrashvili Z, Di Saverio S, Diaz JJ, Egiev VN, Ferrada P, Fraga GP, Ghnnam WM, Lee JG, Gomes CA, Hecker A, Herzog T, Kim JI, Inaba K, Isik A, Karamarkovic A, Kashuk J, Khokha V, Kirkpatrick AW, Kluger Y, Koike K, Kong VY, Leppaniemi A, Machain GM, Maier RV, Marwah S, McFarlane ME, Montori G, Moore EE, Negoi I, Olaoye I, Omari AH, Ordonez CA, Pereira BM, Pereira Júnior GA, Pupelis G, Reis T, Sakakhushev B, Sato N, Segovia Lohse HA, Shelat VG, Søreide K, Uhl W, Ulrych J, Van Goor H, Velmahos GC, Yuan KC, Wani I, Weber DG, Zachariah SK, Catena F. PMID: 28702076; PMCID: PMC5504840.
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147 Fields:
Longer-Duration Antimicrobial Therapy Does Not Prevent Treatment Failure in High-Risk Patients with Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2017 Aug/Sep; 18(6):659-663.
Hassinger TE, Guidry CA, Rotstein OD, Duane TM, Evans HL, Cook CH, O'Neill PJ, Mazuski JE, Askari R, Napolitano LM, Namias N, Miller PR, Dellinger EP, Coimbra R, Cocanour CS, Banton KL, Cuschieri J, Popovsky K, Sawyer RG. PMID: 28650745; PMCID: PMC5576191.
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Pelvic fracture pattern predicts the need for hemorrhage control intervention-Results of an AAST multi-institutional study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 06; 82(6):1030-1038.
Costantini TW, Coimbra R, Holcomb JB, Podbielski JM, Catalano RD, Blackburn A, Scalea TM, Stein DM, Williams L, Conflitti J, Keeney S, Hoey C, Zhou T, Sperry J, Skiada D, Inaba K, Williams BH, Minei JP, Privette A, Mackersie RC, Robinson BR, Moore FO, AAST Pelvic Fracture Study Group. PMID: 28520685.
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Novel oral anticoagulants and trauma: The results of a prospective American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Multi-Institutional Trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 05; 82(5):827-835.
Kobayashi L, Barmparas G, Bosarge P, Brown CV, Bukur M, Carrick MM, Catalano RD, Holly-Nicolas J, Inaba K, Kaminski S, Klein AL, Kopelman T, Ley EJ, Martinez EM, Moore FO, Murry J, Nirula R, Paul D, Quick J, Rivera O, Schreiber M, Coimbra R, AAST Multicenter Prospective Observational Study of Trauma Patients on Novel Oral Anticoagulants Stu. PMID: 28431413.
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Performance of new adjustments to the TRISS equation model in developed and developing countries. World J Emerg Surg. 2017; 12:17.
Domingues CA, Coimbra R, Poggetti RS, Nogueira LS, Sousa RMC. PMID: 28360930; PMCID: PMC5370451.
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Neuro, trauma, or med/surg intensive care unit: Does it matter where multiple injuries patients with traumatic brain injury are admitted? Secondary analysis of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Multi-Institutional Trials Committee decompressive craniectomy study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 03; 82(3):489-496.
Lombardo S, Scalea T, Sperry J, Coimbra R, Vercruysse G, Enniss T, Jurkovich GJ, Nirula R. PMID: 28225527; PMCID: PMC5481498.
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The Coalition for National Trauma Research supports the call for a national trauma research action plan. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 03; 82(3):637-645.
Coimbra R, Kozar RA, Smith JW, Zarzaur BL, Hauser CJ, Moore FA, Bailey JA, Valadka A, Jurkovich GJ, Jenkins DH, Davis KA, Price MA, Maier RV. PMID: 28030499.
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Impact of trauma system structure on injury outcomes: a systematic review protocol. Syst Rev. 2017 01 21; 6(1):12.
Moore L, Champion H, O'Reilly G, Leppaniemi A, Cameron P, Palmer C, Abu-Zidan FM, Gabbe B, Gaarder C, Yanchar N, Stelfox HT, Coimbra R, Kortbeek J, Noonan V, Gunning A, Leenan L, Gordon M, Khajanchi M, Shemilt M, Porgo V, Turgeon AF, International Injury Care Improvement Initiative. PMID: 28109306; PMCID: PMC5251247.
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7 Fields:
HumansPHPublic Health
Pelvic trauma: WSES classification and guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2017; 12:5.
Coccolini F, Stahel PF, Montori G, Biffl W, Horer TM, Catena F, Kluger Y, Moore EE, Peitzman AB, Ivatury R, Coimbra R, Fraga GP, Pereira B, Rizoli S, Kirkpatrick A, Leppaniemi A, Manfredi R, Magnone S, Chiara O, Solaini L, Ceresoli M, Allievi N, Arvieux C, Velmahos G, Balogh Z, Naidoo N, Weber D, Abu-Zidan F, Sartelli M, Ansaloni L. PMID: 28115984; PMCID: PMC5241998.
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146 Fields:
Enteric glia cells are critical to limiting the intestinal inflammatory response after injury. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2017 Mar 01; 312(3):G274-G282.
Langness S, Kojima M, Coimbra R, Eliceiri BP, Costantini TW. PMID: 28082286.
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REBOA: is it ready for prime time? J Vasc Bras. 2017 Jan-Mar; 16(1):1-3.
Doucet J, Coimbra R. PMID: 29930615; PMCID: PMC5829684.
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Exosomes, not protein or lipids, in mesenteric lymph activate inflammation: Unlocking the mystery of post-shock multiple organ failure. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 01; 82(1):42-50.
Kojima M, Gimenes-Junior JA, Langness S, Morishita K, Lavoie-Gagne O, Eliceiri B, Costantini TW, Coimbra R. PMID: 27779585.
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20 Fields:
Modulating the Biologic Activity of Mesenteric Lymph after Traumatic Shock Decreases Systemic Inflammation and End Organ Injury. PLoS One. 2016; 11(12):e0168322.
Langness S, Costantini TW, Morishita K, Eliceiri BP, Coimbra R. PMID: 27977787; PMCID: PMC5158049.
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9 Fields:
If some is good, more is better: An enoxaparin dosing strategy to improve pharmacologic venous thromboembolism prophylaxis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 12; 81(6):1095-1100.
Berndtson AE, Costantini TW, Lane J, Box K, Coimbra R. PMID: 27244575.
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16 Fields:
Cervical spinal clearance: A prospective Western Trauma Association Multi-institutional Trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 12; 81(6):1122-1130.
Inaba K, Byerly S, Bush LD, Martin MJ, Martin DT, Peck KA, Barmparas G, Bradley MJ, Hazelton JP, Coimbra R, Choudhry AJ, Brown CV, Ball CG, Cherry-Bukowiec JR, Burlew CC, Joseph B, Dunn J, Minshall CT, Carrick MM, Berg GM, Demetriades D, WTA C-Spine Study Group. PMID: 27438681; PMCID: PMC5121083.
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Position statement of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Report, A National Trauma Care System: Integrating Military and Civilian Trauma Systems to Achieve Zero Preventable Deaths After Injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 11; 81(5):819-823.
Jenkins DH, Winchell RJ, Coimbra R, Rotondo MF, Weireter LJ, Bulger EM, Kozar RA, Nathens AB, Reilly PM, Henry SM, Jimenez MF, Chang MC, Coburn M, Dodd J, Neal ML, Rosen J, Clemency J, Hoyt DB, Stewart RM. PMID: 27533902.
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WSES classification and guidelines for liver trauma. World J Emerg Surg. 2016; 11:50.
Coccolini F, Catena F, Moore EE, Ivatury R, Biffl W, Peitzman A, Coimbra R, Rizoli S, Kluger Y, Abu-Zidan FM, Ceresoli M, Montori G, Sartelli M, Weber D, Fraga G, Naidoo N, Moore FA, Zanini N, Ansaloni L. PMID: 27766112; PMCID: PMC5057434.
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32 Fields:
Mice engrafted with human hematopoietic stem cells support a human myeloid cell inflammatory response in vivo. Wound Repair Regen. 2016 11; 24(6):1004-1014.
Baird A, Deng C, Eliceiri MH, Haghi F, Dang X, Coimbra R, Costantini TW, Torbett BE, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 27663454; PMCID: PMC5161601.
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12 Fields:
Does sex matter? Effects on venous thromboembolism risk in screened trauma patients. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 09; 81(3):493-9.
Berndtson AE, Costantini TW, Smith AM, Kobayashi L, Coimbra R. PMID: 27280942.
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Inclusion of Vancomycin as Part of Broad-Spectrum Coverage Does Not Improve Outcomes in Patients with Intra-Abdominal Infections: A Post Hoc Analysis. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2016 Dec; 17(6):694-699.
Sanders JM, Tessier JM, Sawyer RG, Lipsett PA, Miller PR, Namias N, O'Neill PJ, Dellinger EP, Coimbra R, Guidry CA, Cuschieri J, Banton KL, Cook CH, Moore BJ, Duane TM. PMID: 27483362.
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WSES Guidelines for the management of acute left sided colonic diverticulitis in the emergency setting. World J Emerg Surg. 2016; 11:37.
Sartelli M, Catena F, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, Griffiths EA, Abu-Zidan FM, Di Saverio S, Ulrych J, Kluger Y, Ben-Ishay O, Moore FA, Ivatury RR, Coimbra R, Peitzman AB, Leppaniemi A, Fraga GP, Maier RV, Chiara O, Kashuk J, Sakakushev B, Weber DG, Latifi R, Biffl W, Bala M, Karamarkovic A, Inaba K, Ordonez CA, Hecker A, Augustin G, Demetrashvili Z, Melo RB, Marwah S, Zachariah SK, Shelat VG, McFarlane M, Rems M, Gomes CA, Faro MP, Júnior GA, Negoi I, Cui Y, Sato N, Vereczkei A, Bellanova G, Birindelli A, Di Carlo I, Kok KY, Gachabayov M, Gkiokas G, Bouliaris K, Çolak E, Isik A, Rios-Cruz D, Soto R, Moore EE. PMID: 27478494; PMCID: PMC4966807.
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75 Fields:
Abdominal vascular trauma. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2016; 1(1):e000015.
Kobayashi LM, Costantini TW, Hamel MG, Dierksheide JE, Coimbra R. PMID: 29766059; PMCID: PMC5891707.
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WSES Jerusalem guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis. World J Emerg Surg. 2016; 11:34.
