Rescue liver re-transplantation after graft loss due to severe rejection in the setting of pre-transplant nivolumab therapy. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2021 Dec; 14(6):1718-1724.
Dehghan Y, Schnickel GT, Hosseini M, Burgoyne AM, Ajmera VH, Morris GP, Mendler MH, Parekh JR, Abushamat F, Vodkin I, Kono Y. PMID: 34643885; PMCID: PMC8557174.
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Complementary role of EUS, EndoFLIP, and manometry for management of type III achalasia with peroral endoscopic myotomy in a patient with compensated cirrhosis and no varices. VideoGIE. 2021 Apr; 6(4):167-169.
Fejleh MP, Yadlapati R, Mendler MH, Loomba R, Kwong WT, Abbas Fehmi SM. PMID: 33898892; PMCID: PMC8058387.
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CON: Noninvasive Imaging Is the Preferred Strategy for Cardiovascular Risk Stratification in This Patient. Clin Liver Dis (Hoboken). 2021 Jan; 17(1):37-40.
Dave S, Barnard A, Mendler M. PMID: 33552485; PMCID: PMC7849299.
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Drug-Induced Liver Injury Associated with the Use of Everolimus in a Liver Transplant Patient. Case Rep Transplant. 2018; 2018:7410508.
Patel S, Mendler MH, Valasek MA, Tsunoda SM. PMID: 30105113; PMCID: PMC6076919.
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Next-Generation Sequencing of Circulating Tumor DNA Reveals Frequent Alterations in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Oncologist. 2018 05; 23(5):586-593.
Ikeda S, Tsigelny IF, Skjevik ÅA, Kono Y, Mendler M, Kuo A, Sicklick JK, Heestand G, Banks KC, Talasaz A, Lanman RB, Lippman S, Kurzrock R. PMID: 29487225; PMCID: PMC5947459.
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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with cirrhosis increases familial risk for advanced fibrosis. J Clin Invest. 2017 Jun 30; 127(7):2697-2704.
Caussy C, Soni M, Cui J, Bettencourt R, Schork N, Chen CH, Ikhwan MA, Bassirian S, Cepin S, Gonzalez MP, Mendler M, Kono Y, Vodkin I, Mekeel K, Haldorson J, Hemming A, Andrews B, Salotti J, Richards L, Brenner DA, Sirlin CB, Loomba R, Familial NAFLD Cirrhosis Research Consortium. PMID: 28628033; PMCID: PMC5490764.
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Increased Risk of Death, in the Hospital and Outside the Intensive Care Unit, for Patients With Cirrhosis After Cardiac Arrest. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 11; 15(11):1808-1810.
Reinders ME, Wardi G, Bettencourt R, Bouland D, Bazick J, Mendler M, Vodkin I, Kalmaz D, Savides T, Brenner D, Sell RE, Loomba R. PMID: 28602970; PMCID: PMC5723019.
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High-dose tigecycline and colistin for successful treatment of disseminated carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in a liver transplant recipient. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Nov 05; 2014.
Dan JM, Mendler MH, Hemming AW, Aslam S. PMID: 25378111; PMCID: PMC4225299.
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Hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance: a national survey of current practices in the USA. Dig Dis Sci. 2014 Dec; 59(12):3073-7.
Joshi K, Mendler M, Gish R, Loomba R, Kuo A, Patton H, Kono Y. PMID: 25027206.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Lower than expected hepatitis B virus infection prevalence among first generation Koreans in the U.S.: results of HBV screening in the Southern California Inland Empire. BMC Infect Dis. 2014 May 17; 14:269.
Navarro N, Lim N, Kim J, Joo E, Che K, Runyon BA, Mendler MH. PMID: 24884673; PMCID: PMC4036725.
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HumansCellsPHPublic Health
Use of ImPACT to diagnose minimal hepatic encephalopathy: an accurate, practical, user-friendly internet-based neuropsychological test battery. Dig Dis Sci. 2013 Sep; 58(9):2673-81.
Tsushima M, Tsushima W, Tsushima V, Lim N, Madrigal E, Jackson C, Mendler MH. PMID: 23625285.
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Sodium benzoate for treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2013 Apr; 9(4):219-27.
Misel ML, Gish RG, Patton H, Mendler M. PMID: 24711766; PMCID: PMC3977640.
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A new highly sensitive point of care screen for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis using the leukocyte esterase method. J Hepatol. 2010 Sep; 53(3):477-83.
Mendler MH, Agarwal A, Trimzi M, Madrigal E, Tsushima M, Joo E, Santiago M, Flores E, David G, Workman A, Runyon B. PMID: 20646775.
