Genetic diversity fuels gene discovery for tobacco and alcohol use. Nature. 2022 12; 612(7941):720-724.
Saunders GRB, Wang X, Chen F, Jang SK, Liu M, Wang C, Gao S, Jiang Y, Khunsriraksakul C, Otto JM, Addison C, Akiyama M, Albert CM, Aliev F, Alonso A, Arnett DK, Ashley-Koch AE, Ashrani AA, Barnes KC, Barr RG, Bartz TM, Becker DM, Bielak LF, Benjamin EJ, Bis JC, Bjornsdottir G, Blangero J, Bleecker ER, Boardman JD, Boerwinkle E, Boomsma DI, Boorgula MP, Bowden DW, Brody JA, Cade BE, Chasman DI, Chavan S, Chen YI, Chen Z, Cheng I, Cho MH, Choquet H, Cole JW, Cornelis MC, Cucca F, Curran JE, de Andrade M, Dick DM, Docherty AR, Duggirala R, Eaton CB, Ehringer MA, Esko T, Faul JD, Fernandes Silva L, Fiorillo E, Fornage M, Freedman BI, Gabrielsen ME, Garrett ME, Gharib SA, Gieger C, Gillespie N, Glahn DC, Gordon SD, Gu CC, Gu D, Gudbjartsson DF, Guo X, Haessler J, Hall ME, Haller T, Harris KM, He J, Herd P, Hewitt JK, Hickie I, Hidalgo B, Hokanson JE, Hopfer C, Hottenga J, Hou L, Huang H, Hung YJ, Hunter DJ, Hveem K, Hwang SJ, Hwu CM, Iacono W, Irvin MR, Jee YH, Johnson EO, Joo YY, Jorgenson E, Justice AE, Kamatani Y, Kaplan RC, Kaprio J, Kardia SLR, Keller MC, Kelly TN, Kooperberg C, Korhonen T, Kraft P, Krauter K, Kuusisto J, Laakso M, Lasky-Su J, Lee WJ, Lee JJ, Levy D, Li L, Li K, Li Y, Lin K, Lind PA, Liu C, Lloyd-Jones DM, Lutz SM, Ma J, Mägi R, Manichaikul A, Martin NG, Mathur R, Matoba N, McArdle PF, McGue M, McQueen MB, Medland SE, Metspalu A, Meyers DA, Millwood IY, Mitchell BD, Mohlke KL, Moll M, Montasser ME, Morrison AC, Mulas A, Nielsen JB, North KE, Oelsner EC, Okada Y, Orrù V, Palmer ND, Palviainen T, Pandit A, Park SL, Peters U, Peters A, Peyser PA, Polderman TJC, Rafaels N, Redline S, Reed RM, Reiner AP, Rice JP, Rich SS, Richmond NE, Roan C, Rotter JI, Rueschman MN, Runarsdottir V, Saccone NL, Schwartz DA, Shadyab AH, Shi J, Shringarpure SS, Sicinski K, Skogholt AH, Smith JA, Smith NL, Sotoodehnia N, Stallings MC, Stefansson H, Stefansson K, Stitzel JA, Sun X, Syed M, Tal-Singer R, Taylor AE, Taylor KD, Telen MJ, Thai KK, Tiwari H, Turman C, Tyrfingsson T, Wall TL, Walters RG, Weir DR, Weiss ST, White WB, Whitfield JB, Wiggins KL, Willemsen G, Willer CJ, Winsvold BS, Xu H, Yanek LR, Yin J, Young KL, Young KA, Yu B, Zhao W, Zhou W, Zöllner S, Zuccolo L, 23andMe Research Team, Biobank Japan Project, Batini C, Bergen AW, Bierut LJ, David SP, Gagliano Taliun SA, Hancock DB, Jiang B, Munafò MR, Thorgeirsson TE, Liu DJ, Vrieze S. PMID: 36477530; PMCID: PMC9771818.
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128 Fields:
Genome-wide Association Meta-analysis of Childhood and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2022 07; 61(7):934-945.