Di Saverio S, Birindelli A, Kelly MD, Catena F, Weber DG, Sartelli M, Sugrue M, De Moya M, Gomes CA, Bhangu A, Agresta F, Moore EE, Soreide K, Griffiths E, De Castro S, Kashuk J, Kluger Y, Leppaniemi A, Ansaloni L, Andersson M, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Gurusamy KS, Campanile FC, Biffl W, Chiara O, Moore F, Peitzman AB, Fraga GP, Costa D, Maier RV, Rizoli S, Balogh ZJ, Bendinelli C, Cirocchi R, Tonini V, Piccinini A, Tugnoli G, Jovine E, Persiani R, Biondi A, Scalea T, Stahel P, Ivatury R, Velmahos G, Andersson R. PMID: 27437029; PMCID: PMC4949879.
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133 Fields:
Antimicrobials: a global alliance for optimizing their rational use in intra-abdominal infections (AGORA). World J Emerg Surg. 2016; 11:33.
Sartelli M, Weber DG, Ruppé E, Bassetti M, Wright BJ, Ansaloni L, Catena F, Coccolini F, Abu-Zidan FM, Coimbra R, Moore EE, Moore FA, Maier RV, De Waele JJ, Kirkpatrick AW, Griffiths EA, Eckmann C, Brink AJ, Mazuski JE, May AK, Sawyer RG, Mertz D, Montravers P, Kumar A, Roberts JA, Vincent JL, Watkins RR, Lowman W, Spellberg B, Abbott IJ, Adesunkanmi AK, Al-Dahir S, Al-Hasan MN, Agresta F, Althani AA, Ansari S, Ansumana R, Augustin G, Bala M, Balogh ZJ, Baraket O, Bhangu A, Beltrán MA, Bernhard M, Biffl WL, Boermeester MA, Brecher SM, Cherry-Bukowiec JR, Buyne OR, Cainzos MA, Cairns KA, Camacho-Ortiz A, Chandy SJ, Che Jusoh A, Chichom-Mefire A, Colijn C, Corcione F, Cui Y, Curcio D, Delibegovic S, Demetrashvili Z, De Simone B, Dhingra S, Diaz JJ, Di Carlo I, Dillip A, Di Saverio S, Doyle MP, Dorj G, Dogjani A, Dupont H, Eachempati SR, Enani MA, Egiev VN, Elmangory MM, Ferrada P, Fitchett JR, Fraga GP, Guessennd N, Giamarellou H, Ghnnam W, Gkiokas G, Goldberg SR, Gomes CA, Gomi H, Guzmán-Blanco M, Haque M, Hansen S, Hecker A, Heizmann WR, Herzog T, Hodonou AM, Hong SK, Kafka-Ritsch R, Kaplan LJ, Kapoor G, Karamarkovic A, Kees MG, Kenig J, Kiguba R, Kim PK, Kluger Y, Khokha V, Koike K, Kok KY, Kong V, Knox MC, Inaba K, Isik A, Iskandar K, Ivatury RR, Labbate M, Labricciosa FM, Laterre PF, Latifi R, Lee JG, Lee YR, Leone M, Leppaniemi A, Li Y, Liang SY, Loho T, Maegele M, Malama S, Marei HE, Martin-Loeches I, Marwah S, Massele A, McFarlane M, Melo RB, Negoi I, Nicolau DP, Nord CE, Ofori-Asenso R, Omari AH, Ordonez CA, Ouadii M, Pereira Júnior GA, Piazza D, Pupelis G, Rawson TM, Rems M, Rizoli S, Rocha C, Sakakushev B, Sanchez-Garcia M, Sato N, Segovia Lohse HA, Sganga G, Siribumrungwong B, Shelat VG, Soreide K, Soto R, Talving P, Tilsed JV, Timsit JF, Trueba G, Trung NT, Ulrych J, van Goor H, Vereczkei A, Vohra RS, Wani I, Uhl W, Xiao Y, Yuan KC, Zachariah SK, Zahar JR, Zakrison TL, Corcione A, Melotti RM, Viscoli C, Viale P. PMID: 27429642; PMCID: PMC4946132.
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76 Fields:
Percutaneously drained intra-abdominal infections do not require longer duration of antimicrobial therapy. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 07; 81(1):108-13.
Rattan R, Allen CJ, Sawyer RG, Askari R, Banton KL, Coimbra R, Cook CH, Duane TM, O'Neill PJ, Rotstein OD, Namias N. PMID: 26953758.
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Isolated traumatic brain injury in patients with cirrhosis: do different treatment paradigms result in increased mortality? Am J Surg. 2017 Jan; 213(1):80-86.
Langness S, Costantini TW, Smith A, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 27421188.
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Current management of hemorrhage from severe pelvic fractures: Results of an American Association for the Surgery of Trauma multi-institutional trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 May; 80(5):717-23; discussion 723-5.
Costantini TW, Coimbra R, Holcomb JB, Podbielski JM, Catalano R, Blackburn A, Scalea TM, Stein DM, Williams L, Conflitti J, Keeney S, Suleiman G, Zhou T, Sperry J, Skiada D, Inaba K, Williams BH, Minei JP, Privette A, Mackersie RC, Robinson BR, Moore FO, AAST Pelvic Fracture Study Group. PMID: 26958799.
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81 Fields:
Injury, inflammation and the emergence of human-specific genes. Wound Repair Regen. 2016 05; 24(3):602-6.
Baird A, Costantini T, Coimbra R, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 26874655; PMCID: PMC5021143.
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Up-regulation of the human-specific CHRFAM7A gene in inflammatory bowel disease. BBA Clin. 2016 Jun; 5:66-71.
Baird A, Coimbra R, Dang X, Eliceiri BP, Costantini TW. PMID: 27051591; PMCID: PMC4802402.
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The Response to Burn Injury in Mice With Human Hematolymphoid Systems. Ann Surg. 2016 Jan; 263(1):199-204.
Costantini TW, Meads M, Dang X, Coimbra R, Torbett BE, Baird A, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 25575256; PMCID: PMC6550477.
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Global validation of the WSES Sepsis Severity Score for patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections: a prospective multicentre study (WISS Study). World J Emerg Surg. 2015; 10:61.
Sartelli M, Abu-Zidan FM, Catena F, Griffiths EA, Di Saverio S, Coimbra R, Ordoñez CA, Leppaniemi A, Fraga GP, Coccolini F, Agresta F, Abbas A, Abdel Kader S, Agboola J, Amhed A, Ajibade A, Akkucuk S, Alharthi B, Anyfantakis D, Augustin G, Baiocchi G, Bala M, Baraket O, Bayrak S, Bellanova G, Beltràn MA, Bini R, Boal M, Borodach AV, Bouliaris K, Branger F, Brunelli D, Catani M, Che Jusoh A, Chichom-Mefire A, Cocorullo G, Colak E, Costa D, Costa S, Cui Y, Curca GL, Curry T, Das K, Delibegovic S, Demetrashvili Z, Di Carlo I, Drozdova N, El Zalabany T, Enani MA, Faro M, Gachabayov M, Giménez Maurel T, Gkiokas G, Gomes CA, Gonsaga RA, Guercioni G, Guner A, Gupta S, Gutierrez S, Hutan M, Ioannidis O, Isik A, Izawa Y, Jain SA, Jokubauskas M, Karamarkovic A, Kauhanen S, Kaushik R, Kenig J, Khokha V, Kim JI, Kong V, Koshy R, Krasniqi A, Kshirsagar A, Kuliesius Z, Lasithiotakis K, Leão P, Lee JG, Leon M, Lizarazu Pérez A, Lohsiriwat V, López-Tomassetti Fernandez E, Lostoridis E, Mn R, Major P, Marinis A, Marrelli D, Martinez-Perez A, Marwah S, McFarlane M, Melo RB, Mesina C, Michalopoulos N, Moldovanu R, Mouaqit O, Munyika A, Negoi I, Nikolopoulos I, Nita GE, Olaoye I, Omari A, Ossa PR, Ozkan Z, Padmakumar R, Pata F, Pereira Junior GA, Pereira J, Pintar T, Pouggouras K, Prabhu V, Rausei S, Rems M, Rios-Cruz D, Sakakushev B, Sánchez de Molina ML, Seretis C, Shelat V, Simões RL, Sinibaldi G, Skrovina M, Smirnov D, Spyropoulos C, Tepp J, Tezcaner T, Tolonen M, Torba M, Ulrych J, Uzunoglu MY, van Dellen D, van Ramshorst GH, Vasquez G, Venara A, Vereczkei A, Vettoretto N, Vlad N, Yadav SK, Yilmaz TU, Yuan KC, Zachariah SK, Zida M, Zilinskas J, Ansaloni L. PMID: 26677396; PMCID: PMC4681030.
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68 Fields:
A new kid on the block: Outcomes with Kcentra 1 year after approval. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Dec; 79(6):1004-8.
Berndtson AE, Huang WT, Box K, Kobayashi L, Godat LN, Smith AM, Weingarten D, Coimbra R. PMID: 26488322.
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A 10-year restrospective evaluation of ultrasound in pregnant abdominal trauma patients. Emerg Radiol. 2016 Apr; 23(2):105-9.
Meisinger QC, Brown MA, Dehqanzada ZA, Doucet J, Coimbra R, Casola G. PMID: 26585759.
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Monitoring Neutrophil-Expressed Cell Surface Esophageal Cancer Related Gene-4 after Severe Burn Injury. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2015 Dec; 16(6):669-74.
Costantini TW, Coimbra R, Lopez NE, Lee JG, Potenza B, Smith A, Baird A, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 26460850; PMCID: PMC4663648.
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Do Polymicrobial Intra-Abdominal Infections Have Worse Outcomes than Monomicrobial Intra-Abdominal Infections? Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2016 Feb; 17(1):27-31.
Shah PM, Edwards BL, Dietch ZC, Guidry CA, Davies SW, Hennessy SA, Duane TM, O'Neill PJ, Coimbra R, Cook CH, Askari R, Popovsky K, Sawyer RG. PMID: 26397376; PMCID: PMC4742966.
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WSES guidelines for management of Clostridium difficile infection in surgical patients. World J Emerg Surg. 2015; 10:38.
