Experiences of Affiliate Stigma and Depressive Symptoms in Caregivers of Autistic Children: The Moderating Effect of Social Support. J Autism Dev Disord. 2024 Nov 29.
Gordon K, Susko M, de la Roche L, Kelley E. PMID: 39612066.
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Introducing IsoMad, a compilation of isotopic datasets for Madagascar. Sci Data. 2024 Aug 09; 11(1):857.
Hixon SW, Fernandes R, Andriamahaihavana A, Baden AL, Blanco MB, Caulier G, Dammhahn M, Eeckhaut I, Eppley TM, Frédérich B, Ganzhorn JU, Garbaras A, Gibson D, Goodman SM, Irwin M, Kelley EA, Michel LN, Lepoint G, Loudon JE, Mittelheiser L, Rakotondranary J, Rasamisoa DC, Rasolofonirina R, Ratovonamana Y, Razafindramanana J, Reisdorff C, Sponheimer M, Terrana L, Vasey N, Crowley BE. PMID: 39122728; PMCID: PMC11316086.
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Exploring the association between social skills struggles and social communication difficulties and depression in youth with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res. 2023 11; 16(11):2160-2171.
Pascoe MI, Forbes K, de la Roche L, Derby B, Psaradellis E, Anagnostou E, Nicolson R, Georgiades S, Kelley E. PMID: 37615265.
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Linkage of whole genome sequencing and administrative health data in autism: A proof of concept study. Autism Res. 2023 08; 16(8):1600-1608.
Baribeau DA, Arneja J, Wang X, Howe J, McLaughlin JR, Tu K, Guan J, Iaboni A, Kelley E, Ayub M, Nicolson R, Georgiades S, Scherer SW, Bronskill SE, Anagnostou E, Brooks JD. PMID: 37526168.
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Transdiagnostic Patterns of Sensory Processing in Autism and ADHD. J Autism Dev Disord. 2024 Jan; 54(1):280-292.
Scheerer NE, Pourtousi A, Yang C, Ding Z, Stojanoski B, Anagnostou E, Nicolson R, Kelley E, Georgiades S, Crosbie J, Schachar R, Ayub M, Stevenson RA. PMID: 36306002.
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Factors influencing terrestriality in primates of the Americas and Madagascar. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 10 18; 119(42):e2121105119.
Eppley TM, Hoeks S, Chapman CA, Ganzhorn JU, Hall K, Owen MA, Adams DB, Allgas N, Amato KR, Andriamahaihavana M, Aristizabal JF, Baden AL, Balestri M, Barnett AA, Bicca-Marques JC, Bowler M, Boyle SA, Brown M, Caillaud D, Calegaro-Marques C, Campbell CJ, Campera M, Campos FA, Cardoso TS, Carretero-Pinzón X, Champion J, Chaves ÓM, Chen-Kraus C, Colquhoun IC, Dean B, Dubrueil C, Ellis KM, Erhart EM, Evans KJE, Fedigan LM, Felton AM, Ferreira RG, Fichtel C, Fonseca ML, Fontes IP, Fortes VB, Fumian I, Gibson D, Guzzo GB, Hartwell KS, Heymann EW, Hilário RR, Holmes SM, Irwin MT, Johnson SE, Kappeler PM, Kelley EA, King T, Knogge C, Koch F, Kowalewski MM, Lange LR, Lauterbur ME, Louis EE, Lutz MC, Martínez J, Melin AD, de Melo FR, Mihaminekena TH, Mogilewsky MS, Moreira LS, Moura LA, Muhle CB, Nagy-Reis MB, Norconk MA, Notman H, O'Mara MT, Ostner J, Patel ER, Pavelka MSM, Pinacho-Guendulain B, Porter LM, Pozo-Montuy G, Raboy BE, Rahalinarivo V, Raharinoro NA, Rakotomalala Z, Ramos-Fernández G, Rasamisoa DC, Ratsimbazafy J, Ravaloharimanitra M, Razafindramanana J, Razanaparany TP, Righini N, Robson NM, Gonçalves JDR, Sanamo J, Santacruz N, Sato H, Sauther ML, Scarry CJ, Serio-Silva JC, Shanee S, Lins PGAS, Smith AC, Smith Aguilar SE, Souza-Alves JP, Stavis VK, Steffens KJE, Stone AI, Strier KB, Suarez SA, Talebi M, Tecot SR, Tujague MP, Valenta K, Van Belle S, Vasey N, Wallace RB, Welch G, Wright PC, Donati G, Santini L. PMID: 36215474; PMCID: PMC9586308.