Jami ES, Hammerschlag AR, Ip HF, Allegrini AG, Benyamin B, Border R, Diemer EW, Jiang C, Karhunen V, Lu Y, Lu Q, Mallard TT, Mishra PP, Nolte IM, Palviainen T, Peterson RE, Sallis HM, Shabalin AA, Tate AE, Thiering E, Vilor-Tejedor N, Wang C, Zhou A, Adkins DE, Alemany S, Ask H, Chen Q, Corley RP, Ehli EA, Evans LM, Havdahl A, Hagenbeek FA, Hakulinen C, Henders AK, Hottenga JJ, Korhonen T, Mamun A, Marrington S, Neumann A, Rimfeld K, Rivadeneira F, Silberg JL, van Beijsterveldt CE, Vuoksimaa E, Whipp AM, Tong X, Andreassen OA, Boomsma DI, Brown SA, Burt SA, Copeland W, Dick DM, Harden KP, Harris KM, Hartman CA, Heinrich J, Hewitt JK, Hopfer C, Hypponen E, Jarvelin MR, Kaprio J, Keltikangas-Järvinen L, Klump KL, Krauter K, Kuja-Halkola R, Larsson H, Lehtimäki T, Lichtenstein P, Lundström S, Maes HH, Magnus P, Munafò MR, Najman JM, Njølstad PR, Oldehinkel AJ, Pennell CE, Plomin R, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Reynolds C, Rose RJ, Smolen A, Snieder H, Stallings M, Standl M, Sunyer J, Tiemeier H, Wadsworth SJ, Wall TL, Whitehouse AJO, Williams GM, Ystrøm E, Nivard MG, Bartels M, Middeldorp CM. PMID: 35378236; PMCID: PMC10859168.
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Genetic association study of childhood aggression across raters, instruments, and age. Transl Psychiatry. 2021 07 30; 11(1):413.
Ip HF, van der Laan CM, Krapohl EML, Brikell I, Sánchez-Mora C, Nolte IM, St Pourcain B, Bolhuis K, Palviainen T, Zafarmand H, Colodro-Conde L, Gordon S, Zayats T, Aliev F, Jiang C, Wang CA, Saunders G, Karhunen V, Hammerschlag AR, Adkins DE, Border R, Peterson RE, Prinz JA, Thiering E, Seppälä I, Vilor-Tejedor N, Ahluwalia TS, Day FR, Hottenga JJ, Allegrini AG, Rimfeld K, Chen Q, Lu Y, Martin J, Soler Artigas M, Rovira P, Bosch R, Español G, Ramos Quiroga JA, Neumann A, Ensink J, Grasby K, Morosoli JJ, Tong X, Marrington S, Middeldorp C, Scott JG, Vinkhuyzen A, Shabalin AA, Corley R, Evans LM, Sugden K, Alemany S, Sass L, Vinding R, Ruth K, Tyrrell J, Davies GE, Ehli EA, Hagenbeek FA, De Zeeuw E, Van Beijsterveldt TCEM, Larsson H, Snieder H, Verhulst FC, Amin N, Whipp AM, Korhonen T, Vuoksimaa E, Rose RJ, Uitterlinden AG, Heath AC, Madden P, Haavik J, Harris JR, Helgeland Ø, Johansson S, Knudsen GPS, Njolstad PR, Lu Q, Rodriguez A, Henders AK, Mamun A, Najman JM, Brown S, Hopfer C, Krauter K, Reynolds C, Smolen A, Stallings M, Wadsworth S, Wall TL, Silberg JL, Miller A, Keltikangas-Järvinen L, Hakulinen C, Pulkki-Råback L, Havdahl A, Magnus P, Raitakari OT, Perry JRB, Llop S, Lopez-Espinosa MJ, Bønnelykke K, Bisgaard H, Sunyer J, Lehtimäki T, Arseneault L, Standl M, Heinrich J, Boden J, Pearson J, Horwood LJ, Kennedy M, Poulton R, Eaves LJ, Maes HH, Hewitt J, Copeland WE, Costello EJ, Williams GM, Wray N, Järvelin MR, McGue M, Iacono W, Caspi A, Moffitt TE, Whitehouse A, Pennell CE, Klump KL, Burt SA, Dick DM, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Martin NG, Medland SE, Vrijkotte T, Kaprio J, Tiemeier H, Davey Smith G, Hartman CA, Oldehinkel AJ, Casas M, Ribasés M, Lichtenstein P, Lundström S, Plomin R, Bartels M, Nivard MG, Boomsma DI. PMID: 34330890; PMCID: PMC8324785.