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Monitoring peripheral blood CD4+ adenosine triphosphate activity in a liver transplant cohort: insight into the interplay between hepatitis C virus infection and cellular immunity. Liver Transpl. 2008 Sep; 14(9):1313-22.
Mendler M, Kwok H, Franco E, Baron P, Weissman J, Ojogho O. PMID: 18756485.
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Concomitant hepatic encephalopathy and refractory ascites: successful treatment with staged embolization of two large portosystemic shunts and transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2007 Nov; 18(11):1441-6.
Smith JC, Black MD, Mendler MH. PMID: 18003997.
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Prevalence of septic events, type 1 hepatorenal syndrome, and mortality in severe alcoholic hepatitis and utility of discriminant function and MELD score in predicting these adverse events. Dig Dis Sci. 2006 Sep; 51(9):1637-43.
Verma S, Ajudia K, Mendler M, Redeker A. PMID: 16927139.
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Choosing the location for non-image guided abdominal paracentesis. Liver Int. 2005 Oct; 25(5):984-6.
Sakai H, Sheer TA, Mendler MH, Runyon BA. PMID: 16162157.
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Instant diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis using leukocyte esterase reagent strips: Nephur-Test vs. MultistixSG. Liver Int. 2005 Apr; 25(2):343-8.
Sapey T, Kabissa D, Fort E, Laurin C, Mendler MH. PMID: 15780060.
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Proposal for a histological scoring and grading system for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Liver Int. 2005 Apr; 25(2):294-304.
Mendler MH, Kanel G, Govindarajan S. PMID: 15780053.
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A pilot study of an alcoholic liver disease recurrence prevention education program in hospitalized patients with advanced liver disease. Addict Behav. 2005 Mar; 30(3):465-73.
Sussman S, Runyon BA, Hernandez R, Magallanes M, Mendler M, Yuan JM, Tsukamoto H. PMID: 15718064.
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Rapid diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis with leukocyte esterase reagent strips in a European and in an American center. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2005 Feb; 20(2):187-92.
Sapey T, Mena E, Fort E, Laurin C, Kabissa D, Runyon BA, Mendler MH. PMID: 15683419.
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Factors predicting relapse and poor outcome in type I autoimmune hepatitis: role of cirrhosis development, patterns of transaminases during remission and plasma cell activity in the liver biopsy. Am J Gastroenterol. 2004 Aug; 99(8):1510-6.
Verma S, Gunuwan B, Mendler M, Govindrajan S, Redeker A. PMID: 15307869.
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Abnormal hepatic methionine and glutathione metabolism in patients with alcoholic hepatitis. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2004 Jan; 28(1):173-81.
Lee TD, Sadda MR, Mendler MH, Bottiglieri T, Kanel G, Mato JM, Lu SC. PMID: 14745316.
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HFE based re-evaluation of heterozygous hemochromatosis. Am J Med Genet. 2002 Sep 01; 111(4):356-61.
Moirand R, Guyader D, Mendler MH, Jouanolle AM, Le Gall JY, David V, Brissot P, Deugnier Y. PMID: 12210292.
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Venesection therapy of insulin resistance-associated hepatic iron overload. J Hepatol. 2001 Sep; 35(3):344-9.
Guillygomarc'h A, Mendler MH, Moirand R, Lainé F, Quentin V, David V, Brissot P, Deugnier Y. PMID: 11592595.
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Histologic features of the liver in insulin resistance-associated iron overload. A study of 139 patients. Am J Clin Pathol. 2001 Aug; 116(2):263-70.
Turlin B, Mendler MH, Moirand R, Guyader D, Guillygomarc'h A, Deugnier Y. PMID: 11488074.
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Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis with iron: part of insulin resistance-associated hepatic iron overload? J Hepatol. 2000 Dec; 33(6):1024-6.
Moirand R, Mendler MH, Guillygomarc'h A, Brissot P, Deugnier Y. PMID: 11131442.
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HFE mutations in insulin resistance-associated hepatic iron overload. J Hepatol. 2000 Sep; 33(3):515-6.
Guillygomarc'h A, Mendler MH, Moirand R, Jouanolle AM, David V, Deugnier Y. PMID: 11020014.
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[Primary T-cell lymphoma of the common bile duct]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2000 Aug-Sep; 24(8-9):843-7.
Corbinais S, Caulet-Maugendre S, Pagenault M, Spiliopoulos Y, Dauriac C, Mendler MH. PMID: 11011261.
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[A new entity: dysmetabolic hepatosiderosis]. Presse Med. 2000 May 13; 29(17):949-51.
