Disparities between sustainability of country-level seafood production and consumption. PLoS One. 2024; 19(12):e0313823.
Blincow KM, Haynie AC, Semmens BX. PMID: 39621681; PMCID: PMC11611205.
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The persistent DDT footprint of ocean disposal, and ecological controls on bioaccumulation in fishes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Nov 05; 121(45):e2401500121.
McGill L, Sleugh T, Petrik C, Schiff K, McLaughlin K, Aluwihare L, Semmens B. PMID: 39467121; PMCID: PMC11551384.
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Design, development, and implementation of IsoBank: A centralized repository for isotopic data. PLoS One. 2024; 19(9):e0295662.
Shipley ON, Dabrowski AJ, Bowen GJ, Hayden B, Pauli JN, Jordan C, Anderson L, Bailey A, Bataille CP, Cicero C, Close HG, Cook C, Cook JA, Desai AR, Evaristo J, Filley TR, France CAM, Jackson AL, Kim SL, Kopf S, Loisel J, Manlick PJ, McFarlin JM, McMeans BC, O'Connell TC, Pilaar Birch SE, Putman AL, Semmens BX, Stantis C, Stricker CA, Szejner P, Trammell TLE, Uhen MD, Weintraub-Leff S, Wooller MJ, Williams JW, Yarnes CT, Vander Zanden HB, Newsome SD. PMID: 39240878; PMCID: PMC11379280.
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Using low volume eDNA methods to sample pelagic marine animal assemblages. PLoS One. 2024; 19(5):e0303263.
Dan ME, Portner EJ, Bowman JS, Semmens BX, Owens SM, Greenwald SM, Choy CA. PMID: 38748719; PMCID: PMC11095688.
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Spatial ecology of the Giant Sea Bass, Stereolepis gigas, in a southern California kelp forest as determined by acoustic telemetry. PeerJ. 2023; 11:e16551.
Blincow KM, Elstner JT, Ben-Aderet N, Bellquist LF, Nosal AP, Semmens BX. PMID: 38144197; PMCID: PMC10740592.
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Protected fish spawning aggregations as self-replenishing reservoirs for regional recovery. Proc Biol Sci. 2023 05 10; 290(1998):20230551.
Stock BC, Mullen AD, Jaffe JS, Candelmo A, Heppell SA, Pattengill-Semmens CV, McCoy CM, Johnson BC, Semmens BX. PMID: 37161330; PMCID: PMC10170206.
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Harnessing island-ocean connections to maximize marine benefits of island conservation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 12 20; 119(51):e2122354119.
Sandin SA, Becker PA, Becker C, Brown K, Erazo NG, Figuerola C, Fisher RN, Friedlander AM, Fukami T, Graham NAJ, Gruner DS, Holmes ND, Holthuijzen WA, Jones HP, Rios M, Samaniego A, Sechrest W, Semmens BX, Thornton HE, Vega Thurber R, Wails CN, Wolf CA, Zgliczynski BJ. PMID: 36508667; PMCID: PMC9907155.
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Grouper source levels and aggregation dynamics inferred from passive acoustic localization at a multispecies spawning site. J Acoust Soc Am. 2022 05; 151(5):3052.
Wilson KC, Širovic A, Semmens BX, Gittings SR, Pattengill-Semmens CV, McCoy C. PMID: 35649949.
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Modeling the past, present, and future distributions of endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) to inform recovery efforts in California. PLoS One. 2021; 16(11):e0259716.
DiNardo J, Stierhoff KL, Semmens BX. PMID: 34788315; PMCID: PMC8598040.
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The rise in climate change-induced federal fishery disasters in the United States. PeerJ. 2021; 9:e11186.
Bellquist L, Saccomanno V, Semmens BX, Gleason M, Wilson J. PMID: 33981495; PMCID: PMC8071068.
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Allele-Specific Expression and Evolution of Gene Regulation Underlying Acute Heat Stress Response and Local Adaptation in the Copepod Tigriopus californicus. J Hered. 2020 12 07; 111(6):539-547.
Tangwancharoen S, Semmens BX, Burton RS. PMID: 33141173.