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28 Fields:
Associations of developmental imbalance between sensation seeking and premeditation in adolescence and heavy episodic drinking in emerging adulthood. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2021 06; 45(6):1249-1264.
McCabe CJ, Wall TL, Gonzalez MR, Meruelo AD, Eberson-Shumate SC, Clark DB, Nooner KB, Brown SA, Tapert SF. PMID: 33991389; PMCID: PMC8254779.
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Sleep deficits and cannabis use behaviors: an analysis of shared genetics using linkage disequilibrium score regression and polygenic risk prediction. Sleep. 2021 03 12; 44(3).
Winiger EA, Ellingson JM, Morrison CL, Corley RP, Pasman JA, Wall TL, Hopfer CJ, Hewitt JK. PMID: 32935850; PMCID: PMC7953210.
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A large-scale genome-wide association study meta-analysis of cannabis use disorder. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 12; 7(12):1032-1045.
Johnson EC, Demontis D, Thorgeirsson TE, Walters RK, Polimanti R, Hatoum AS, Sanchez-Roige S, Paul SE, Wendt FR, Clarke TK, Lai D, Reginsson GW, Zhou H, He J, Baranger DAA, Gudbjartsson DF, Wedow R, Adkins DE, Adkins AE, Alexander J, Bacanu SA, Bigdeli TB, Boden J, Brown SA, Bucholz KK, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Corley RP, Degenhardt L, Dick DM, Domingue BW, Fox L, Goate AM, Gordon SD, Hack LM, Hancock DB, Hartz SM, Hickie IB, Hougaard DM, Krauter K, Lind PA, McClintick JN, McQueen MB, Meyers JL, Montgomery GW, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Nordentoft M, Pearson JF, Peterson RE, Reynolds MD, Rice JP, Runarsdottir V, Saccone NL, Sherva R, Silberg JL, Tarter RE, Tyrfingsson T, Wall TL, Webb BT, Werge T, Wetherill L, Wright MJ, Zellers S, Adams MJ, Bierut LJ, Boardman JD, Copeland WE, Farrer LA, Foroud TM, Gillespie NA, Grucza RA, Harris KM, Heath AC, Hesselbrock V, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Horwood J, Iacono WG, Johnson EO, Kendler KS, Kennedy MA, Kranzler HR, Madden PAF, Maes HH, Maher BS, Martin NG, McGue M, McIntosh AM, Medland SE, Nelson EC, Porjesz B, Riley BP, Stallings MC, Vanyukov MM, Vrieze S, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Substance Use Disorders Workgroup, Davis LK, Bogdan R, Gelernter J, Edenberg HJ, Stefansson K, Børglum AD, Agrawal A. PMID: 33096046; PMCID: PMC7674631.
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153 Fields:
Familial factors may not explain the effect of moderate-to-heavy cannabis use on cognitive functioning in adolescents: a sibling-comparison study. Addiction. 2021 04; 116(4):833-844.
Ellingson JM, Ross JM, Winiger E, Stallings MC, Corley RP, Friedman NP, Hewitt JK, Tapert SF, Brown SA, Wall TL, Hopfer CJ. PMID: 32881239; PMCID: PMC7925696.
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5 Fields:
Leveraging genome-wide data to investigate differences between opioid use vs. opioid dependence in 41,176 individuals from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Mol Psychiatry. 2020 08; 25(8):1673-1687.
