Wade Lindenberger

Title(s)Lecturer - Academic Year - Continuing Appointment, Rady School of Management
SchoolVc-academic Affairs
Address9500 Gilman Drive #
La Jolla CA 92093
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    Collapse Biography 
    Collapse Education and Training
    University of San Diego, San Diego, CABBA05/1986Accounting
    University of San Diego, San Diego, CAMaster05/2013Accounting
    Collapse Awards and Honors
    University of California, San Diego2024Excellence in Teaching, MPAc Program
    University of California, San Diego2023Most Valuable Professor, MPAC Program
    University of California, San Diego2020Excellence in Teaching, MPAc Program
    The New Children's Museum2015CFO of the Year, Non-Profit Category
    University of San Diego2013Outstanding Scholar, MAcc Program
    University of San Diego1986Summa Cum Laude

    Collapse Overview 
    Collapse Overview
    I am an educator specializing in accounting, finance and ethics topics. I am also an executive with expertise in finance, accounting, administration, consulting and professional services. My specialties include financial leadership, strategy and complex technical accounting issues.