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Long-term participation in collaborative fisheries research improves angler opinions on marine protected areas. PeerJ. 2020; 8:e10146.
Mason ET, Kellum AN, Chiu JA, Waltz GT, Murray S, Wendt DE, Starr RM, Semmens BX. PMID: 33194393; PMCID: PMC7602691.
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A Bayesian nested patch occupancy model to estimate steelhead movement and abundance. Ecol Appl. 2020 12; 30(8):e02202.
Waterhouse L, White J, See K, Murdoch A, Semmens BX. PMID: 32583579.
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Recovery of critically endangered Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) in the Cayman Islands following targeted conservation actions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 01 21; 117(3):1587-1595.
Waterhouse L, Heppell SA, Pattengill-Semmens CV, McCoy C, Bush P, Johnson BC, Semmens BX. PMID: 31907312; PMCID: PMC6983384.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
A deconvolutional Bayesian mixing model approach for river basin sediment source apportionment. Sci Rep. 2018 08 30; 8(1):13073.
Blake WH, Boeckx P, Stock BC, Smith HG, Bodé S, Upadhayay HR, Gaspar L, Goddard R, Lennard AT, Lizaga I, Lobb DA, Owens PN, Petticrew EL, Kuzyk ZZA, Gari BD, Munishi L, Mtei K, Nebiyu A, Mabit L, Navas A, Semmens BX. PMID: 30166587; PMCID: PMC6117284.
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Analyzing mixing systems using a new generation of Bayesian tracer mixing models. PeerJ. 2018; 6:e5096.
Stock BC, Jackson AL, Ward EJ, Parnell AC, Phillips DL, Semmens BX. PMID: 29942712; PMCID: PMC6015753.
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Monarch butterfly population decline in North America: identifying the threatening processes. R Soc Open Sci. 2017 Sep; 4(9):170760.
Thogmartin WE, Wiederholt R, Oberhauser K, Drum RG, Diffendorfer JE, Altizer S, Taylor OR, Pleasants J, Semmens D, Semmens B, Erickson R, Libby K, Lopez-Hoffman L. PMID: 28989778; PMCID: PMC5627118.
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Density estimates of monarch butterflies overwintering in central Mexico. PeerJ. 2017; 5:e3221.
Thogmartin WE, Diffendorfer JE, López-Hoffman L, Oberhauser K, Pleasants J, Semmens BX, Semmens D, Taylor OR, Wiederholt R. PMID: 28462031; PMCID: PMC5408724.
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Ocean Productivity May Predict Recruitment of the Rainbow Wrasse (Coris julis). PLoS One. 2016; 11(11):e0165648.
Fontes J, Semmens B, Caselle JE, Santos RS, Prakya SR. PMID: 27824889; PMCID: PMC5100946.
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Unifying error structures in commonly used biotracer mixing models. Ecology. 2016 Oct; 97(10):2562-2569.
Stock BC, Semmens BX. PMID: 27859126.
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Quasi-extinction risk and population targets for the Eastern, migratory population of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). Sci Rep. 2016 Mar 21; 6:23265.
Semmens BX, Semmens DJ, Thogmartin WE, Wiederholt R, López-Hoffman L, Diffendorfer JE, Pleasants JM, Oberhauser KS, Taylor OR. PMID: 26997124; PMCID: PMC4800428.
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Analyzing large-scale conservation interventions with Bayesian hierarchical models: a case study of supplementing threatened Pacific salmon. Ecol Evol. 2015 May; 5(10):2115-25.
Scheuerell MD, Buhle ER, Semmens BX, Ford MJ, Cooney T, Carmichael RW. PMID: 26045960; PMCID: PMC4449763.
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Population structure and phylogeography in Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus), a mass-aggregating marine fish. PLoS One. 2014; 9(5):e97508.
Jackson AM, Semmens BX, Sadovy de Mitcheson Y, Nemeth RS, Heppell SA, Bush PG, Aguilar-Perera A, Claydon JA, Calosso MC, Sealey KS, Schärer MT, Bernardi G. PMID: 24830641; PMCID: PMC4022523.