Polimanti R, Walters RK, Johnson EC, McClintick JN, Adkins AE, Adkins DE, Bacanu SA, Bierut LJ, Bigdeli TB, Brown S, Bucholz KK, Copeland WE, Costello EJ, Degenhardt L, Farrer LA, Foroud TM, Fox L, Goate AM, Grucza R, Hack LM, Hancock DB, Hartz SM, Heath AC, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Johnson EO, Kendler KS, Kranzler HR, Krauter K, Lai D, Madden PAF, Martin NG, Maes HH, Nelson EC, Peterson RE, Porjesz B, Riley BP, Saccone N, Stallings M, Wall TL, Webb BT, Wetherill L, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Substance Use Disorders Workgroup, Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A, Gelernter J. PMID: 32099098; PMCID: PMC7392789.
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Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies. Addict Biol. 2021 01; 26(1):e12880.
Munn-Chernoff MA, Johnson EC, Chou YL, Coleman JRI, Thornton LM, Walters RK, Yilmaz Z, Baker JH, Hübel C, Gordon S, Medland SE, Watson HJ, Gaspar HA, Bryois J, Hinney A, Leppä VM, Mattheisen M, Ripke S, Yao S, Giusti-Rodríguez P, Hanscombe KB, Adan RAH, Alfredsson L, Ando T, Andreassen OA, Berrettini WH, Boehm I, Boni C, Boraska Perica V, Buehren K, Burghardt R, Cassina M, Cichon S, Clementi M, Cone RD, Courtet P, Crow S, Crowley JJ, Danner UN, Davis OSP, de Zwaan M, Dedoussis G, Degortes D, DeSocio JE, Dick DM, Dikeos D, Dina C, Dmitrzak-Weglarz M, Docampo E, Duncan LE, Egberts K, Ehrlich S, Escaramís G, Esko T, Estivill X, Farmer A, Favaro A, Fernández-Aranda F, Fichter MM, Fischer K, Föcker M, Foretova L, Forstner AJ, Forzan M, Franklin CS, Gallinger S, Giegling I, Giuranna J, Gonidakis F, Gorwood P, Gratacos Mayora M, Guillaume S, Guo Y, Hakonarson H, Hatzikotoulas K, Hauser J, Hebebrand J, Helder SG, Herms S, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Herzog W, Huckins LM, Hudson JI, Imgart H, Inoko H, Janout V, Jiménez-Murcia S, Julià A, Kalsi G, Kaminská D, Karhunen L, Karwautz A, Kas MJH, Kennedy JL, Keski-Rahkonen A, Kiezebrink K, Kim YR, Klump KL, Knudsen GPS, La Via MC, Le Hellard S, Levitan RD, Li D, Lilenfeld L, Lin BD, Lissowska J, Luykx J, Magistretti PJ, Maj M, Mannik K, Marsal S, Marshall CR, Mattingsdal M, McDevitt S, McGuffin P, Metspalu A, Meulenbelt I, Micali N, Mitchell K, Monteleone AM, Monteleone P, Nacmias B, Navratilova M, Ntalla I, O'Toole JK, Ophoff RA, Padyukov L, Palotie A, Pantel J, Papezova H, Pinto D, Rabionet R, Raevuori A, Ramoz N, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ricca V, Ripatti S, Ritschel F, Roberts M, Rotondo A, Rujescu D, Rybakowski F, Santonastaso P, Scherag A, Scherer SW, Schmidt U, Schork NJ, Schosser A, Seitz J, Slachtova L, Slagboom PE, Slof-Op't Landt MCT, Slopien A, Sorbi S, Swiatkowska B, Szatkiewicz JP, Tachmazidou I, Tenconi E, Tortorella A, Tozzi