Deugnier Y, Mendler MH, Moirand R. PMID: 10855247.
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[ Metabolic hepatosiderosis]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2000 May; 24(5 Pt 2):B79-81.
Deugnier Y, Mendler MH, Turlin B, Guillygomar'ch A, Moirand R. PMID: 10891768.
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Respective value of alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and 5' nucleotidase serum activity in the diagnosis of cholestasis: a prospective study of 80 patients. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2000 Apr; 30(3):259-63.
Sapey T, Mendler MH, Guyader D, Morio O, Corbinais S, Deugnier Y, Brissot P. PMID: 10777184.
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Interferon and ursodeoxycholic acid combined therapy in chronic viral C hepatitis: controlled randomized trial in 203 patients. Dig Liver Dis. 2000 Jan-Feb; 32(1):29-33.
Boucher E, Guyader D, Jacquelinet S, Andre P, Mendler MH, Turlin B, Canva V, Nousbaum JB, Bernard PH, Nouel O, Raabe JJ, Dao T, Gasser P, Verger P, Boutin J, Bergerault P, Joram F, Colmar P, Messner M, Brissot P, Deugnier Y. PMID: 10975752.
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In patients with cirrhosis, serum albumin determination should be carried out by immunonephelometry rather than by protein electrophoresis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1999 Dec; 11(12):1405-11.
Mendler MH, Corbinais S, Sapey T, Lucas-Clerc C, Tiisma V, Guyader D, Deugnier Y, Le Treut A, Brissot P. PMID: 10654802.
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Insulin resistance-associated hepatic iron overload. Gastroenterology. 1999 Nov; 117(5):1155-63.
Mendler MH, Turlin B, Moirand R, Jouanolle AM, Sapey T, Guyader D, Le Gall JY, Brissot P, David V, Deugnier Y. PMID: 10535879.
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A pilot study of iron depletion as adjuvant therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients not responding to interferon. Am J Gastroenterol. 1999 Jun; 94(6):1696-8.
Guyader D, Boucher E, André P, Even C, Cottereau J, Bianchi A, Gasser P, Mendler MH, Deugnier Y, Brissot P. PMID: 10364051.
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Magnetic resonance iron-free nodules in genetic hemochromatosis. Am J Gastroenterol. 1999 Apr; 94(4):1083-6.
Guyader D, Gandon Y, Sapey T, Turlin B, Mendler MH, Brissot P, Deugnier Y. PMID: 10201487.
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[Importance of liver puncture biopsy and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography in patients with chronic anicteric unexplained cholestasis. A retrospective study in 79 patients]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 1999 Feb; 23(2):178-85.
Sapey T, Turlin B, Canva-Delcambre V, Mendler MH, Deugnier Y, Brissot P, Guyader D. PMID: 10353011.
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Value of MR cholangiography in the diagnosis of obstructive diseases of the biliary tree: a study of 58 cases. Am J Gastroenterol. 1998 Dec; 93(12):2482-90.
Mendler MH, Bouillet P, Sautereau D, Chaumerliac P, Cessot F, Le Sidaner A, Pillegand B. PMID: 9860413.
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Noninvasive prediction of fibrosis in C282Y homozygous hemochromatosis. Gastroenterology. 1998 Oct; 115(4):929-36.
Guyader D, Jacquelinet C, Moirand R, Turlin B, Mendler MH, Chaperon J, David V, Brissot P, Adams P, Deugnier Y. PMID: 9753496.
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[Iron metabolism and its exploration in clinical biology]. Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 1998 Jul; 56 Spec No:5-10.
Brissot P, Pigeon C, Moirand R, Guyader D, Mendler MH, Sapey T, Deugnier Y, Lescoat G, Loréal O. PMID: 9827209.
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Dual-energy CT in the diagnosis and quantification of fatty liver: limited clinical value in comparison to ultrasound scan and single-energy CT, with special reference to iron overload. J Hepatol. 1998 May; 28(5):785-94.
Mendler MH, Bouillet P, Le Sidaner A, Lavoine E, Labrousse F, Sautereau D, Pillegand B. PMID: 9625313.
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[Epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection in 1,304 HCV positive patients: variations according to the origin of transmission and year of diagnosis]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 1998 Apr; 22(4):375-80.
Guyader D, Lefeuvre C, Jacquelinet S, Prat M, Baudouard Y, Turlin B, André P, Mendler MH, Sapey T, Boucher E, Moirand R, Messner M, Colimon R, Brissot P, Deugnier Y. PMID: 9762266.
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