ACCF/SCAI/AATS/AHA/ASE/ASNC/HFSA/HRS/SCCM/SCCT/SCMR/STS 2012 appropriate use criteria for diagnostic catheterization: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Appropriate Use Criteria Task Force, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, American Association for Thoracic Surgery, American Heart Association, American Society of Echocardiography, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, Heart Failure Society of America, Heart Rhythm Society, Society of Critical Care Medicine, Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Society of Thoracic Surgeons. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2012 Jul; 144(1):39-71.
Diagnostic Catheterization Writing Group, Patel MR, Bailey SR, Bonow RO, Chambers CE, Chan PS, Dehmer GJ, Kirtane AJ, Samuel Wann L, Parker Ward R, Technical Panel, Douglas PS, Patel MR, Bailey SR, Altus P, Barnard DD, Blankenship JC, Casey DE, Dean LS, Fazel R, Gilchrist IC, Kavinsky CJ, Lakoski SG, Le DE, Lesser JR, Levine GN, Mehran R, Russo AM, Sorrentino MJ, Williams MR, Wong JB, Appropriate Use Criteria Task Force, Wolk MJ, Bailey SR, Douglas PS, Hendel RC, Kramer CM, Min JK, Patel MR, Shaw L, Stainback RF, Allen JM. PMID: 22710040.
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ACCF/SCAI/AATS/AHA/ASE/ASNC/HFSA/HRS/SCCM/SCCT/SCMR/STS 2012 appropriate use criteria for diagnostic catheterization: American College of Cardiology Foundation Appropriate Use Criteria Task Force Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions American Association for Thoracic Surgery American Heart Association, American Society of Echocardiography American Society of Nuclear Cardiology Heart Failure Society of America Heart Rhythm Society, Society of Critical Care Medicine Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2012 Sep 01; 80(3):E50-81.
Patel MR, Bailey SR, Bonow RO, Chambers CE, Chan PS, Dehmer GJ, Kirtane AJ, Wann LS, Ward RP, Douglas PS, Patel MR, Bailey SR, Altus P, Barnard DD, Blankenship JC, Casey DE, Dean LS, Fazel R, Gilchrist IC, Kavinsky CJ, Lakoski SG, Le DE, Lesser JR, Levine GN, Mehran R, Russo AM, Sorrentino MJ, Williams MR, Wong JB, Wolk MJ, Bailey SR, Douglas PS, Hendel RC, Kramer CM, Min JK, Patel MR, Shaw L, Stainback RF, Allen JM. PMID: 22678595.
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