F, Treasure J, Tsitsika A, Tyszkiewicz-Nwafor M, Tziouvas K, van Elburg AA, van Furth EF, Wagner G, Walton E, Widen E, Zeggini E, Zerwas S, Zipfel S, Bergen AW, Boden JM, Brandt H, Crawford S, Halmi KA, Horwood LJ, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Kaye WH, Mitchell J, Olsen CM, Pearson JF, Pedersen NL, Strober M, Werge T, Whiteman DC, Woodside DB, Grove J, Henders AK, Larsen JT, Parker R, Petersen LV, Jordan J, Kennedy MA, Birgegård A, Lichtenstein P, Norring C, Landén M, Mortensen PB, Polimanti R, McClintick JN, Adkins AE, Aliev F, Bacanu SA, Batzler A, Bertelsen S, Biernacka JM, Bigdeli TB, Chen LS, Clarke TK, Degenhardt F, Docherty AR, Edwards AC, Foo JC, Fox L, Frank J, Hack LM, Hartmann AM, Hartz SM, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Hodgkinson C, Hoffmann P, Hottenga JJ, Konte B, Lahti J, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Lai D, Ligthart L, Loukola A, Maher BS, Mbarek H, McIntosh AM, McQueen MB, Meyers JL, Milaneschi Y, Palviainen T, Peterson RE, Ryu E, Saccone NL, Salvatore JE, Sanchez-Roige S, Schwandt M, Sherva R, Streit F, Strohmaier J, Thomas N, Wang JC, Webb BT, Wedow R, Wetherill L, Wills AG, Zhou H, Boardman JD, Chen D, Choi DS, Copeland WE, Culverhouse RC, Dahmen N, Degenhardt L, Domingue BW, Frye MA, Gäebel W, Hayward C, Ising M, Keyes M, Kiefer F, Koller G, Kramer J, Kuperman S, Lucae S, Lynskey MT, Maier W, Mann K, Männistö S, Müller-Myhsok B, Murray AD, Nurnberger JI, Preuss U, Räikkönen K, Reynolds MD, Ridinger M, Scherbaum N, Schuckit MA, Soyka M, Treutlein J, Witt SH, Wodarz N, Zill P, Adkins DE, Boomsma DI, Bierut LJ, Brown SA, Bucholz KK, Costello EJ, de Wit H, Diazgranados N, Eriksson JG, Farrer LA, Foroud TM, Gillespie NA, Goate AM, Goldman D, Grucza RA, Hancock DB, Harris KM, Hesselbrock V, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Iacono WG, Johnson EO, Karpyak VM, Kendler KS, et al. PMID: 32064741; PMCID: PMC7429266.
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24 Fields:
Meta-Analysis on Associations of Alcohol Metabolism Genes With Alcohol Use Disorder in East Asians. Alcohol Alcohol. 2019 May 01; 54(3):216-224.
Zaso MJ, Goodhines PA, Wall TL, Park A. PMID: 30834931; PMCID: PMC6516434.
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Imputation of behavioral candidate gene repeat variants in 486,551 publicly-available UK Biobank individuals. Eur J Hum Genet. 2019 06; 27(6):963-969.
Border R, Smolen A, Corley RP, Stallings MC, Brown SA, Conger RD, Derringer J, Donnellan MB, Haberstick BC, Hewitt JK, Hopfer C, Krauter K, McQueen MB, Wall TL, Keller MC, Evans LM. PMID: 30723318; PMCID: PMC6777532.
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Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol use. Nat Genet. 2019 02; 51(2):237-244.
