Caution Regarding Self-reported Tramadol Dependence. Clin Pract Cases Emerg Med. 2024 Feb; 8(1):80.
Dunford J, Schneir A. PMID: 38546321; PMCID: PMC10966503.
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An Urban 9-1-1 System's Experience with Left Ventricular Assist Device Patients. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2019 Jul-Aug; 23(4):560-565.
Goebel M, Tainter C, Kahn C, Dunford JV, Serra J, Pierce J, Donofrio JJ. PMID: 30285520.
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Prehospital Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Identification in San Diego: A Retrospective Analysis of the Effect of a New Software Algorithm. J Emerg Med. 2018 07; 55(1):71-77.
Coffey C, Serra J, Goebel M, Espinoza S, Castillo E, Dunford J. PMID: 29731285.
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Antiarrhythmic Drugs for Nonshockable-Turned-Shockable Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: The ALPS Study (Amiodarone, Lidocaine, or Placebo). Circulation. 2017 Nov 28; 136(22):2119-2131.
Kudenchuk PJ, Leroux BG, Daya M, Rea T, Vaillancourt C, Morrison LJ, Callaway CW, Christenson J, Ornato JP, Dunford JV, Wittwer L, Weisfeldt ML, Aufderheide TP, Vilke GM, Idris AH, Stiell IG, Colella MR, Kayea T, Egan D, Desvigne-Nickens P, Gray P, Gray R, Straight R, Dorian P, Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. PMID: 28904070; PMCID: PMC5705566.
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Amiodarone, Lidocaine, or Placebo in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. N Engl J Med. 2016 May 05; 374(18):1711-22.
Kudenchuk PJ, Brown SP, Daya M, Rea T, Nichol G, Morrison LJ, Leroux B, Vaillancourt C, Wittwer L, Callaway CW, Christenson J, Egan D, Ornato JP, Weisfeldt ML, Stiell IG, Idris AH, Aufderheide TP, Dunford JV, Colella MR, Vilke GM, Brienza AM, Desvigne-Nickens P, Gray PC, Gray R, Seals N, Straight R, Dorian P, Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators. PMID: 27043165.
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Prehospital activated charcoal use in antipsychotic overdose. Am J Emerg Med. 2016 Feb; 34(2):316-7.
Villarreal J, Kahn CA, Dunford JV, Castillo EM, Clark RF. PMID: 26612705.
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A retrospective review of the prehospital use of activated charcoal. Am J Emerg Med. 2015 Jan; 33(1):56-9.
Villarreal J, Kahn CA, Dunford JV, Patel E, Clark RF. PMID: 25455049.
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Preliminary report of a mathematical model of ventilation and intrathoracic pressure applied to prehospital patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2015 Apr-Jun; 19(2):328-35.
Davis DP, Aguilar SA, Smith K, Husa RD, Minokadeh A, Vilke G, Sell R, Fisher R, Brainard C, Dunford JV. PMID: 25291381.
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Assessment of the addition of prehospital continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to an urban emergency medical services (EMS) system in persons with severe respiratory distress. J Emerg Med. 2013 Aug; 45(2):210-9.
Aguilar SA, Lee J, Dunford JV, Castillo E, Lam B, Choy J, Patel E, Pringle J, Serra J. PMID: 23756329.
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Prehospital stroke diagnosis and treatment in ambulances and helicopters-a concept paper. Am J Emerg Med. 2013 Apr; 31(4):743-7.
Hölscher T, Dunford JV, Schlachetzki F, Boy S, Hemmen T, Meyer BC, Serra J, Powers J, Voie A. PMID: 23415600.
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Putting the 'rap' in 'rapport'. JEMS. 2013 Jan; 38(1):38-41.
Jensen AM, Dunford J. PMID: 23627233.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Electrical and mechanical recovery of cardiac function following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2013 Jan; 84(1):25-30.
Davis DP, Sell RE, Wilkes N, Sarno R, Husa RD, Castillo EM, Lawrence B, Fisher R, Brainard C, Dunford JV. PMID: 22982154.
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Pre-hospital electrocardiography by emergency medical personnel: effects on scene and transport times for chest pain and ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Aug 28; 60(9):806-11.
Patel M, Dunford JV, Aguilar S, Castillo E, Patel E, Fisher R, Ochs G, Mahmud E. PMID: 22840530.