Sartelli M, Malangoni MA, Abu-Zidan FM, Griffiths EA, Di Bella S, McFarland LV, Eltringham I, Shelat VG, Velmahos GC, Kelly CP, Khanna S, Abdelsattar ZM, Alrahmani L, Ansaloni L, Augustin G, Bala M, Barbut F, Ben-Ishay O, Bhangu A, Biffl WL, Brecher SM, Camacho-Ortiz A, Caínzos MA, Canterbury LA, Catena F, Chan S, Cherry-Bukowiec JR, Clanton J, Coccolini F, Cocuz ME, Coimbra R, Cook CH, Cui Y, Czepiel J, Das K, Demetrashvili Z, Di Carlo I, Di Saverio S, Dumitru IM, Eckert C, Eckmann C, Eiland EH, Enani MA, Faro M, Ferrada P, Forrester JD, Fraga GP, Frossard JL, Galeiras R, Ghnnam W, Gomes CA, Gorrepati V, Ahmed MH, Herzog T, Humphrey F, Kim JI, Isik A, Ivatury R, Lee YY, Juang P, Furuya-Kanamori L, Karamarkovic A, Kim PK, Kluger Y, Ko WC, LaBarbera FD, Lee JG, Leppaniemi A, Lohsiriwat V, Marwah S, Mazuski JE, Metan G, Moore EE, Moore FA, Nord CE, Ordoñez CA, Júnior GA, Petrosillo N, Portela F, Puri BK, Ray A, Raza M, Rems M, Sakakushev BE, Sganga G, Spigaglia P, Stewart DB, Tattevin P, Timsit JF, To KB, Tranà C, Uhl W, Urbánek L, van Goor H, Vassallo A, Zahar JR, Caproli E, Viale P. PMID: 26300956; PMCID: PMC4545872.
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27 Fields:
The role of the open abdomen procedure in managing severe abdominal sepsis: WSES position paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2015; 10:35.
Sartelli M, Abu-Zidan FM, Ansaloni L, Bala M, Beltrán MA, Biffl WL, Catena F, Chiara O, Coccolini F, Coimbra R, Demetrashvili Z, Demetriades D, Diaz JJ, Di Saverio S, Fraga GP, Ghnnam W, Griffiths EA, Gupta S, Hecker A, Karamarkovic A, Kong VY, Kafka-Ritsch R, Kluger Y, Latifi R, Leppaniemi A, Lee JG, McFarlane M, Marwah S, Moore FA, Ordonez CA, Pereira GA, Plaudis H, Shelat VG, Ulrych J, Zachariah SK, Zielinski MD, Garcia MP, Moore EE. PMID: 26269709; PMCID: PMC4534034.
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65 Fields:
Complete ultrasonography of trauma in screening blunt abdominal trauma patients is equivalent to computed tomographic scanning while reducing radiation exposure and cost. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Aug; 79(2):199-205.
Dehqanzada ZA, Meisinger Q, Doucet J, Smith A, Casola G, Coimbra R. PMID: 26218686.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Vagus Nerve Mediates the Neural Stem Cell Response to Intestinal Injury. J Am Coll Surg. 2015 Oct; 221(4):871-9.
Langness S, Coimbra R, Eliceiri BP, Costantini TW. PMID: 26209457.
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Neuroenteric axis modulates the balance of regulatory T cells and T-helper 17 cells in the mesenteric lymph node following trauma/hemorrhagic shock. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2015 Aug 01; 309(3):G202-8.
Morishita K, Coimbra R, Langness S, Eliceiri BP, Costantini TW. PMID: 26045612.
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Activated prothrombin complex and the treatment of hypocoagulable trauma patients. Am Surg. 2015 Jun; 81(6):651-2.
Hassanein O, Smith A, Coimbra R, Bansal V. PMID: 26031282.
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Trial of short-course antimicrobial therapy for intraabdominal infection. N Engl J Med. 2015 05 21; 372(21):1996-2005.
Sawyer RG, Claridge JA, Nathens AB, Rotstein OD, Duane TM, Evans HL, Cook CH, O'Neill PJ, Mazuski JE, Askari R, Wilson MA, Napolitano LM, Namias N, Miller PR, Dellinger EP, Watson CM, Coimbra R, Dent DL, Lowry SF, Cocanour CS, West MA, Banton KL, Cheadle WG, Lipsett PA, Guidry CA, Popovsky K, STOP-IT Trial Investigators. PMID: 25992746; PMCID: PMC4469182.
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208 Fields:
A comparison of prehospital lactate and systolic blood pressure for predicting the need for resuscitative care in trauma transported by ground. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Mar; 78(3):600-6.
Guyette FX, Meier EN, Newgard C, McKnight B, Daya M, Bulger EM, Powell JL, Brasel KJ, Kerby JD, Egan D, Sise M, Coimbra R, Fabian TC, Hoyt DB, ROC Investigators. PMID: 25710433; PMCID: PMC10448374.
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Early pharmacological venous thromboembolism prophylaxis is safe after operative fixation of traumatic spine fractures. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Mar 01; 40(5):299-304.
Kim DY, Kobayashi L, Chang D, Fortlage D, Coimbra R. PMID: 25901977.
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A proposal for a CT driven classification of left colon acute diverticulitis. World J Emerg Surg. 2015; 10:3.
Sartelli M, Moore FA, Ansaloni L, Di Saverio S, Coccolini F, Griffiths EA, Coimbra R, Agresta F, Sakakushev B, Ordoñez CA, Abu-Zidan FM, Karamarkovic A, Augustin G, Costa Navarro D, Ulrych J, Demetrashvili Z, Melo RB, Marwah S, Zachariah SK, Wani I, Shelat VG, Kim JI, McFarlane M, Pintar T, Rems M, Bala M, Ben-Ishay O, Gomes CA, Faro MP, Pereira GA, Catani M, Baiocchi G, Bini R, Anania G, Negoi I, Kecbaja Z, Omari AH, Cui Y, Kenig J, Sato N, Vereczkei A, Skrovina M, Das K, Bellanova G, Di Carlo I, Segovia Lohse HA, Kong V, Kok KY, Massalou D, Smirnov D, Gachabayov M, Gkiokas G, Marinis A, Spyropoulos C, Nikolopoulos I, Bouliaris K, Tepp J, Lohsiriwat V, Çolak E, Isik A, Rios-Cruz D, Soto R, Abbas A, Tranà C, Caproli E, Soldatenkova D, Corcione F, Piazza D, Catena F. PMID: 25972914; PMCID: PMC4429354.
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41 Fields:
A pharmacologic approach to vagal nerve stimulation prevents mesenteric lymph toxicity after hemorrhagic shock. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Jan; 78(1):52-8; discussion 58-9.
Morishita K, Costantini TW, Ueno A, Bansal V, Eliceiri B, Coimbra R. PMID: 25539203.
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Pulmonary preconditioning, injury, and inflammation modulate expression of the candidate tumor suppressor gene ECRG4 in lung. Exp Lung Res. 2015 Apr; 41(3):162-72.
Kao S, Shaterian A, Cauvi DM, Dang X, Chun HB, De Maio A, Costantini TW, Coimbra R, Eliceiri BP, Baird A. PMID: 25513848; PMCID: PMC4524537.
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Esophageal cancer-related gene-4 (ECRG4) interactions with the innate immunity receptor complex. Inflamm Res. 2015 Feb; 64(2):107-18.
Podvin S, Dang X, Meads M, Kurabi A, Costantini T, Eliceiri BP, Baird A, Coimbra R. PMID: 25511108; PMCID: PMC4301958.
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CHRFAM7A, a human-specific and partially duplicated α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene with the potential to specify a human-specific inflammatory response to injury. J Leukoc Biol. 2015 Feb; 97(2):247-57.
Costantini TW, Dang X, Coimbra R, Eliceiri BP, Baird A. PMID: 25473097; PMCID: PMC4304420.
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Western Trauma Association critical decisions in trauma: penetrating chest trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Dec; 77(6):994-1002.
Karmy-Jones R, Namias N, Coimbra R, Moore EE, Schreiber M, McIntyre R, Croce M, Livingston DH, Sperry JL, Malhotra AK, Biffl WL. PMID: 25423543.
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Adult respiratory distress syndrome risk factors for injured patients undergoing damage-control laparotomy: AAST multicenter post hoc analysis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Dec; 77(6):886-91.
Zielinski MD, Jenkins D, Cotton BA, Inaba K, Vercruysse G, Coimbra R, Brown CV, Alley DE, DuBose J, Scalea TM, AAST Open Abdomen Study Group. PMID: 25248057.
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New solutions for complex bleeding in trauma. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2014 Dec; 40(6):639.
Coimbra R, Leppaniemi A. PMID: 26814778.
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World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) guidelines for management of skin and soft tissue infections. World J Emerg Surg. 2014; 9(1):57.
Sartelli M, Malangoni MA, May AK, Viale P, Kao LS, Catena F, Ansaloni L, Moore EE, Moore FA, Peitzman AB, Coimbra R, Leppaniemi A, Kluger Y, Biffl W, Koike K, Girardis M, Ordonez CA, Tavola M, Cainzos M, Di Saverio S, Fraga GP, Gerych I, Kelly MD, Taviloglu K, Wani I, Marwah S, Bala M, Ghnnam W, Shaikh N, Chiara O, Faro MP, Pereira GA, Gomes CA, Coccolini F, Tranà C, Corbella D, Brambillasca P, Cui Y, Segovia Lohse HA, Khokha V, Kok KY, Hong SK, Yuan KC. PMID: 25422671; PMCID: PMC4242587.
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Altering leukocyte recruitment following traumatic brain injury with ghrelin therapy. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Nov; 77(5):709-715.
Lee J, Costantini TW, D'Mello R, Eliceiri BP, Coimbra R, Bansal V. PMID: 25494422.
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The vagus nerve alters the pulmonary dendritic cell response to injury. J Surg Res. 2014 Nov; 192(1):12-8.
Lowry DM, Morishita K, Eliceiri BP, Bansal V, Coimbra R, Costantini TW. PMID: 25005822.
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Complicated intra-abdominal infections worldwide: the definitive data of the CIAOW Study. World J Emerg Surg. 2014; 9:37.
Sartelli M, Catena F, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, Corbella D, Moore EE, Malangoni M, Velmahos G, Coimbra R, Koike K, Leppaniemi A, Biffl W, Balogh Z, Bendinelli C, Gupta S, Kluger Y, Agresta F, Di Saverio S, Tugnoli G, Jovine E, Ordonez CA, Whelan JF, Fraga GP, Gomes CA, Pereira GA, Yuan KC, Bala M, Peev MP, Ben-Ishay O, Cui Y, Marwah S, Zachariah S, Wani I, Rangarajan M, Sakakushev B, Kong V, Ahmed A, Abbas A, Gonsaga RA, Guercioni G, Vettoretto N, Poiasina E, Díaz-Nieto R, Massalou D, Skrovina M, Gerych I, Augustin G, Kenig J, Khokha V, Tranà C, Kok KY, Mefire AC, Lee JG, Hong SK, Lohse HA, Ghnnam W, Verni A, Lohsiriwat V, Siribumrungwong B, El Zalabany T, Tavares A, Baiocchi G, Das K, Jarry J, Zida M, Sato N, Murata K, Shoko T, Irahara T, Hamedelneel AO, Naidoo N, Adesunkanmi AR, Kobe Y, Ishii W, Oka K, Izawa Y, Hamid H, Khan I, Attri A, Sharma R, Sanjuan J, Badiel M, Barnabé R. PMID: 24883079; PMCID: PMC4039043.