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Amygdala subnuclei volumes and anxiety behaviors in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Hum Brain Mapp. 2022 11; 43(16):4805-4816.
Seguin D, Pac S, Wang J, Nicolson R, Martinez-Trujillo J, Anagnostou E, Lerch JP, Hammill C, Schachar R, Crosbie J, Kelley E, Ayub M, Brian J, Liu X, Arnold PD, Georgiades S, Duerden EG. PMID: 35819018; PMCID: PMC9582362.
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Shared and Distinct Patterns of Functional Connectivity to Emotional Faces in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Children. Front Psychol. 2022; 13:826527.
Safar K, Vandewouw MM, Pang EW, de Villa K, Crosbie J, Schachar R, Iaboni A, Georgiades S, Nicolson R, Kelley E, Ayub M, Lerch JP, Anagnostou E, Taylor MJ. PMID: 35356352; PMCID: PMC8959934.
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An Epigenetically Distinct Subset of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Resulting From Differences in Blood Cell Composition. Front Neurol. 2021; 12:612817.
Jangjoo M, Goodman SJ, Choufani S, Trost B, Scherer SW, Kelley E, Ayub M, Nicolson R, Georgiades S, Crosbie J, Schachar R, Anagnostou E, Grunebaum E, Weksberg R. PMID: 33935932; PMCID: PMC8085304.
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Exploring the Neural Structures Underlying the Procedural Memory Network as Predictors of Language Ability in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Front Hum Neurosci. 2020; 14:587019.
Sanjeevan T, Hammill C, Brian J, Crosbie J, Schachar R, Kelley E, Liu X, Nicolson R, Iaboni A, Day Fragiadakis S, Ristic L, Lerch JP, Anagnostou E. PMID: 33362492; PMCID: PMC7759764.
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Factor Structure of Repetitive Behaviors Across Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2021 Oct; 51(10):3391-3400.
Brierley NJ, McDonnell CG, Parks KMA, Schulz SE, Dalal TC, Kelley E, Anagnostou E, Nicolson R, Georgiades S, Crosbie J, Schachar R, Liu X, Stevenson RA. PMID: 33236274.
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Sex Differences in Age of Diagnosis and First Concern among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2021 Sep-Oct; 50(5):645-655.
McDonnell CG, DeLucia EA, Hayden EP, Penner M, Curcin K, Anagnostou E, Nicolson R, Kelley E, Georgiades S, Liu X, Stevenson RA. PMID: 33136459.
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An Exploratory Analysis of Predictors of Youth Suicide-Related Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Implications for Prevention Science. J Autism Dev Disord. 2020 Oct; 50(10):3531-3544.
McDonnell CG, DeLucia EA, Hayden EP, Anagnostou E, Nicolson R, Kelley E, Georgiades S, Liu X, Stevenson RA. PMID: 31820342.
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Do Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Understand Their Academic Competencies? J Autism Dev Disord. 2020 Sep; 50(9):3101-3113.
Furlano R, Kelley EA. PMID: 30891664.
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Brief Report: Do You See What I See? The Perception of Bullying in Male Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2020 May; 50(5):1822-1826.
Hodgins Z, Kelley E, Kloosterman P, Hall L, Hudson CC, Furlano R, Craig W. PMID: 30171508.
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Motivating Moral Behavior: Helping, Sharing, and Comforting in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Psychol. 2019; 10:25.
Dunfield KA, Best LJ, Kelley EA, Kuhlmeier VA. PMID: 30728793; PMCID: PMC6351476.
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Associations Between Emotion Regulation and Social Impairment in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2018 06; 48(6):2164-2173.
Goldsmith SF, Kelley E. PMID: 29427118.
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Restricted, Repetitive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Comparative Review. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2017 12; 48(6):944-959.
Jiujias M, Kelley E, Hall L. PMID: 28281020.