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Effects of an emergency medical services-based resource access program on frequent users of health services. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2012 Oct-Dec; 16(4):541-7.
Tadros AS, Castillo EM, Chan TC, Jensen AM, Patel E, Watts K, Dunford JV. PMID: 22712694.
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Gender differences in scene time, transport time, and total scene to hospital arrival time determined by the use of a prehospital electrocardiogram in patients with complaint of chest pain. J Emerg Med. 2012 Aug; 43(2):291-7.
Aguilar SA, Patel M, Castillo E, Patel E, Fisher R, Ochs G, Pringle J, Mahmud E, Dunford JV. PMID: 22325551.
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In patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, does the provision of dispatch cardiopulmonary resuscitation instructions as opposed to no instructions improve outcome: a systematic review of the literature. Resuscitation. 2011 Dec; 82(12):1490-5.
Bohm K, Vaillancourt C, Charette ML, Dunford J, Castrén M. PMID: 21925129.
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A trial of an impedance threshold device in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med. 2011 Sep 01; 365(9):798-806.
Aufderheide TP, Nichol G, Rea TD, Brown SP, Leroux BG, Pepe PE, Kudenchuk PJ, Christenson J, Daya MR, Dorian P, Callaway CW, Idris AH, Andrusiek D, Stephens SW, Hostler D, Davis DP, Dunford JV, Pirrallo RG, Stiell IG, Clement CM, Craig A, Van Ottingham L, Schmidt TA, Wang HE, Weisfeldt ML, Ornato JP, Sopko G, Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Investigators. PMID: 21879897; PMCID: PMC3204381.
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In out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients, does the description of any specific symptoms to the emergency medical dispatcher improve the accuracy of the diagnosis of cardiac arrest: a systematic review of the literature. Resuscitation. 2011 Dec; 82(12):1483-9.
Vaillancourt C, Charette ML, Bohm K, Dunford J, Castrén M. PMID: 21704442.
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An open, interoperable, and scalable prehospital information technology network architecture. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2011 Apr-Jun; 15(2):149-57.
Landman AB, Rokos IC, Burns K, Van Gelder CM, Fisher RM, Dunford JV, Cone DC, Bogucki S. PMID: 21294627.
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Minimizing pre- and post-defibrillation pauses increases the likelihood of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Resuscitation. 2010 Jul; 81(7):822-5.
Sell RE, Sarno R, Lawrence B, Castillo EM, Fisher R, Brainard C, Dunford JV, Davis DP. PMID: 20398991.
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Integration of pre-hospital electrocardiograms and ST-elevation myocardial infarction receiving center (SRC) networks: impact on Door-to-Balloon times across 10 independent regions. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2009 Apr; 2(4):339-46.
Rokos IC, French WJ, Koenig WJ, Stratton SJ, Nighswonger B, Strunk B, Jewell J, Mahmud E, Dunford JV, Hokanson J, Smith SW, Baran KW, Swor R, Berman A, Wilson BH, Aluko AO, Gross BW, Rostykus PS, Salvucci A, Dev V, McNally B, Manoukian SV, King SB. PMID: 19463447.
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Hospital resources: a practical treatment plan for homeless patients. Virtual Mentor. 2009 Jan 01; 11(1):19-25.
Dunford J, Buchanan D, Jain S. PMID: 23190481.
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Asphyxiation due to dry ice in a walk-in freezer. J Emerg Med. 2009 May; 36(4):353-6.
Dunford JV, Lucas J, Vent N, Clark RF, Cantrell FL. PMID: 18814998.
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Prehospital transport time intervals for acute stroke patients. J Emerg Med. 2009 Jul; 37(1):40-5.
Ramanujam P, Castillo E, Patel E, Vilke G, Wilson MP, Dunford JV. PMID: 18722734.
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Accuracy of stroke recognition by emergency medical dispatchers and paramedics--San Diego experience. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2008 Jul-Sep; 12(3):307-13.
Ramanujam P, Guluma KZ, Castillo EM, Chacon M, Jensen MB, Patel E, Linnick W, Dunford JV. PMID: 18584497.
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Serum troponin I measurement of subjects exposed to the Taser X-26. J Emerg Med. 2008 Jul; 35(1):29-32.