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108 Fields:
Cholinergic signaling in the gut: a novel mechanism of barrier protection through activation of enteric glia cells. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2014 Aug; 15(4):387-93.
Cheadle GA, Costantini TW, Bansal V, Eliceiri BP, Coimbra R. PMID: 24828283.
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27 Fields:
Decompressive craniectomy or medical management for refractory intracranial hypertension: an AAST-MIT propensity score analysis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Apr; 76(4):944-52; discussion 952-5.
Nirula R, Millar D, Greene T, McFadden M, Shah L, Scalea TM, Stein DM, Magnotti LJ, Jurkovich GJ, Vercruysse G, Demetriades D, Scherer LA, Peitzman A, Sperry J, Beauchamp K, Bell S, Feiz-Erfan I, O'Neill P, Coimbra R. PMID: 24662856.
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Determining injuries from posterior and flank stab wounds using computed tomography tractography. Am Surg. 2014 Apr; 80(4):403-7.
Bansal V, Reid CM, Fortlage D, Lee J, Kobayashi L, Doucet J, Coimbra R. PMID: 24887674.
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Innovation in trauma care: 2nd World Trauma Congress and 15th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2014 Apr; 40(2):105-6.
Coimbra R, Leenen LP, Marzi I. PMID: 26815889.
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Current concept of abdominal sepsis: WSES position paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2014 Mar 27; 9(1):22.
Sartelli M, Catena F, Di Saverio S, Ansaloni L, Malangoni M, Moore EE, Moore FA, Ivatury R, Coimbra R, Leppaniemi A, Biffl W, Kluger Y, Fraga GP, Ordonez CA, Marwah S, Gerych I, Lee JG, Tranà C, Coccolini F, Corradetti F, Kirkby-Bott J. PMID: 24674057; PMCID: PMC3986828.
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Do trauma stomas ever get reversed? J Am Coll Surg. 2014 Jul; 219(1):70-77.e1.
Godat L, Kobayashi L, Chang DC, Coimbra R. PMID: 24862884.
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Mortality after ground-level fall in the elderly patient taking oral anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation/flutter: a long-term analysis of risk versus benefit. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Mar; 76(3):642-9; discussion 649-50.
Inui TS, Parina R, Chang DC, Inui TS, Coimbra R. PMID: 24553530.
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Trends in trauma surgery: analysis of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma program 1939-2012. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Mar; 76(3):672-80; discussion 680-1.
Rabinovici R, Gautschy S, Coimbra R. PMID: 24553533.
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Vagal nerve stimulation modulates the dendritic cell profile in posthemorrhagic shock mesenteric lymph. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Mar; 76(3):610-7; discussion 617-8.
Morishita K, Costantini TW, Eliceiri B, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 24553526.
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Esophageal cancer-related gene 4 at the interface of injury, inflammation, infection, and malignancy. Gastrointest Cancer. 2014; 2014(4):131-142.
Baird A, Lee J, Podvin S, Kurabi A, Dang X, Coimbra R, Costantini T, Bansal V, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 25580077; PMCID: PMC4287990.
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Use of ultrasonography during percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Am Surg. 2014 Jan; 80(1):E30-2.
Kim DY, Regner J, Doucet J, Kobayashi L, Lee J, Coimbra R, Bansal V. PMID: 24401510.
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Development of a preliminary risk index to identify trauma patients at risk for an unplanned intubation. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014 Jan; 76(1):167-71.
Kim D, Kobayashi L, Chang D, Fortlage D, Coimbra R. PMID: 24368373.
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Abdominal damage control surgery and reconstruction: world society of emergency surgery position paper. World J Emerg Surg. 2013 Dec 17; 8(1):53.
Godat L, Kobayashi L, Costantini T, Coimbra R. PMID: 24341602; PMCID: PMC3878509.
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Children and adolescents deaths from trauma-related causes in a Brazilian City. World J Emerg Surg. 2013 Dec 05; 8(1):52.
Fraga AM, Bustorff-Silva JM, Fernandez TM, Fraga GP, Reis MC, Baracat EC, Coimbra R. PMID: 24305495; PMCID: PMC3867624.
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Western Trauma Association critical decisions in trauma: penetrating neck trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013 Dec; 75(6):936-40.
Sperry JL, Moore EE, Coimbra R, Croce M, Davis JW, Karmy-Jones R, McIntyre RC, Moore FA, Malhotra A, Shatz DV, Biffl WL. PMID: 24256663.
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Ghrelin decreases motor deficits after traumatic brain injury. J Surg Res. 2014 03; 187(1):230-236.
Lopez NE, Gaston L, Lopez KR, Hageny AM, Putnam J, Eliceiri B, Coimbra R, Bansal V. PMID: 24176206.
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Enteric glia cells attenuate cytomix-induced intestinal epithelial barrier breakdown. PLoS One. 2013; 8(7):e69042.
Cheadle GA, Costantini TW, Lopez N, Bansal V, Eliceiri BP, Coimbra R. PMID: 23840906; PMCID: PMC3698076.
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33 Fields:
World society of emergency surgery study group initiative on Timing of Acute Care Surgery classification (TACS). World J Emerg Surg. 2013 May 01; 8(1):17.
Kluger Y, Ben-Ishay O, Sartelli M, Ansaloni L, Abbas AE, Agresta F, Biffl WL, Baiocchi L, Bala M, Catena F, Coimbra R, Cui Y, Di Saverio S, Das K, El Zalabany T, Fraga GP, Gomes CA, Gonsaga RA, Kenig J, Leppäniemi A, Marwah S, Junior GA, Sakakushev B, Siribumrungwong B, Sato N, Tranà C, Vettoretto N, Moore EE. PMID: 23634784; PMCID: PMC3652724.
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Vagal nerve stimulation protects cardiac injury by attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction in a murine burn injury model. J Cell Mol Med. 2013 May; 17(5):664-71.
Lu X, Costantini T, Lopez NE, Wolf PL, Hageny AM, Putnam J, Eliceiri B, Coimbra R. PMID: 23577721; PMCID: PMC3822819.
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Uncovering the neuroenteric-pulmonary axis: vagal nerve stimulation prevents acute lung injury following hemorrhagic shock. Life Sci. 2013 Apr 19; 92(13):783-92.
Reys LG, Ortiz-Pomales YT, Lopez N, Cheadle G, de Oliveira PG, Eliceiri B, Bansal V, Costantini TW, Coimbra R. PMID: 23439327.
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2013 WSES guidelines for management of intra-abdominal infections. World J Emerg Surg. 2013 Jan 08; 8(1):3.
Sartelli M, Viale P, Catena F, Ansaloni L, Moore E, Malangoni M, Moore FA, Velmahos G, Coimbra R, Ivatury R, Peitzman A, Koike K, Leppaniemi A, Biffl W, Burlew CC, Balogh ZJ, Boffard K, Bendinelli C, Gupta S, Kluger Y, Agresta F, Di Saverio S, Wani I, Escalona A, Ordonez C, Fraga GP, Junior GA, Bala M, Cui Y, Marwah S, Sakakushev B, Kong V, Naidoo N, Ahmed A, Abbas A, Guercioni G, Vettoretto N, Díaz-Nieto R, Gerych I, Tranà C, Faro MP, Yuan KC, Kok KY, Mefire AC, Lee JG, Hong SK, Ghnnam W, Siribumrungwong B, Sato N, Murata K, Irahara T, Coccolini F, Segovia Lohse HA, Verni A, Shoko T. PMID: 23294512; PMCID: PMC3545734.
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102 Fields:
Complicated intra-abdominal infections in a worldwide context: an observational prospective study (CIAOW Study). World J Emerg Surg. 2013 Jan 03; 8(1):1.
Sartelli M, Catena F, Ansaloni L, Moore E, Malangoni M, Velmahos G, Coimbra R, Koike K, Leppaniemi A, Biffl W, Balogh Z, Bendinelli C, Gupta S, Kluger Y, Agresta F, Di Saverio S, Tugnoli G, Jovine E, Ordonez C, Gomes CA, Junior GA, Yuan KC, Bala M, Peev MP, Cui Y, Marwah S, Zachariah S, Sakakushev B, Kong V, Ahmed A, Abbas A, Gonsaga RA, Guercioni G, Vettoretto N, Poiasina E, Ben-Ishay O, Díaz-Nieto R, Massalou D, Skrovina M, Gerych I, Augustin G, Kenig J, Khokha V, Tranà C, Kok KY, Mefire AC, Lee JG, Hong SK, Segovia Lohse HA, Ghnnam W, Verni A, Lohsiriwat V, Siribumrungwong B, Tavares A, Baiocchi G, Das K, Jarry J, Zida M, Sato N, Murata K, Shoko T, Irahara T, Hamedelneel AO, Naidoo N, Adesunkanmi AR, Kobe Y, Attri A, Sharma R, Coccolini F, El Zalabany T, Khalifa KA, Sanjuan J, Barnabé R, Ishii W. PMID: 23286785; PMCID: PMC3538624.
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Dose adjusting enoxaparin is necessary to achieve adequate venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in trauma patients. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013 Jan; 74(1):128-33; discussion 134-5.
Costantini TW, Min E, Box K, Tran V, Winfield RD, Fortlage D, Doucet J, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 23271087; PMCID: PMC4010946.
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Western Trauma Association critical decisions in trauma: resuscitative thoracotomy. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Dec; 73(6):1359-63.
Burlew CC, Moore EE, Moore FA, Coimbra R, McIntyre RC, Davis JW, Sperry J, Biffl WL. PMID: 23188227.
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Hypovolemic shock resuscitation. Surg Clin North Am. 2012 Dec; 92(6):1403-23.
Kobayashi L, Costantini TW, Coimbra R. PMID: 23153876.
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Closed-suction drain placement at laparotomy in isolated solid organ injury is not associated with decreased risk of deep surgical site infection. Am Surg. 2012 Oct; 78(10):1187-91.
Mohseni S, Talving P, Kobayashi L, Kim D, Inaba K, Lam L, Chan LS, Coimbra R, Demetriades D. PMID: 23025967.
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Intravenous phage display identifies peptide sequences that target the burn-injured intestine. Peptides. 2012 Nov; 38(1):94-9.
