John Mccartney

Title(s)Professor, Structural System Facility
SchoolVc-academic Affairs
Address9500 Gilman Drive #
La Jolla CA 92093
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    Collapse Biography 
    Collapse Education and Training
    University of Colorado, BoulderBS05/2002Civil Engineering
    University of Colorado , BoulderMS05/2002Civil Engineering
    University of Texas, AustinPhD05/2007Civil Engineering
    Collapse Awards and Honors
    International Geosynthetics Society2018IGS Award
    ASCE2016Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize
    ASCE2012J. James R. Croes Medal
    GeoInstitute of ASCE2012Arthur Casagrande Professional Development Award

    Collapse Overview 

    Collapse Research 
    Collapse Research Activities and Funding
    SEP Collaborative: Pathways to Scalable, Efficient and Sustainable Soil Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems
    NSF 1230237Aug 15, 2012 - Aug 31, 2017
    Role: PI
    CAREER: Thermally Active Geotechnical Systems in Reinforced, Unsaturated Soils
    NSF 1054190Jul 1, 2011 - Jun 30, 2016
    Role: PI
    Soil Structure Interaction in Geothermal Foundations
    NSF 0928159Jul 1, 2009 - Dec 31, 2012
    Role: PI

    Collapse ORNG Applications 
    Collapse Featured Publications