Advances in remote sensing of emperor penguins: first multi-year time series documenting trends in the global population. Proc Biol Sci. 2024 Mar 13; 291(2018):20232067.
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The aerobic dive limit: After 40 years, still rarely measured but commonly used. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2021 02; 252:110841.
Kooyman GL, McDonald BI, Williams CL, Meir JU, Ponganis PJ. PMID: 33186706.
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The retrospective analysis of Antarctic tracking data project. Sci Data. 2020 03 18; 7(1):94.
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Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems. Nature. 2020 04; 580(7801):87-92.
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Identification of a Novel Adélie Penguin Circovirus at Cape Crozier (Ross Island, Antarctica). Viruses. 2019 11 22; 11(12).
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Night diving by some emperor penguins during the winter breeding period at Cape Washington. J Exp Biol. 2018 01 09; 221(Pt 1).
Kooyman GL, van Dam RP, Hückstädt LA. PMID: 29317482.
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Key Questions in Marine Megafauna Movement Ecology. Trends Ecol Evol. 2016 06; 31(6):463-475.
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Hidden keys to survival: the type, density, pattern and functional role of emperor penguin body feathers. Proc Biol Sci. 2015 Oct 22; 282(1817):20152033.
Williams CL, Hagelin JC, Kooyman GL. PMID: 26490794; PMCID: PMC4633883.
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Too much of a good thing: sea ice extent may have forced emperor penguins into refugia during the last glacial maximum. Glob Chang Biol. 2015 Jun; 21(6):2215-26.
Younger JL, Clucas GV, Kooyman G, Wienecke B, Rogers AD, Trathan PN, Hart T, Miller KJ. PMID: 25728986.
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Marine mammals and Emperor penguins: a few applications of the Krogh principle. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2015 Jan 15; 308(2):R96-104.
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Emperor penguins breeding on iceshelves. PLoS One. 2014; 9(1):e85285.
Fretwell PT, Trathan PN, Wienecke B, Kooyman GL. PMID: 24416381; PMCID: PMC3885707.
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Blood oxygen depletion is independent of dive function in a deep diving vertebrate, the northern elephant seal. PLoS One. 2013; 8(12):e83248.
Meir JU, Robinson PW, Vilchis LI, Kooyman GL, Costa DP, Ponganis PJ. PMID: 24376671; PMCID: PMC3871621.
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An emperor penguin population estimate: the first global, synoptic survey of a species from space. PLoS One. 2012; 7(4):e33751.
Fretwell PT, Larue MA, Morin P, Kooyman GL, Wienecke B, Ratcliffe N, Fox AJ, Fleming AH, Porter C, Trathan PN. PMID: 22514609; PMCID: PMC3325796.
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Stroke rates and diving air volumes of emperor penguins: implications for dive performance. J Exp Biol. 2011 Sep 01; 214(Pt 17):2854-63.
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Fishing for data in the Ross Sea. Science. 2010 Dec 03; 330(6009):1316.
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First in the measure of energetics in a swimming tetrapod. J Exp Biol. 2010 May; 213(Pt 10):1609-10.
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Evolutionary and ecological aspects of some Antarctic and sub-Antarctic penguin distributions. Oecologia. 2002 Feb; 130(4):485-495.
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Effects of training on forced submersion responses in harbor seals. J Exp Biol. 2001 Nov; 204(Pt 22):3877-85.
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Field metabolic rate of lactating female Galápagos fur seals (Arctocephalus galapagoensis): the influence of offspring age and environment. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2001 Jul; 129(4):741-9.
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Energetic cost of foraging in free-diving emperor penguins. Physiol Biochem Zool. 2001 Jul-Aug; 74(4):541-7.
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Energetics of surface swimming in Brandt's cormorants (Phalacrocorax penicillatus brandt). J Exp Biol. 2000 Dec; 203(Pt 24):3727-31.
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Diving physiology of birds: a history of studies on polar species. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2000 Jun; 126(2):143-51.
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Development of diving capacity in emperor penguins. J Exp Biol. 1999 Apr; 202(Pt 7):781-6.
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Myoglobin in pelagic small cetaceans. J Exp Biol. 1999 Feb; 202(Pt 3):227-36.
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The physiological basis of diving to depth: birds and mammals. Annu Rev Physiol. 1998; 60:19-32.
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Structural and biochemical characteristics of locomotory muscles of emperor penguins, Aptenodytes forsteri. Respir Physiol. 1997 Jul; 109(1):73-80.
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Post-dive blood lactate concentrations in emperor penguins, Aptenodytes forsteri. J Exp Biol. 1997 Jun; 200(Pt 11):1623-6.
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Heart rate and plasma lactate responses during submerged swimming and trained diving in California sea lions, Zalophus californianus. J Comp Physiol B. 1997 Jan; 167(1):9-16.
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