Costantini TW, Eliceiri BP, Putnam JG, Bansal V, Baird A, Coimbra R. PMID: 22960048; PMCID: PMC4524536.
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World Trauma Congress: when dreams come true. World J Emerg Surg. 2012 Aug 22; 7 Suppl 1:S1.
Coimbra R, Fraga GP, Starling SV. PMID: 23531346; PMCID: PMC3424977.
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The candidate tumor suppressor gene Ecrg4 as a wound terminating factor in cutaneous injury. Arch Dermatol Res. 2013 Mar; 305(2):141-9.
Shaterian A, Kao S, Chen L, DiPietro LA, Coimbra R, Eliceiri BP, Baird A. PMID: 22899245; PMCID: PMC3510341.
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Vagal nerve stimulation blocks peritoneal macrophage inflammatory responsiveness after severe burn injury. Shock. 2012 Aug; 38(3):294-300.
Lopez NE, Krzyzaniak M, Costantini TW, De Maio A, Baird A, Eliceiri BP, Coimbra R. PMID: 22683732; PMCID: PMC3422402.
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The role and value of surgical critical care, an essential component of Acute Care Surgery, in the Affordable Care Act: a report from the Critical Care Committee and Board of Managers of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Jul; 73(1):20-6.
Frankel HL, Butler KL, Cuschieri J, Friese RS, Huynh T, Mohr AM, Schinco MA, Napolitano LM, Britt LD, Coimbra R, Croce MA, Davis JW, Jurkovich GJ, Moore EE, Morris JA, Peitzman AB, Pruitt BA, Rozycki GS, Scalea TM, Meredith JW. PMID: 22743368.
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Vagus nerve stimulation blocks vascular permeability following burn in both local and distal sites. Burns. 2013 Feb; 39(1):68-75.
Ortiz-Pomales YT, Krzyzaniak M, Coimbra R, Baird A, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 22694873; PMCID: PMC3443518.
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Targeting α-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in the enteric nervous system: a cholinergic agonist prevents gut barrier failure after severe burn injury. Am J Pathol. 2012 Aug; 181(2):478-86.
Costantini TW, Krzyzaniak M, Cheadle GA, Putnam JG, Hageny AM, Lopez N, Eliceiri BP, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 22688057.
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45 Fields:
Vagal nerve stimulation decreases blood-brain barrier disruption after traumatic brain injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Jun; 72(6):1562-6.
Lopez NE, Krzyzaniak MJ, Costantini TW, Putnam J, Hageny AM, Eliceiri B, Coimbra R, Bansal V. PMID: 22695423.
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Computerized insulin infusion programs are safe and effective in the burn intensive care unit. J Burn Care Res. 2012 May-Jun; 33(3):e114-9.
Lee J, Fortlage D, Box K, Sakarafus L, Bhavsar D, Coimbra R, Potenza B. PMID: 22079904.
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Venous thromboembolism in the elderly: the result of comorbid conditions or a consequence of injury? J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 May; 72(5):1286-91.
Kim DY, Kobayashi L, Barmparas G, Fortlage D, Curry T, Coimbra R. PMID: 22673256.
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Cell-specific processing and release of the hormone-like precursor and candidate tumor suppressor gene product, Ecrg4. Cell Tissue Res. 2012 Jun; 348(3):505-14.
Dang X, Podvin S, Coimbra R, Eliceiri B, Baird A. PMID: 22526622; PMCID: PMC3367106.
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Can universal coverage eliminate health disparities? Reversal of disparate injury outcomes in elderly insured minorities. J Surg Res. 2013 Jun 15; 182(2):264-9.
Ramirez M, Chang DC, Rogers SO, Yu PT, Easterlin M, Coimbra R, Kobayashi L. PMID: 23562209.
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Cell surface localization and release of the candidate tumor suppressor Ecrg4 from polymorphonuclear cells and monocytes activate macrophages. J Leukoc Biol. 2012 May; 91(5):773-81.
Baird A, Coimbra R, Dang X, Lopez N, Lee J, Krzyzaniak M, Winfield R, Potenza B, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 22396620; PMCID: PMC3336773.
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Management of pediatric occult pneumothorax in blunt trauma: a subgroup analysis of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter prospective observational study. J Pediatr Surg. 2012 Mar; 47(3):467-72.
Notrica DM, Garcia-Filion P, Moore FO, Goslar PW, Coimbra R, Velmahos G, Stevens LR, Petersen SR, Brown CV, Foulkrod KH, Coopwood TB, Lottenberg L, Phelan HA, Bruns B, Sherck JP, Norwood SH, Barnes SL, Matthews MR, Hoff WS, Demoya MA, Bansal V, Hu CK, Karmy-Jones RC, Vinces F, Hill J, Pembaur K, Haan JM. PMID: 22424339.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
CPSI-121 pharmacologically prevents intestinal barrier dysfunction after cutaneous burn through a vagus nerve-dependent mechanism. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Feb; 72(2):355-61; discussion 361-3.
Krzyzaniak M, Ortiz-Pomales Y, Lopez N, Reys LG, Cheadle G, Wolf P, Eliceiri B, Bansal V, Baird A, Coimbra R. PMID: 22327977; PMCID: PMC4251782.
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Vagal stimulation modulates inflammation through a ghrelin mediated mechanism in traumatic brain injury. Inflammation. 2012 Feb; 35(1):214-20.
Bansal V, Ryu SY, Lopez N, Allexan S, Krzyzaniak M, Eliceiri B, Baird A, Coimbra R. PMID: 21360048; PMCID: PMC3282000.
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Is contrast exposure safe among the highest risk trauma patients? J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Jan; 72(1):61-6; discussion 66-7.
Kim DY, Kobayashi L, Costantini TW, Chang D, Fortlage D, Curry T, Wynn S, Doucet J, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 22310117.
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Predicting adverse outcomes following trauma in pregnancy. J Reprod Med. 2012 Jan-Feb; 57(1-2):3-8.
Trivedi N, Ylagan M, Moore TR, Bansal V, Wolfson T, Fortlage D, Coimbra R, Kelly T. PMID: 22324260.
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Vena cava filters: a decade of experience in a level I trauma center. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2012; 39(1):16-21.
Reys LG, Coimbra R, Fortlage D. PMID: 22481701.
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Vagus nerve and postinjury inflammatory response. Arch Surg. 2012 Jan; 147(1):76-80.
Peterson CY, Krzyzaniak M, Coimbra R, Chang DC. PMID: 22355817.
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Projected lifetime risks and hospital care expenditure for traumatic injury. J Surg Res. 2012 Aug; 176(2):567-70.
Chang DC, Anderson JE, Kobayashi L, Coimbra R, Bickler SW. PMID: 22261584.
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Ghrelin prevents disruption of the blood-brain barrier after traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma. 2012 Jan 20; 29(2):385-93.
Lopez NE, Krzyzaniak MJ, Blow C, Putnam J, Ortiz-Pomales Y, Hageny AM, Eliceiri B, Coimbra R, Bansal V. PMID: 21939391; PMCID: PMC3279718.
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Efferent vagal nerve stimulation attenuates acute lung injury following burn: The importance of the gut-lung axis. Surgery. 2011 Sep; 150(3):379-89.
Krzyzaniak MJ, Peterson CY, Cheadle G, Loomis W, Wolf P, Kennedy V, Putnam JG, Bansal V, Eliceiri B, Baird A, Coimbra R. PMID: 21783215; PMCID: PMC4251587.
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Burn-induced acute lung injury requires a functional Toll-like receptor 4. Shock. 2011 Jul; 36(1):24-9.
Krzyzaniak M, Cheadle G, Peterson C, Loomis W, Putnam J, Wolf P, Baird A, Eliceiri B, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 21330948; PMCID: PMC4241238.
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Road safe seniors: Screening for age-related driving disorders in inpatient and outpatient settings. J Safety Res. 2011 Jun; 42(3):165-9.
Hill L, Rybar J, Baird S, Concha-Garcia S, Coimbra R, Patrick K. PMID: 21855686.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Gastric trichobezoar causing intermittent small bowel obstruction: report of a case and review of the literature. Case Rep Med. 2011; 2011:217570.
Coufal NG, Kansagra AP, Doucet J, Lee J, Coimbra R, Bansal V. PMID: 21687591; PMCID: PMC3114431.
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3% and 5% hypertonic saline. J Trauma. 2011 May; 70(5 Suppl):S25-6.
Coimbra R. PMID: 21841565.
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Postinjury vagal nerve stimulation protects against intestinal epithelial barrier breakdown. J Trauma. 2011 May; 70(5):1168-75; discussion 1175-6.
Krzyzaniak M, Peterson C, Loomis W, Hageny AM, Wolf P, Reys L, Putnam J, Eliceiri B, Baird A, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 21610431; PMCID: PMC4241239.
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Combat versus civilian open tibia fractures: the effect of blast mechanism on limb salvage. J Trauma. 2011 May; 70(5):1241-7.
Doucet JJ, Galarneau MR, Potenza BM, Bansal V, Lee JG, Schwartz AK, Dougherty AL, Dye J, Hollingsworth-Fridlund P, Fortlage D, Coimbra R. PMID: 21610438.
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Blunt traumatic occult pneumothorax: is observation safe?--results of a prospective, AAST multicenter study. J Trauma. 2011 May; 70(5):1019-23; discussion 1023-5.
Moore FO, Goslar PW, Coimbra R, Velmahos G, Brown CV, Coopwood TB, Lottenberg L, Phelan HA, Bruns BR, Sherck JP, Norwood SH, Barnes SL, Matthews MR, Hoff WS, de Moya MA, Bansal V, Hu CK, Karmy-Jones RC, Vinces F, Pembaur K, Notrica DM, Haan JM. PMID: 21610419.
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A survey of American Association for the Surgery of Trauma member practices in the management of blunt splenic injury. J Trauma. 2011 May; 70(5):1026-31.
Zarzaur BL, Kozar RA, Fabian TC, Coimbra R. PMID: 21610420.
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Postinjury depression is a serious complication in adolescents after major trauma: injury severity and injury-event factors predict depression and long-term quality of life deficits. J Trauma. 2011 Apr; 70(4):923-30.
Han PP, Holbrook TL, Sise MJ, Sack DI, Sise CB, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R, Potenza B, Anderson JP. PMID: 21610397.
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Density of surgeons is significantly associated with reduced risk of deaths from motor vehicle crashes in US counties. J Am Coll Surg. 2011 May; 212(5):862-6.
Chang DC, Eastman B, Talamini MA, Osen HB, Tran Cao HS, Coimbra R. PMID: 21447445.