Sloane CM, Chan TC, Levine SD, Dunford JV, Neuman T, Vilke GM. PMID: 18296010.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Effect of prehospital 12-lead electrocardiogram on activation of the cardiac catheterization laboratory and door-to-balloon time in ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol. 2008 Jan 15; 101(2):158-61.
Brown JP, Mahmud E, Dunford JV, Ben-Yehuda O. PMID: 18178399.
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Rate of decline in oxygen saturation at various pulse oximetry values with prehospital rapid sequence intubation. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2008 Jan-Mar; 12(1):46-51.
Davis DP, Hwang JQ, Dunford JV. PMID: 18189177.
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Cardiac monitoring of human subjects exposed to the taser. J Emerg Med. 2007 Aug; 33(2):113-7.
Levine SD, Sloane CM, Chan TC, Dunford JV, Vilke GM. PMID: 17692758.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
The feasibility of a regional cardiac arrest receiving system. Resuscitation. 2007 Jul; 74(1):44-51.
Davis DP, Fisher R, Aguilar S, Metz M, Ochs G, McCallum-Brown L, Ramanujam P, Buono C, Vilke GM, Chan TC, Dunford JV. PMID: 17346870.
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Hyperventilation following aero-medical rapid sequence intubation may be a deliberate response to hypoxemia. Resuscitation. 2007 Jun; 73(3):354-61.
Davis DP, Douglas DJ, Koenig W, Carrison D, Buono C, Dunford JV. PMID: 17291673.
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Predictors of intubation success and therapeutic value of paramedic airway management in a large, urban EMS system. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2006 Jul-Sep; 10(3):356-62.
Davis DP, Fisher R, Buono C, Brainard C, Smith S, Ochs G, Poste JC, Dunford JV. PMID: 16801280.
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Impact of the San Diego Serial Inebriate Program on use of emergency medical resources. Ann Emerg Med. 2006 Apr; 47(4):328-36.
Dunford JV, Castillo EM, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Jenson P, Lindsay SP. PMID: 16546617.
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The three-phase model of cardiac arrest as applied to ventricular fibrillation in a large, urban emergency medical services system. Resuscitation. 2005 Mar; 64(3):341-6.
Vilke GM, Chan TC, Dunford JV, Metz M, Ochs G, Smith A, Fisher R, Poste JC, McCallum-Brown L, Davis DP. PMID: 15733764.
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Ventilation patterns in patients with severe traumatic brain injury following paramedic rapid sequence intubation. Neurocrit Care. 2005; 2(2):165-71.
Davis DP, Heister R, Poste JC, Hoyt DB, Ochs M, Dunford JV. PMID: 16159059.
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The impact of hypoxia and hyperventilation on outcome after paramedic rapid sequence intubation of severely head-injured patients. J Trauma. 2004 Jul; 57(1):1-8; discussion 8-10.
Davis DP, Dunford JV, Poste JC, Ochs M, Holbrook T, Fortlage D, Size MJ, Kennedy F, Hoyt DB. PMID: 15284540.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
The use of quantitative end-tidal capnometry to avoid inadvertent severe hyperventilation in patients with head injury after paramedic rapid sequence intubation. J Trauma. 2004 Apr; 56(4):808-14.
Davis DP, Dunford JV, Ochs M, Park K, Hoyt DB. PMID: 15187747.
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Incidence of transient hypoxia and pulse rate reactivity during paramedic rapid sequence intubation. Ann Emerg Med. 2003 Dec; 42(6):721-8.
Dunford JV, Davis DP, Ochs M, Doney M, Hoyt DB. PMID: 14634593.
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Impact of an after-hours on-call emergency physician on ambulance transports from a county jail. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2003 Jul-Sep; 7(3):327-31.
Chan TC, Vilke GM, Smith S, Sparrow W, Dunford JV. PMID: 12879382.
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Prehospital therapy for acute congestive heart failure: state of the art. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2003 Jan-Mar; 7(1):13-23.
Mosesso VN, Dunford J, Blackwell T, Griswell JK. PMID: 12540139.
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Emergency medical dispatch. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2002 Nov; 20(4):859-75.
Dunford JV. PMID: 12476884.
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Performance measurements in emergency medical services. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2002 Jan-Mar; 6(1):92-8.
Dunford J, Domeier RM, Blackwell T, Mears G, Overton J, Rivera-Rivera EJ, Swor R. PMID: 11789658.
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