Imaging mesoscopic antiferromagnetic spin textures in the dilute limit from single-geometry resonant coherent x-ray diffraction. Sci Adv. 2022 Jul 22; 8(29):eabn6882.
Bluschke M, Basak R, Barbour A, Warner AN, Fürsich K, Wilkins S, Roy S, Lee J, Christiani G, Logvenov G, Minola M, Keimer B, Mazzoli C, Benckiser E, Frano A. PMID: 35857841; PMCID: PMC9299548.
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Low-temperature emergent neuromorphic networks with correlated oxide devices. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 08 31; 118(35).
Goteti US, Zaluzhnyy IA, Ramanathan S, Dynes RC, Frano A. PMID: 34433669; PMCID: PMC8536335.
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Short-Range Nematic Fluctuations in Sr_{1-x}Na_{x}Fe_{2}As_{2} Superconductors. Phys Rev Lett. 2021 Mar 12; 126(10):107001.
Wu S, Song Y, He Y, Frano A, Yi M, Chen X, Uchiyama H, Alatas A, Said AH, Wang L, Wolf T, Meingast C, Birgeneau RJ. PMID: 33784111.
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Dynamic electron correlations with charge order wavelength along all directions in the copper oxide plane. Nat Commun. 2021 Jan 26; 12(1):597.
Boschini F, Minola M, Sutarto R, Schierle E, Bluschke M, Das S, Yang Y, Michiardi M, Shao YC, Feng X, Ono S, Zhong RD, Schneeloch JA, Gu GD, Weschke E, He F, Chuang YD, Keimer B, Damascelli A, Frano A, da Silva Neto EH. PMID: 33500415; PMCID: PMC7838423.
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Charge ordering in superconducting copper oxides. J Phys Condens Matter. 2020 Jun 18; 32(37).
Frano A, Blanco-Canosa S, Keimer B, Birgeneau RJ. PMID: 31829986.
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Perovskite neural trees. Nat Commun. 2020 05 07; 11(1):2245.
Zhang HT, Park TJ, Zaluzhnyy IA, Wang Q, Wadekar SN, Manna S, Andrawis R, Sprau PO, Sun Y, Zhang Z, Huang C, Zhou H, Zhang Z, Narayanan B, Srinivasan G, Hua N, Nazaretski E, Huang X, Yan H, Ge M, Chu YS, Cherukara MJ, Holt MV, Krishnamurthy M, Shpyrko OG, Sankaranarayanan SKRS, Frano A, Roy K, Ramanathan S. PMID: 32382036; PMCID: PMC7206050.
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Spectral Evidence for Emergent Order in Ba_{1-x}Na_{x}Fe_{2}As_{2}. Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Sep 21; 121(12):127001.
Yi M, Frano A, Lu DH, He Y, Wang M, Frandsen BA, Kemper AF, Yu R, Si Q, Wang L, He M, Hardy F, Schweiss P, Adelmann P, Wolf T, Hashimoto M, Mo SK, Hussain Z, Le Tacon M, Böhmer AE, Lee DH, Shen ZX, Meingast C, Birgeneau RJ. PMID: 30296157.
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Stabilization of three-dimensional charge order in YBa2Cu3O6+x via epitaxial growth. Nat Commun. 2018 07 30; 9(1):2978.
Bluschke M, Frano A, Schierle E, Putzky D, Ghorbani F, Ortiz R, Suzuki H, Christiani G, Logvenov G, Weschke E, Birgeneau RJ, da Silva Neto EH, Minola M, Blanco-Canosa S, Keimer B. PMID: 30061634; PMCID: PMC6065363.
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Local Orthorhombicity in the Magnetic C_{4} Phase of the Hole-Doped Iron-Arsenide Superconductor Sr_{1-x}Na_{x}Fe_{2}As_{2}. Phys Rev Lett. 2017 Nov 03; 119(18):187001.
Frandsen BA, Taddei KM, Yi M, Frano A, Guguchia Z, Yu R, Si Q, Bugaris DE, Stadel R, Osborn R, Rosenkranz S, Chmaissem O, Birgeneau RJ. PMID: 29219610.
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Correlated states in β-Li2IrO3 driven by applied magnetic fields. Nat Commun. 2017 10 16; 8(1):961.
Ruiz A, Frano A, Breznay NP, Kimchi I, Helm T, Oswald I, Chan JY, Birgeneau RJ, Islam Z, Analytis JG. PMID: 29038538; PMCID: PMC5643435.
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Transfer of Magnetic Order and Anisotropy through Epitaxial Integration of 3d and 4f Spin Systems. Phys Rev Lett. 2017 May 19; 118(20):207203.
Bluschke M, Frano A, Schierle E, Minola M, Hepting M, Christiani G, Logvenov G, Weschke E, Benckiser E, Keimer B. PMID: 28581806.
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Multiple Supersonic Phase Fronts Launched at a Complex-Oxide Heterointerface. Phys Rev Lett. 2017 Jan 13; 118(2):027401.
Först M, Beyerlein KR, Mankowsky R, Hu W, Mattoni G, Catalano S, Gibert M, Yefanov O, Clark JN, Frano A, Glownia JM, Chollet M, Lemke H, Moser B, Collins SP, Dhesi SS, Caviglia AD, Triscone JM, Cavalleri A. PMID: 28128616.
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Modular soft x-ray spectrometer for applications in energy sciences and quantum materials. Rev Sci Instrum. 2017 Jan; 88(1):013110.
Chuang YD, Shao YC, Cruz A, Hanzel K, Brown A, Frano A, Qiao R, Smith B, Domning E, Huang SW, Wray LA, Lee WS, Shen ZX, Devereaux TP, Chiou JW, Pong WF, Yashchuk VV, Gullikson E, Reininger R, Yang W, Guo J, Duarte R, Hussain Z. PMID: 28147697.