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The unrecognized danger of a new transportation mechanism of injury--pedicabs. J Safety Res. 2011 Apr; 42(2):131-5.
Doucet JJ, Hill L, Stout P, Bansal V, Lee J, Fortlage D, Potenza B, Workman P, Coimbra R. PMID: 21569895.
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Out-of-hospital hypertonic resuscitation after traumatic hypovolemic shock: a randomized, placebo controlled trial. Ann Surg. 2011 Mar; 253(3):431-41.
Bulger EM, May S, Kerby JD, Emerson S, Stiell IG, Schreiber MA, Brasel KJ, Tisherman SA, Coimbra R, Rizoli S, Minei JP, Hata JS, Sopko G, Evans DC, Hoyt DB, ROC investigators. PMID: 21178763; PMCID: PMC3232054.
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A Comprehensive review of abdominal infections. World J Emerg Surg. 2011 Feb 23; 6:7.
Lopez N, Kobayashi L, Coimbra R. PMID: 21345232; PMCID: PMC3049134.
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A phage-targeting strategy for the design of spatiotemporal drug delivery from grafted matrices. Fibrogenesis Tissue Repair. 2011 Feb 17; 4:7.
Sawada R, Peterson CY, Gonzalez AM, Potenza BM, Mueller B, Coimbra R, Eliceiri BP, Baird A. PMID: 21329515; PMCID: PMC3050739.
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Defining the limits of resuscitative emergency department thoracotomy: a contemporary Western Trauma Association perspective. J Trauma. 2011 Feb; 70(2):334-9.
Moore EE, Knudson MM, Burlew CC, Inaba K, Dicker RA, Biffl WL, Malhotra AK, Schreiber MA, Browder TD, Coimbra R, Gonzalez EA, Meredith JW, Livingston DH, Kaups KL, WTA Study Group. PMID: 21307731.
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Acute acalculous cholecystitis-like phenotype in scavenger receptor A knock-out mice. J Surg Res. 2012 May 15; 174(2):344-51.
Drummond R, Song D, Hawisher D, Wolf PL, Vazquez DE, Nino DF, Coimbra R, Cauvi DM, De Maio A. PMID: 21474146; PMCID: PMC3173564.
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A new clopidogrel (Plavix) point-of-care assay: rapid determination of antiplatelet activity in trauma patients. J Trauma. 2011 Jan; 70(1):65-9; discussion 69-70.
Bansal V, Fortlage D, Lee J, Doucet J, Potenza B, Coimbra R. PMID: 21217483.
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Arterial embolization for pelvic fractures after blunt trauma: are we all talk? Am J Surg. 2010 Dec; 200(6):752-7; discussion 757-8.
Costantini TW, Bosarge PL, Fortlage D, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 21146016.
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Rib and sternum fractures in the elderly and extreme elderly following motor vehicle crashes. Accid Anal Prev. 2011 May; 43(3):661-5.
Bansal V, Conroy C, Chang D, Tominaga GT, Coimbra R. PMID: 21376852.
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The hormone ghrelin prevents traumatic brain injury induced intestinal dysfunction. J Neurotrauma. 2010 Dec; 27(12):2255-60.
Bansal V, Ryu SY, Blow C, Costantini T, Loomis W, Eliceiri B, Baird A, Wolf P, Coimbra R. PMID: 20858122; PMCID: PMC3304249.
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Out-of-hospital hypertonic resuscitation following severe traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2010 Oct 06; 304(13):1455-64.
Bulger EM, May S, Brasel KJ, Schreiber M, Kerby JD, Tisherman SA, Newgard C, Slutsky A, Coimbra R, Emerson S, Minei JP, Bardarson B, Kudenchuk P, Baker A, Christenson J, Idris A, Davis D, Fabian TC, Aufderheide TP, Callaway C, Williams C, Banek J, Vaillancourt C, van Heest R, Sopko G, Hata JS, Hoyt DB, ROC Investigators. PMID: 20924011; PMCID: PMC3015143.
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Tumor necrosis factor expression is ameliorated after exposure to an acidic environment. J Surg Res. 2012 Mar; 173(1):127-34.
Grabowski J, Vazquez DE, Costantini T, Cauvi DM, Charles W, Bickler S, Talamini MA, Vega VL, Coimbra R, De Maio A. PMID: 20888586; PMCID: PMC3017641.
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Vagal nerve stimulation protects against burn-induced intestinal injury through activation of enteric glia cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2010 Dec; 299(6):G1308-18.
Costantini TW, Bansal V, Krzyzaniak M, Putnam JG, Peterson CY, Loomis WH, Wolf P, Baird A, Eliceiri BP, Coimbra R. PMID: 20705905; PMCID: PMC3774266.
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65 Fields:
Prehospital airway and ventilation management: a trauma score and injury severity score-based analysis. J Trauma. 2010 Aug; 69(2):294-301.
Davis DP, Peay J, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Simon F, Tominaga G, Steele J, Coimbra R. PMID: 20699737.
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30 Fields:
A novel fluid resuscitation strategy modulates pulmonary transcription factor activation in a murine model of hemorrhagic shock. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2010 Jun; 65(6):621-8.
Costantini TW, Deree J, Martins JO, Putnam JG, Campos Td, Coimbra R. PMID: 20613939; PMCID: PMC2898548.
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Efferent vagal nerve stimulation attenuates gut barrier injury after burn: modulation of intestinal occludin expression. J Trauma. 2010 Jun; 68(6):1349-54; discussion 1354-6.
Costantini TW, Bansal V, Peterson CY, Loomis WH, Putnam JG, Rankin F, Wolf P, Eliceiri BP, Baird A, Coimbra R. PMID: 20539179; PMCID: PMC4251593.
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Stimulating the central nervous system to prevent intestinal dysfunction after traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2010 May; 68(5):1059-64.
Bansal V, Costantini T, Ryu SY, Peterson C, Loomis W, Putnam J, Elicieri B, Baird A, Coimbra R. PMID: 20453760; PMCID: PMC4251579.
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Toll-like receptor-4 mediates intestinal barrier breakdown after thermal injury. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2010 Apr; 11(2):137-44.
Peterson CY, Costantini TW, Loomis WH, Putnam JG, Wolf P, Bansal V, Eliceiri BP, Baird A, Coimbra R. PMID: 20374005; PMCID: PMC3304242.
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The U.S.-Mexico border: a time-trend analysis of border-crossing injuries. Am J Prev Med. 2010 May; 38(5):548-50.
Kelada A, Hill LL, Lindsay S, Slymen D, Fortlage D, Coimbra R. PMID: 20347554.
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Pentoxifylline attenuates leukoreduced stored blood-induced neutrophil activation through inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2010 Mar; 32(1):74-81.
Costantini TW, Deree J, Martins JO, Loomis WH, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 19697996.
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Pentoxifylline modulates p47phox activation and downregulates neutrophil oxidative burst through PKA-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2010 Mar; 32(1):82-91.
Costantini TW, Deree J, Peterson CY, Putnam JG, Woon T, Loomis WH, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 19839729.
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Children at danger: injury fatalities among children in San Diego County. Eur J Epidemiol. 2010 Mar; 25(3):211-7.
Fraga AM, Fraga GP, Stanley C, Costantini TW, Coimbra R. PMID: 20084430; PMCID: PMC2836467.
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Quantitative assessment of intestinal injury using a novel in vivo, near-infrared imaging technique. Mol Imaging. 2010 Feb; 9(1):30-9.
Costantini TW, Eliceiri BP, Peterson CY, Loomis WH, Putnam JG, Baird A, Wolf P, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 20128996; PMCID: PMC4241240.
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Beach and campfire burns: a site of pleasure and tragedy. J Burn Care Res. 2010 Jan-Feb; 31(1):184-9.
Fraga AM, Fraga GP, Noordenbos J, Tenenhaus M, Castle S, Bhavsar D, Lee JG, Coimbra R, Potenza BM. PMID: 20061854.
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Blood loss and transcapillary refill in uncontrolled treated hemorrhage in dogs. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2010; 65(1):67-78.
Sallum EA, Sinozaki S, Calil AM, Coimbra R, Silva MR, Figueiredo LF, Birolini D. PMID: 20126348; PMCID: PMC2815285.
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Lessons learned from the institution of the Surgical Care Improvement Project at a teaching medical center. Am J Surg. 2009 Dec; 198(6):881-8.
Potenza B, Deligencia M, Estigoy B, Faraday E, Snyder A, Angle N, Schwartz A, Chang L, Hackett J, Minokadeh A, Madani M, MacAulay K, Ramamoorthy S, Blaner L, James C, Bansal V, Torriani F, Coimbra R. PMID: 19969146.
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Burns, inflammation, and intestinal injury: protective effects of an anti-inflammatory resuscitation strategy. J Trauma. 2009 Dec; 67(6):1162-8.
Costantini TW, Peterson CY, Kroll L, Loomis WH, Putnam JG, Wolf P, Eliceiri BP, Baird A, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 20009662; PMCID: PMC4251580.
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The utility of seat belt signs to predict intra-abdominal injury following motor vehicle crashes. Traffic Inj Prev. 2009 Dec; 10(6):567-72.
Bansal V, Conroy C, Tominaga GT, Coimbra R. PMID: 19916127.
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Both hypoxemia and extreme hyperoxemia may be detrimental in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma. 2009 Dec; 26(12):2217-23.
Davis DP, Meade W, Sise MJ, Kennedy F, Simon F, Tominaga G, Steele J, Coimbra R. PMID: 19811093.
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Searching for the source of venous clots: an unsolved old problem: comment on "Pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis in trauma: are they related?". Arch Surg. 2009 Oct; 144(10):932.
Coimbra R. PMID: 19852101.
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Is bigger better? The effect of obesity on pelvic fractures after side impact motor vehicle crashes. J Trauma. 2009 Oct; 67(4):709-14.
Bansal V, Conroy C, Lee J, Schwartz A, Tominaga G, Coimbra R. PMID: 19820575.
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The noninvasive, quantitative, in vivo assessment of adenoviral-mediated gene delivery in skin wound biomaterials. Biomaterials. 2009 Dec; 30(35):6788-93.
Peterson CY, Shaterian A, Borboa AK, Gonzalez AM, Potenza BM, Coimbra R, Eliceiri BP, Baird A. PMID: 19781761; PMCID: PMC2948440.
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Causes of scapula fractures differ from other shoulder injuries in occupants seriously injured during motor vehicle crashes. Injury. 2010 Feb; 41(2):151-5.
Coimbra R, Conroy C, Tominaga GT, Bansal V, Schwartz A. PMID: 19660750.