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31 Fields:
Behavioral thermoregulation in Lemur catta: The significance of sunning and huddling behaviors. Am J Primatol. 2016 Jul; 78(7):745-54.
Kelley EA, Jablonski NG, Chaplin G, Sussman RW, Kamilar JM. PMID: 26890578.
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Language comprehension and brain function in individuals with an optimal outcome from autism. Neuroimage Clin. 2016; 10:182-91.
Eigsti IM, Stevens MC, Schultz RT, Barton M, Kelley E, Naigles L, Orinstein A, Troyb E, Fein DA. PMID: 26862477; PMCID: PMC4707189.
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What did Hadropithecus eat, and why should paleoanthropologists care? Am J Primatol. 2016 Oct; 78(10):1098-112.
Godfrey LR, Crowley BE, Muldoon KM, Kelley EA, King SJ, Best AW, Berthaume MA. PMID: 26613562.
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Psychiatric Symptoms in Youth with a History of Autism and Optimal Outcome. J Autism Dev Disord. 2015 Nov; 45(11):3703-14.
Orinstein A, Tyson KE, Suh J, Troyb E, Helt M, Rosenthal M, Barton ML, Eigsti IM, Kelley E, Naigles L, Schultz RT, Stevens MC, Fein DA. PMID: 26155764; PMCID: PMC4609588.
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Neighborhood Walkability and Walking for Transport Among South Asians in the MASALA Study. J Phys Act Health. 2016 05; 13(5):514-9.
Kelley EA, Kandula NR, Kanaya AM, Yen IH. PMID: 26529292; PMCID: PMC5070655.
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Reproductive Female Feeding Strategies in Spiny Forest-Dwelling Lemur catta in Southern and Southwestern Madagascar: How Do Females Meet the Challenges of Reproduction in this Harsh Habitat? Folia Primatol (Basel). 2015; 86(1-2):16-24.
Gould L, Kelley EA, LaFleur M. PMID: 26022297.
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Self-perception of competencies in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Autism Res. 2015 Dec; 8(6):761-70.
Furlano R, Kelley EA, Hall L, Wilson DE. PMID: 25974323.
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Differences in Obesity Among Men of Diverse Racial and Ethnic Background. Am J Mens Health. 2017 07; 11(4):984-989.
Hill SE, Bell C, Bowie JV, Kelley E, Furr-Holden D, LaVeist TA, Thorpe RJ. PMID: 25862694; PMCID: PMC5675329.
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Geography, Race/Ethnicity, and Obesity Among Men in the United States. Am J Mens Health. 2016 05; 10(3):228-36.
Kelley EA, Bowie JV, Griffith DM, Bruce M, Hill S, Thorpe RJ. PMID: 25567236.
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Schematic and realistic biological motion identification in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Res Autism Spectr Disord. 2014 Oct 01; 8(10):1394-1404.
Wright K, Kelley E, Poulin-Dubois D. PMID: 25395988; PMCID: PMC4226532.
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Explaining Racial Disparities in Obesity Among Men: Does Place Matter? Am J Mens Health. 2015 Nov; 9(6):464-72.
Thorpe RJ, Kelley E, Bowie JV, Griffith DM, Bruce M, LaVeist T. PMID: 25249452; PMCID: PMC4864070.
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Narrative performance of optimal outcome children and adolescents with a history of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). J Autism Dev Disord. 2014 Jul; 44(7):1681-94.
Suh J, Eigsti IM, Naigles L, Barton M, Kelley E, Fein D. PMID: 24500659; PMCID: PMC4058343.
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Language and verbal memory in individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorders who have achieved optimal outcomes. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014 Mar; 44(3):648-63.
Tyson K, Kelley E, Fein D, Orinstein A, Troyb E, Barton M, Eigsti IM, Naigles L, Schultz RT, Stevens M, Helt M, Rosenthal M. PMID: 23982487; PMCID: PMC3948218.
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The role of piloerection in primate thermoregulation. Folia Primatol (Basel). 2014; 85(1):1-17.
Chaplin G, Jablonski NG, Sussman RW, Kelley EA. PMID: 24192984.
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The contribution of epigenetics to understanding genetic factors in autism. Autism. 2014 Nov; 18(8):872-81.