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Phenotypic variation and selective mortality as major drivers of recruitment variability in fishes. Ecol Lett. 2014 Jun; 17(6):743-55.
Johnson DW, Grorud-Colvert K, Sponaugle S, Semmens BX. PMID: 24674603.
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Assessing the effects of large mobile predators on ecosystem connectivity. Ecol Appl. 2012 Sep; 22(6):1711-7.
McCauley DJ, Young HS, Dunbar RB, Estes JA, Semmens BX, Micheli F. PMID: 23092009.
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Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 April 2012 - 31 May 2012. Mol Ecol Resour. 2012 Sep; 12(5):972-4.
Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, Abelló P, Ai W, Altmann C, Bernardi G, Bonato O, Burchhardt KM, Chen X, Chen Z, Cížková D, Clouet C, Cubeta MA, Garcia-Merchan VH, Gauthier N, Gibson S, Halacka K, Hamdi F, Hankeln T, Hochkirch A, Hrbek T, Jackson AM, Lin C, Lin SM, Macpherson E, Macrander J, Marešová E, Mendel J, Nowak M, Orti G, Palero F, Papoušek I, Pascual M, Schmitt T, Semmens BX, Streito JC, Tian EW, Tseng SP, Veith M, Vetešník L, Wang HY, Weyer J, Willis S, Yu H, Zhou Z. PMID: 22898144.
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Using stable isotope analysis to understand the migration and trophic ecology of northeastern Pacific white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias). PLoS One. 2012; 7(2):e30492.
Carlisle AB, Kim SL, Semmens BX, Madigan DJ, Jorgensen SJ, Perle CR, Anderson SD, Chapple TK, Kanive PE, Block BA. PMID: 22355313; PMCID: PMC3280240.
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Merging resource availability with isotope mixing models: the role of neutral interaction assumptions. PLoS One. 2011; 6(7):e22015.
Yeakel JD, Novak M, Guimarães PR, Dominy NJ, Koch PL, Ward EJ, Moore JW, Semmens BX. PMID: 21760944; PMCID: PMC3131389.
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Habitat structure determines resource use by zooplankton in temperate lakes. Ecol Lett. 2011 Apr; 14(4):364-72.
Francis TB, Schindler DE, Holtgrieve GW, Larson ER, Scheuerell MD, Semmens BX, Ward EJ. PMID: 21314881.
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Effects of multiple levels of social organization on survival and abundance. Conserv Biol. 2011 Apr; 25(2):350-5.
Ward EJ, Semmens BX, Holmes EE, Balcomb Iii KC. PMID: 21054527.
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Including source uncertainty and prior information in the analysis of stable isotope mixing models. Environ Sci Technol. 2010 Jun 15; 44(12):4645-50.
Ward EJ, Semmens BX, Schindler DE. PMID: 20496928.
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AnimalsPHPublic Health
Using ecological null models to assess the potential for marine protected area networks to protect biodiversity. PLoS One. 2010 Jan 27; 5(1):e8895.
Semmens BX, Auster PJ, Paddack MJ. PMID: 20111711; PMCID: PMC2811735.
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Quantifying inter- and intra-population niche variability using hierarchical bayesian stable isotope mixing models. PLoS One. 2009 Jul 09; 4(7):e6187.
Semmens BX, Ward EJ, Moore JW, Darimont CT. PMID: 19587790; PMCID: PMC2704373.
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Improving Bayesian isotope mixing models: a response to Jackson et al. (2009). Ecol Lett. 2009 Mar; 12(3):E6-8.
Semmens BX, Moore JW, Ward EJ. PMID: 19245585.
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Incorporating uncertainty and prior information into stable isotope mixing models. Ecol Lett. 2008 May; 11(5):470-80.
Moore JW, Semmens BX. PMID: 18294213.
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Conservation and management applications of the REEF volunteer fish monitoring program. Environ Monit Assess. 2003 Jan-Feb; 81(1-3):43-50.
Pattengill-Semmens CV, Semmens BX, Reef Environmental Education Foundation. PMID: 12620003.
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HumansAnimalsPHPublic Health