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Integrated imaging approach with MEG and DTI to detect mild traumatic brain injury in military and civilian patients. J Neurotrauma. 2009 Aug; 26(8):1213-26.
Huang MX, Theilmann RJ, Robb A, Angeles A, Nichols S, Drake A, D'Andrea J, Levy M, Holland M, Song T, Ge S, Hwang E, Yoo K, Cui L, Baker DG, Trauner D, Coimbra R, Lee RR. PMID: 19385722.
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Traumatic brain injury and intestinal dysfunction: uncovering the neuro-enteric axis. J Neurotrauma. 2009 Aug; 26(8):1353-9.
Bansal V, Costantini T, Kroll L, Peterson C, Loomis W, Eliceiri B, Baird A, Wolf P, Coimbra R. PMID: 19344293; PMCID: PMC2989839.
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Targeting the gut barrier: identification of a homing peptide sequence for delivery into the injured intestinal epithelial cell. Surgery. 2009 Aug; 146(2):206-12.
Costantini TW, Putnam JG, Sawada R, Baird A, Loomis WH, Eliceiri BP, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 19628075; PMCID: PMC4251594.
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Redefining renal dysfunction in trauma: implementation of the Acute Kidney Injury Network staging system. J Trauma. 2009 Aug; 67(2):283-7; discussion 287-8.
Costantini TW, Fraga G, Fortlage D, Wynn S, Fraga A, Lee J, Doucet J, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 19667880.
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Injury patterns in frontal crashes: the association between knee-thigh-hip (KTH) and serious intra-abdominal injury. Accid Anal Prev. 2010 Jan; 42(1):50-5.
Lee J, Conroy C, Coimbra R, Tominaga GT, Hoyt DB. PMID: 19887144.
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Real-time analysis of the kinetics of angiogenesis and vascular permeability in an animal model of wound healing. Burns. 2009 Sep; 35(6):811-7.
Shaterian A, Borboa A, Sawada R, Costantini T, Potenza B, Coimbra R, Baird A, Eliceiri BP. PMID: 19423227; PMCID: PMC2739287.
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Arginine is essential in reversing prostaglandin E(2) T-cell suppression by hypertonic saline. J Surg Res. 2009 Sep; 156(1):83-9.
Choi SH, Bansal V, Costantini T, Putnam J, Loomis W, Coimbra R. PMID: 19577247.
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Role of p38 MAPK in burn-induced intestinal barrier breakdown. J Surg Res. 2009 Sep; 156(1):64-9.
Costantini TW, Peterson CY, Kroll L, Loomis WH, Eliceiri BP, Baird A, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 19577248; PMCID: PMC4251589.
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Transfusion of blood products in trauma: an update. J Emerg Med. 2010 Aug; 39(2):253-60.
Fraga GP, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 19345046.
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Burn-induced gut barrier injury is attenuated by phosphodiesterase inhibition: effects on tight junction structural proteins. Shock. 2009 Apr; 31(4):416-22.
Costantini TW, Loomis WH, Putnam JG, Drusinsky D, Deree J, Choi S, Wolf P, Baird A, Eliceiri B, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 18791495; PMCID: PMC3445035.
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Insulin regulates cytokines and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 gene expression through nuclear factor-kappaB activation in LPS-induced acute lung injury in rats. Shock. 2009 Apr; 31(4):404-9.
Martins JO, Zanoni FL, Martins DO, Coimbra R, Krieger JE, Jancar S, Sannomiya P. PMID: 18791499.
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Pentoxifylline modulates intestinal tight junction signaling after burn injury: effects on myosin light chain kinase. J Trauma. 2009 Jan; 66(1):17-24; discussion 24-5.
Costantini TW, Loomis WH, Putnam JG, Kroll L, Eliceiri BP, Baird A, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 19131801; PMCID: PMC4251583.
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Hemorrhage is More Prevalent than Brain Injury in Early Trauma Deaths: The Golden Six Hours. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2009 Feb; 35(1):26-30.
Bansal V, Fortlage D, Lee JG, Costantini T, Potenza B, Coimbra R. PMID: 26814527.
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Phosphodiesterase inhibition attenuates alterations to the tight junction proteins occludin and ZO-1 in immunostimulated Caco-2 intestinal monolayers. Life Sci. 2009 Jan 02; 84(1-2):18-22.
Costantini TW, Deree J, Loomis W, Putnam JG, Choi S, Baird A, Eliceiri BP, Bansal V, Coimbra R. PMID: 18992758.
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Complete femoral artery and vein avulsion from a hyperextension injury: a case report and literature review. Ann Vasc Surg. 2009 May-Jun; 23(3):411.e9-15.
Suliman A, Ali MW, Kansal N, Tian Y, Angle N, Coimbra R. PMID: 18619776.
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Pentoxifylline attenuates pulmonary inflammation and neutrophil activation in experimental acute pancreatitis. Pancreas. 2008 Jul; 37(1):42-9.
de Campos T, Deree J, Martins JO, Loomis WH, Shenvi E, Putnam JG, Coimbra R. PMID: 18580443.
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A 21-year history of all-terrain vehicle injuries: has anything changed? Am J Surg. 2008 Jun; 195(6):789-92.
Bansal V, Fortlage D, Lee J, Kuncir E, Potenza B, Coimbra R. PMID: 18367134.
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Insights into the regulation of TNF-alpha production in human mononuclear cells: the effects of non-specific phosphodiesterase inhibition. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2008 Jun; 63(3):321-8.
Deree J, Martins JO, Melbostad H, Loomis WH, Coimbra R. PMID: 18568240; PMCID: PMC2664230.
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The influence of vehicle damage on injury severity of drivers in head-on motor vehicle crashes. Accid Anal Prev. 2008 Jul; 40(4):1589-94.
Conroy C, Tominaga GT, Erwin S, Pacyna S, Velky T, Kennedy F, Sise M, Coimbra R. PMID: 18606294.
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The influence of damage distribution on serious brain injury in occupants in frontal motor vehicle crashes. Accid Anal Prev. 2008 Jul; 40(4):1569-75.
Coimbra R, Conroy C, Hoyt DB, Pacyna S, May M, Erwin S, Tominaga G, Kennedy F, Sise M, Velky T. PMID: 18606291.
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Hepatic transcription factor activation and proinflammatory mediator production is attenuated by hypertonic saline and pentoxifylline resuscitation after hemorrhagic shock. J Trauma. 2008 May; 64(5):1230-8; discussion 1238-9.
Deree J, Loomis WH, Wolf P, Coimbra R. PMID: 18469645.
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Pentoxifylline attenuates lung injury and modulates transcription factor activity in hemorrhagic shock. J Surg Res. 2007 Nov; 143(1):99-108.
Deree J, Martins J, de Campos T, Putnam JG, Loomis WH, Wolf P, Coimbra R. PMID: 17950078.
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Hypertonic resuscitation: design and implementation of a prehospital intervention trial. J Am Coll Surg. 2008 Feb; 206(2):220-32.
Brasel KJ, Bulger E, Cook AJ, Morrison LJ, Newgard CD, Tisherman SA, Kerby JD, Coimbra R, Hata JS, Hoyt DB, Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. PMID: 18222373.
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Significant injury in cruise ship passengers a case series. Am J Prev Med. 2007 Sep; 33(3):219-21.
Bansal V, Fortlage D, Lee JG, Hill LL, Potenza B, Coimbra R. PMID: 17826583.
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The effects of a novel resuscitation strategy combining pentoxifylline and hypertonic saline on neutrophil MAPK signaling. Surgery. 2007 Aug; 142(2):276-83.
Deree J, Melbostad H, Loomis WH, Putnam JG, Coimbra R. PMID: 17689696.
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Physiologic response to hemorrhagic shock depends on rate and means of hemorrhage. J Surg Res. 2007 Dec; 143(2):276-80.
Frankel DA, Acosta JA, Anjaria DJ, Porcides RD, Wolf PL, Coimbra R, Hoyt DB. PMID: 17574590.
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Recognizing/accepting futility: prehospital, emergency center, operating room, and intensive care unit. J Trauma Nurs. 2007 Apr-Jun; 14(2):73-6; quiz 77-8.
Coimbra R, Lee J, Bansal V, Hollingsworth-Fridlund P. PMID: 17579324.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Hypertonic saline and pentoxifylline attenuates gut injury after hemorrhagic shock: the kinder, gentler resuscitation. J Trauma. 2007 Apr; 62(4):818-27; discussion 827-8.
Deree J, de Campos T, Shenvi E, Loomis WH, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R. PMID: 17426535.
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Trauma in adolescents causes long-term marked deficits in quality of life: adolescent children do not recover preinjury quality of life or function up to two years postinjury compared to national norms. J Trauma. 2007 Mar; 62(3):577-83; discussion 583.
Holbrook TL, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R, Potenza B, Sise MJ, Sack DI, Anderson JP. PMID: 17414331.
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From acute pancreatitis to end-organ injury: mechanisms of acute lung injury. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2007 Feb; 8(1):107-20.
De Campos T, Deree J, Coimbra R. PMID: 17381402.
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Trauma systems. Surg Clin North Am. 2007 Feb; 87(1):21-35, v-vi.
Hoyt DB, Coimbra R. PMID: 17127121.
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Patient factors and operating room resuscitation predict mortality in traumatic abdominal aortic injury: a 20-year analysis. J Vasc Surg. 2007 Mar; 45(3):493-7.
Deree J, Shenvi E, Fortlage D, Stout P, Potenza B, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R. PMID: 17254736.
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Hypertonic saline and pentoxifylline reduces hemorrhagic shock resuscitation-induced pulmonary inflammation through attenuation of neutrophil degranulation and proinflammatory mediator synthesis. J Trauma. 2007 Jan; 62(1):104-11.
Deree J, Martins JO, Leedom A, Lamon B, Putnam J, de Campos T, Hoyt DB, Wolf P, Coimbra R. PMID: 17215740.
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Practice patterns and outcomes of retrievable vena cava filters in trauma patients: an AAST multicenter study. J Trauma. 2007 Jan; 62(1):17-24; discussion 24-5.
Karmy-Jones R, Jurkovich GJ, Velmahos GC, Burdick T, Spaniolas K, Todd SR, McNally M, Jacoby RC, Link D, Janczyk RJ, Ivascu FA, McCann M, Obeid F, Hoff WS, McQuay N, Tieu BH, Schreiber MA, Nirula R, Brasel K, Dunn JA, Gambrell D, Huckfeldt R, Harper J, Schaffer KB, Tominaga GT, Vinces FY, Sperling D, Hoyt D, Coimbra R, Rosengart MR, Forsythe R, Cothren C, Moore EE, Haut ER, Hayanga AJ, Hird L, White C, Grossman J, Nagy K, Livaudais W, Wood R, Zengerink I, Kortbeek JB. PMID: 17215729.