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18 Fields:
Long-range charge-density-wave proximity effect at cuprate/manganate interfaces. Nat Mater. 2016 08; 15(8):831-4.
Frano A, Blanco-Canosa S, Schierle E, Lu Y, Wu M, Bluschke M, Minola M, Christiani G, Habermeier HU, Logvenov G, Wang Y, van Aken PA, Benckiser E, Weschke E, Le Tacon M, Keimer B. PMID: 27322824.
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Nonlinear lattice dynamics as a basis for enhanced superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6.5. Nature. 2014 Dec 04; 516(7529):71-3.
Mankowsky R, Subedi A, Först M, Mariager SO, Chollet M, Lemke HT, Robinson JS, Glownia JM, Minitti MP, Frano A, Fechner M, Spaldin NA, Loew T, Keimer B, Georges A, Cavalleri A. PMID: 25471882.
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53 Fields:
Tunable Charge and Spin Order in PrNiO_{3} Thin Films and Superlattices. Phys Rev Lett. 2014 Nov 28; 113(22):227206.
Hepting M, Minola M, Frano A, Cristiani G, Logvenov G, Schierle E, Wu M, Bluschke M, Weschke E, Habermeier HU, Benckiser E, Le Tacon M, Keimer B. PMID: 25494088.
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10 Fields:
Charge order driven by Fermi-arc instability in Bi2Sr(2-x)La(x)CuO(6+δ). Science. 2014 Jan 24; 343(6169):390-2.
Comin R, Frano A, Yee MM, Yoshida Y, Eisaki H, Schierle E, Weschke E, Sutarto R, He F, Soumyanarayanan A, He Y, Le Tacon M, Elfimov IS, Hoffman JE, Sawatzky GA, Keimer B, Damascelli A. PMID: 24356115.
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74 Fields:
Ubiquitous interplay between charge ordering and high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates. Science. 2014 Jan 24; 343(6169):393-6.
da Silva Neto EH, Aynajian P, Frano A, Comin R, Schierle E, Weschke E, Gyenis A, Wen J, Schneeloch J, Xu Z, Ono S, Gu G, Le Tacon M, Yazdani A. PMID: 24356110.
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Layer selective control of the lattice structure in oxide superlattices. Adv Mater. 2014 Jan 15; 26(2):258-62.
Frano A, Benckiser E, Lu Y, Wu M, Castro-Colin M, Reehuis M, Boris AV, Detemple E, Sigle W, van Aken P, Cristiani G, Logvenov G, Habermeier HU, Wochner P, Keimer B, Hinkov V. PMID: 24155253.
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Orbital control of noncollinear magnetic order in nickel oxide heterostructures. Phys Rev Lett. 2013 Sep 06; 111(10):106804.
Frano A, Schierle E, Haverkort MW, Lu Y, Wu M, Blanco-Canosa S, Nwankwo U, Boris AV, Wochner P, Cristiani G, Habermeier HU, Logvenov G, Hinkov V, Benckiser E, Weschke E, Keimer B. PMID: 25166693.
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12 Fields:
Momentum-dependent charge correlations in YBa2Cu3O6+δ superconductors probed by resonant X-ray scattering: evidence for three competing phases. Phys Rev Lett. 2013 May 03; 110(18):187001.
Blanco-Canosa S, Frano A, Loew T, Lu Y, Porras J, Ghiringhelli G, Minola M, Mazzoli C, Braicovich L, Schierle E, Weschke E, Le Tacon M, Keimer B. PMID: 23683237.
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29 Fields:
Electric-field-induced polar order and localization of the confined electrons in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures. Phys Rev Lett. 2013 Mar 29; 110(13):136805.
Rössle M, Kim KW, Dubroka A, Marsik P, Wang CN, Jany R, Richter C, Mannhart J, Schneider CW, Frano A, Wochner P, Lu Y, Keimer B, Shukla DK, Strempfer J, Bernhard C. PMID: 23581357.
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Distinct charge orders in the planes and chains of ortho-III-ordered YBa2Cu3O(6+δ) superconductors identified by resonant elastic x-ray scattering. Phys Rev Lett. 2012 Oct 19; 109(16):167001.
Achkar AJ, Sutarto R, Mao X, He F, Frano A, Blanco-Canosa S, Le Tacon M, Ghiringhelli G, Braicovich L, Minola M, Sala MM, Mazzoli C, Liang R, Bonn DA, Hardy WN, Keimer B, Sawatzky GA, Hawthorn DG. PMID: 23215115.
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34 Fields:
Long-range incommensurate charge fluctuations in (Y,Nd)Ba2Cu3O(6+x). Science. 2012 Aug 17; 337(6096):821-5.
Ghiringhelli G, Le Tacon M, Minola M, Blanco-Canosa S, Mazzoli C, Brookes NB, De Luca GM, Frano A, Hawthorn DG, He F, Loew T, Moretti Sala M, Peets DC, Salluzzo M, Schierle E, Sutarto R, Sawatzky GA, Weschke E, Keimer B, Braicovich L. PMID: 22798406.
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Dimensionality control of electronic phase transitions in nickel-oxide superlattices. Science. 2011 May 20; 332(6032):937-40.
Boris AV, Matiks Y, Benckiser E, Frano A, Popovich P, Hinkov V, Wochner P, Castro-Colin M, Detemple E, Malik VK, Bernhard C, Prokscha T, Suter A, Salman Z, Morenzoni E, Cristiani G, Habermeier HU, Keimer B. PMID: 21596986.
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