Eugene Yeo

Title(s)Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine
SchoolVc-health Sciences-schools
Address9500 Gilman Drive #
La Jolla CA 92093
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    Collapse Overview 
    Collapse Overview
    Understanding how genes are regulated and coordinated is of fundamental significance in biomedical sciences. RNA binding proteins (RBPs) are an unexplored frontier of regulated gene expression, even though their misregulation leads to critical human diseases. I am a leader in the development of computational and experimental approaches to understand mechanistic details of how RBPs control post-transcriptional regulatory networks in development and disease (neurodegeneration). My ongoing research program focuses on how specific RBPs and their regulated RNA targets are necessary for the survival and function of pluripotent stem cells and the central nervous system. I leverage computational concepts from my background in engineering and computational neuroscience to develop creative methods for deriving meaning out of highly complex datasets and integrate many different types of information to achieve clear understanding of the underlying problem. My lab is reputed to generate genome-wide data of the highest quality coupled with rigorous analyses. Using human patient-derived stem cell models, mice and patient post-mortem samples, we delve deep into mechanistic validations of our predictions, forging actionable links between basic biology and medicine. In proposed research, I am dedicated to exploring post-transcriptional gene regulation but at the level of single pluripotent stem cells and neurons. We will develop novel scalable methodologies to test hypotheses of variation and cell-type specific heterogeneity in RNA processing. We are committed to developing RNA-sensitive nanotechnologies that utilize differences in RNA content in cells to alter cellular behavior, linking our efforts to deeply understand RNA biology with engineering applications derived from that knowledge.

    Research Focus Areas:

  • Developmental Biology

  • Genetics and Genomics

  • Gene Expression and Regulation

  • Neurodevelopment and Neurodegenerative Disease

  • Stem Cell Biology

  • Systems Biology

  • Collapse Research 
    Collapse Research Activities and Funding
    STAMP technology to enable single-cell and isoform-sensitive detection of RBP sites
    NIH R01HG011864Sep 1, 2021 - May 31, 2025
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Evaluating and Targeting RNA granules in neurodegenerative diseases
    NIH R56AG069098Sep 30, 2020 - Aug 31, 2021
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Analysis of RNA binding proteins directing hematopoietic stem cell fate
    NIH R01HL137223May 1, 2018 - Apr 30, 2022
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Application of RNA-targeting Cas9 to Fuchs' dystrophy
    NIH R01EY029166Apr 1, 2018 - Mar 31, 2022
    Role: Principal Investigator
    A Comprehensive Functional Map of Human Protein-RNA Interactions
    NIH U41HG009889Feb 5, 2018 - Jan 31, 2022
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
    Therapeutic strategies for microsatellite expansion diseases using RNA-targeting CRISPR/Cas
    NIH R01NS103172Sep 22, 2017 - May 31, 2022
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Dissecting splicing factor mutations in iPSCs
    NIH R01HL137219Apr 5, 2017 - Jan 31, 2021
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
    Using single-cell RNA-seq to interrogate host immunity to pathogens
    NIH R01AI123202Sep 23, 2016 - Aug 31, 2021
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Reconstruction of cardiovascular regulatory networks from large-scale single-cell analyses of cardiovascular lineages
    NIH R01HD085902Mar 1, 2016 - Feb 28, 2021
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Collaboration on preclinical autism cellular assays, biosignatures, and network analyses (Copacabana)
    NIH U19MH107367Sep 21, 2015 - Jun 30, 2021
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Defining the messenger RNP code in the brain
    NIH R01NS075449Feb 15, 2012 - Jan 31, 2017
    Role: Principal Investigator
    NIH U01HL107442Jul 15, 2011 - Jun 30, 2017
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Genomic Measurement of Alternative Splicing
    NIH R01GM084317Jan 1, 2009 - Dec 31, 2013
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Functional RNA elements in the human genome
    NIH R01HG004659Jun 1, 2008 - Apr 30, 2024
    Role: Principal Investigator
    Administrative Core
    NIH/NIMH U19MH-01
    Role: Co-Investigator