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Nonoperative management reduces the overall mortality of grades 3 and 4 blunt liver injuries. Int Surg. 2006 Sep-Oct; 91(5):251-7.
Coimbra R, Hoyt DB, Engelhart S, Fortlage D. PMID: 17061668.
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Pentoxifylline attenuates stored blood-induced inflammation: A new perspective on an old problem. Surgery. 2006 Aug; 140(2):186-91.
Deree J, Lall R, Melbostad H, Loomis W, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R. PMID: 16904968.
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Intraluminal pancreatic serine protease activity, mucosal permeability, and shock: a review. Shock. 2006 Jul; 26(1):3-9.
Acosta JA, Hoyt DB, Schmid-Schönbein GW, Hugli TE, Anjaria DJ, Frankel DA, Coimbra R. PMID: 16783190.
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Neutrophil degranulation and the effects of phosphodiesterase inhibition. J Surg Res. 2006 Jun 01; 133(1):22-8.
Deree J, Lall R, Melbostad H, Grant M, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R. PMID: 16690368.
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Modulation of lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung inflammation: Role of insulin. Shock. 2006 Mar; 25(3):260-6.
de Oliveira Martins J, Meyer-Pflug AR, Alba-Loureiro TC, Melbostad H, Costa da Cruz JW, Coimbra R, Curi R, Sannomiya P. PMID: 16552358.
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LPS-induced acute lung injury is attenuated by phosphodiesterase inhibition: effects on proinflammatory mediators, metalloproteinases, NF-kappaB, and ICAM-1 expression. J Trauma. 2006 Jan; 60(1):115-25.
Coimbra R, Melbostad H, Loomis W, Porcides RD, Wolf P, Tobar M, Hoyt DB. PMID: 16456445.
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HSPTX protects against hemorrhagic shock resuscitation-induced tissue injury: an attractive alternative to Ringer's lactate. J Trauma. 2006 Jan; 60(1):41-51.
Coimbra R, Porcides R, Loomis W, Melbostad H, Lall R, Deree J, Wolf P, Hoyt DB. PMID: 16456435.
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Recovery at one year following isolated traumatic brain injury: a Western Trauma Association prospective multicenter trial. J Trauma. 2005 Dec; 59(6):1298-304; discussion 1304.
Livingston DH, Lavery RF, Mosenthal AC, Knudson MM, Lee S, Morabito D, Manley GT, Nathens A, Jurkovich G, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R. PMID: 16394900.
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High rates of acute stress disorder impact quality-of-life outcomes in injured adolescents: mechanism and gender predict acute stress disorder risk. J Trauma. 2005 Nov; 59(5):1126-30.
Holbrook TL, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R, Potenza B, Sise M, Anderson JP. PMID: 16385290.
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Phosphodiesterase inhibition attenuates stored blood-induced neutrophil activation: a novel adjunct to blood transfusion. J Am Coll Surg. 2006 Jan; 202(1):10-7.
Lall RN, Loomis W, Melbostad H, Hoyt DB, Lane T, Coimbra R. PMID: 16377492.
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Phosphodiesterase inhibition decreases nuclear factor-kappaB activation and shifts the cytokine response toward anti-inflammatory activity in acute endotoxemia. J Trauma. 2005 Sep; 59(3):575-82.
Coimbra R, Melbostad H, Loomis W, Tobar M, Hoyt DB. PMID: 16361898.
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Reversal of anticoagulation in trauma: a North-American survey on clinical practices among trauma surgeons. J Trauma. 2005 Aug; 59(2):375-82.
Coimbra R, Hoyt DB, Anjaria DJ, Potenza BM, Fortlage D, Hollingsworth-Fridlund P. PMID: 16294078.
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Role of hypertonic saline and pentoxifylline on neutrophil activation and tumor necrosis factor-alpha synthesis: a novel resuscitation strategy. J Trauma. 2005 Aug; 59(2):257-64; discussion 264-5.
Coimbra R, Loomis W, Melbostad H, Tobar M, Porcides RD, Lall R, Holbrook T, Hoyt DB. PMID: 16294063.
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Long-term posttraumatic stress disorder persists after major trauma in adolescents: new data on risk factors and functional outcome. J Trauma. 2005 Apr; 58(4):764-9; discussion 769-71.
Holbrook TL, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R, Potenza B, Sise M, Anderson JP. PMID: 15824653.
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From the trauma surgeon's viewpoint: multiple injuries--which cavity to open first? J Trauma Nurs. 2005 Jan-Mar; 12(1):7-9.
Coimbra R. PMID: 15916311.
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Metastatic meningioma to the liver successfully treated with a wedge resection and radiation therapy: report of a case. Surg Today. 2005; 35(1):82-5.
Ku JK, Vasquez JC, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R. PMID: 15622471.
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Nonspecific phosphodiesterase inhibition attenuates liver injury in acute endotoxemia. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2005; 6(1):73-85.
Coimbra R, Porcides RD, Melbostad H, Loomis W, Tobar M, Hoyt DB, Wolf P. PMID: 15865553.
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LPS-stimulated PMN activation and proinflammatory mediator synthesis is downregulated by phosphodiesterase inhibition: role of pentoxifylline. J Trauma. 2004 Dec; 57(6):1157-63.
Coimbra R, Loomis W, Melbostad H, Tobar M, Porcides RD, Hoyt DB. PMID: 15625444.
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Resuscitation affects microcirculatory polymorphonuclear leukocyte behavior after hemorrhagic shock: role of hypertonic saline and pentoxifylline. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2004 Jul; 229(7):684-93.
Yada-Langui MM, Anjos-Valotta EA, Sannomiya P, Rocha e Silva M, Coimbra R. PMID: 15229363.
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Intestinal lymphoma causing intussusception in HIV(+) patient: a rare presentation. Curr Surg. 2004 Jul-Aug; 61(4):386-9.
Farrier J, Dinerman C, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R. PMID: 15276346.
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The use of recombinant factor VIIa for severe intractable bleeding during spine surgery. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2004 Jun 15; 29(12):1384-7; discussion 1388.
Kaw LL, Coimbra R, Potenza BM, Garfin SR, Hoyt DB. PMID: 15187645.
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The effect of age on functional outcome in mild traumatic brain injury: 6-month report of a prospective multicenter trial. J Trauma. 2004 May; 56(5):1042-8.
Mosenthal AC, Livingston DH, Lavery RF, Knudson MM, Lee S, Morabito D, Manley GT, Nathens A, Jurkovich G, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R. PMID: 15179244.
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Osmotic regulation of cell function and possible clinical applications. Shock. 2004 May; 21(5):391-400.
Shukla A, Hashiguchi N, Chen Y, Coimbra R, Hoyt DB, Junger WG. PMID: 15087814.
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Outcome from traumatic injury of the portal and superior mesenteric veins. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2004 May-Jun; 38(3):249-55.
Coimbra R, Filho AR, Nesser RA, Rasslan S. PMID: 15181507.
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Intraarterial pulmonary pentoxifylline improves cardiac performance and oxygen utilization after hemorrhagic shock: a novel resuscitation strategy. Anesth Analg. 2004 May; 98(5):1439-46, table of contents.
Coimbra R, Razuk-Filho A, Yada-Langui MM, Rocha-E-Silva M. PMID: 15105227.
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Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. J Am Coll Surg. 2004 Apr; 198(4):668-9.
Kaw LL, Potenza BM, Coimbra R, Hoyt DB. PMID: 15072074.
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Inhibition of enteral enzymes by enteroclysis with nafamostat mesilate reduces neutrophil activation and transfusion requirements after hemorrhagic shock. J Trauma. 2004 Mar; 56(3):501-10; discussion 510-1.
Doucet JJ, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R, Schmid-Schönbein GW, Junger WG, Paul L W, Loomis WH, Hugli TE. PMID: 15128119.
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Effects of phosphodiesterase inhibition on the inflammatory response after shock: role of pentoxifylline. J Trauma. 2004 Feb; 56(2):442-9.
Coimbra R, Melbostad H, Hoyt DB. PMID: 14960994.
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Acute cholecystitis with a hemocholecyst as an unusual presentation of gallbladder cancer: report of a case. Surg Today. 2004; 34(11):973-6.
Ku J, DeLaRosa J, Kang J, Hoyt D, Coimbra R. PMID: 15526137.
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The epidemiology of serious and fatal injury in San Diego County over an 11-year period. J Trauma. 2004 Jan; 56(1):68-75.
Potenza BM, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R, Fortlage D, Holbrook T, Hollingsworth-Fridlund P, Trauma Research and Education Foundation. PMID: 14749568.
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Pentoxifylline reduces acute lung injury in chronic endotoxemia. J Surg Res. 2003 Nov; 115(1):92-9.
Michetti C, Coimbra R, Hoyt DB, Loomis W, Junger W, Wolf P. PMID: 14572778.
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Characterization of two classes of pancreatic shock factors: functional differences exhibited by hydrophilic and hydrophobic shock factors. Shock. 2003 Oct; 20(4):356-62.
Kramp WJ, Waldo S, Schmid-Schönbein GW, Hoyt D, Coimbra R, Hugli TE. PMID: 14501950.
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Diagnosis and monitoring of hemorrhagic shock during the initial resuscitation of multiple trauma patients: a review. J Emerg Med. 2003 May; 24(4):413-22.
Wilson M, Davis DP, Coimbra R. PMID: 12745044.
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Does sexual dimorphism influence outcome of traumatic brain injury patients? The answer is no! J Trauma. 2003 Apr; 54(4):689-700.
Coimbra R, Hoyt DB, Potenza BM, Fortlage D, Hollingsworth-Fridlund P. PMID: 12707530.
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A twelve-year analysis of disease and provider complications on an organized level I trauma service: as good as it gets? J Trauma. 2003 Jan; 54(1):26-36; discussion 36-7.
Hoyt DB, Coimbra R, Potenza B, Doucet J, Fortlage D, Holingsworth-Fridlund P, Holbrook T. PMID: 12544896.
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Female gender does not protect blunt trauma patients from complications and mortality. J Trauma. 2002 Sep; 53(3):436-41; discussion 441.
Rappold JF, Coimbra R, Hoyt DB, Potenza BM, Fortlage D, Holbrook T, Minard G. PMID: 12352477.
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[New strategies for mechanic ventilation in acute pulmonary lesion and in acute respiratory distress syndrome]. Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992). 2001 Oct-Dec; 47(4):358-64.
Coimbra R, Silverio CC. PMID: 11813053.
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