Hall L, Kelley E. PMID: 24126868.
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Residual difficulties with categorical induction in children with a history of autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013 Sep; 43(9):2048-61.
Naigles LR, Kelley E, Troyb E, Fein D. PMID: 23321802; PMCID: PMC3681830.
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Trait anhedonia is associated with reduced reactivity and connectivity of mesolimbic and paralimbic reward pathways. J Psychiatr Res. 2013 Oct; 47(10):1319-28.
Keller J, Young CB, Kelley E, Prater K, Levitin DJ, Menon V. PMID: 23791396.
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50 Fields:
Executive functioning in individuals with a history of ASDs who have achieved optimal outcomes. Child Neuropsychol. 2014; 20(4):378-97.
Troyb E, Rosenthal M, Eigsti IM, Kelley E, Tyson K, Orinstein A, Barton M, Fein D. PMID: 23731181; PMCID: PMC3902134.
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The ranging behavior of Lemur catta in the region of Cap Sainte-Marie, Madagascar. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2013 Jan; 150(1):122-32.
Kelley EA. PMID: 23180618.
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Unmet needs of families of school-aged children with an autism spectrum disorder. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2012 Nov; 25(6):497-508.
Brown HK, Ouellette-Kuntz H, Hunter D, Kelley E, Cobigo V. PMID: 23055284.
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Beyond an autism diagnosis: children's functional independence and parents' unmet needs. J Autism Dev Disord. 2011 Oct; 41(10):1291-302.
Brown HK, Ouellette-Kuntz H, Hunter D, Kelley E, Cobigo V, Lam M. PMID: 21153875.
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Examining the Diversity of Prosocial Behavior: Helping, Sharing, and Comforting in Infancy. Infancy. 2011 May; 16(3):227-247.
Dunfield K, Kuhlmeier VA, O'Connell L, Kelley E. PMID: 32693496.
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Exploring the ability to deceive in children with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2011 Feb; 41(2):185-95.
Li AS, Kelley EA, Evans AD, Lee K. PMID: 20556501; PMCID: PMC3482107.
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Dextran removal by plasmapheresis in a kidney-pancreas transplant recipient with dextran 40-induced osmotic nephrosis. Am J Kidney Dis. 2011 Apr; 57(4):621-3.
Bhatt AP, Neppalli VT, Kelley EA, Schlueter AJ, Thomas CP. PMID: 21257240.
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Alternate processing of Flt1 transcripts is directed by conserved cis-elements within an intronic region of FLT1 that reciprocally regulates splicing and polyadenylation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Aug; 38(15):5130-40.
Thomas CP, Raikwar NS, Kelley EA, Liu KZ. PMID: 20385595; PMCID: PMC2926593.
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A recently evolved novel trophoblast-enriched secreted form of fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 variant is up-regulated in hypoxia and preeclampsia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Jul; 94(7):2524-30.
Thomas CP, Andrews JI, Raikwar NS, Kelley EA, Herse F, Dechend R, Golos TG, Liu KZ. PMID: 19336504; PMCID: PMC2708964.
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Now or Later? An fMRI study of the effects of endogenous opioid blockade on a decision-making network. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2009 Sep; 93(3):291-9.
Boettiger CA, Kelley EA, Mitchell JM, D'Esposito M, Fields HL. PMID: 19258022; PMCID: PMC2729462.
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Atypical lexical/semantic processing in high-functioning autism spectrum disorders without early language delay. J Autism Dev Disord. 2007 Jul; 37(6):1116-22.
Kamio Y, Robins D, Kelley E, Swainson B, Fein D. PMID: 17080275.
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An academic genealogy on the history of American field primatologists. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2007 Mar; 132(3):406-25.
Kelley EA, Sussman RW. PMID: 17154360.
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Residual language deficits in optimal outcome children with a history of autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2006 Aug; 36(6):807-28.
Kelley E, Paul JJ, Fein D, Naigles LR. PMID: 16897404.
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Retinoid-induced epidermal hyperplasia in human skin organ culture: inhibition with soy extract and soy isoflavones. Exp Mol Pathol. 2004 Dec; 77(3):176-83.
Varani J, Kelley EA, Perone P, Lateef H. PMID: 15507233.
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