Liu M, Jiang Y, Wedow R, Li Y, Brazel DM, Chen F, Datta G, Davila-Velderrain J, McGuire D, Tian C, Zhan X, 23andMe Research Team, HUNT All-In Psychiatry, Choquet H, Docherty AR, Faul JD, Foerster JR, Fritsche LG, Gabrielsen ME, Gordon SD, Haessler J, Hottenga JJ, Huang H, Jang SK, Jansen PR, Ling Y, Mägi R, Matoba N, McMahon G, Mulas A, Orrù V, Palviainen T, Pandit A, Reginsson GW, Skogholt AH, Smith JA, Taylor AE, Turman C, Willemsen G, Young H, Young KA, Zajac GJM, Zhao W, Zhou W, Bjornsdottir G, Boardman JD, Boehnke M, Boomsma DI, Chen C, Cucca F, Davies GE, Eaton CB, Ehringer MA, Esko T, Fiorillo E, Gillespie NA, Gudbjartsson DF, Haller T, Harris KM, Heath AC, Hewitt JK, Hickie IB, Hokanson JE, Hopfer CJ, Hunter DJ, Iacono WG, Johnson EO, Kamatani Y, Kardia SLR, Keller MC, Kellis M, Kooperberg C, Kraft P, Krauter KS, Laakso M, Lind PA, Loukola A, Lutz SM, Madden PAF, Martin NG, McGue M, McQueen MB, Medland SE, Metspalu A, Mohlke KL, Nielsen JB, Okada Y, Peters U, Polderman TJC, Posthuma D, Reiner AP, Rice JP, Rimm E, Rose RJ, Runarsdottir V, Stallings MC, Stancáková A, Stefansson H, Thai KK, Tindle HA, Tyrfingsson T, Wall TL, Weir DR, Weisner C, Whitfield JB, Winsvold BS, Yin J, Zuccolo L, Bierut LJ, Hveem K, Lee JJ, Munafò MR, Saccone NL, Willer CJ, Cornelis MC, David SP, Hinds DA, Jorgenson E, Kaprio J, Stitzel JA, Stefansson K, Thorgeirsson TE, Abecasis G, Liu DJ, Vrieze S. PMID: 30643251; PMCID: PMC6358542.
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871 Fields:
Transancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders. Nat Neurosci. 2018 12; 21(12):1656-1669.
Walters RK, Polimanti R, Johnson EC, McClintick JN, Adams MJ, Adkins AE, Aliev F, Bacanu SA, Batzler A, Bertelsen S, Biernacka JM, Bigdeli TB, Chen LS, Clarke TK, Chou YL, Degenhardt F, Docherty AR, Edwards AC, Fontanillas P, Foo JC, Fox L, Frank J, Giegling I, Gordon S, Hack LM, Hartmann AM, Hartz SM, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Herms S, Hodgkinson C, Hoffmann P, Jan Hottenga J, Kennedy MA, Alanne-Kinnunen M, Konte B, Lahti J, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Lai D, Ligthart L, Loukola A, Maher BS, Mbarek H, McIntosh AM, McQueen MB, Meyers JL, Milaneschi Y, Palviainen T, Pearson JF, Peterson RE, Ripatti S, Ryu E, Saccone NL, Salvatore JE, Sanchez-Roige S, Schwandt M, Sherva R, Streit F, Strohmaier J, Thomas N, Wang JC, Webb BT, Wedow R, Wetherill L, Wills AG, 23andMe Research Team, Boardman JD, Chen D, Choi DS, Copeland WE, Culverhouse RC, Dahmen N, Degenhardt L, Domingue BW, Elson SL, Frye MA, Gäbel W, Hayward C, Ising M, Keyes M, Kiefer F, Kramer J, Kuperman S, Lucae S, Lynskey MT, Maier W, Mann K, Männistö S, Müller-Myhsok B, Murray AD, Nurnberger JI, Palotie A, Preuss U, Räikkönen K, Reynolds MD, Ridinger M, Scherbaum N, Schuckit MA, Soyka M, Treutlein J, Witt S, Wodarz N, Zill P, Adkins DE, Boden JM, Boomsma DI, Bierut LJ, Brown SA, Bucholz KK, Cichon S, Costello EJ, de Wit H, Diazgranados N, Dick DM, Eriksson JG, Farrer LA, Foroud TM, Gillespie NA, Goate AM, Goldman D, Grucza RA, Hancock DB, Harris KM, Heath AC, Hesselbrock V, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Horwood J, Iacono W, Johnson EO, Kaprio JA, Karpyak VM, Kendler KS, Kranzler HR, Krauter K, Lichtenstein P, Lind PA, McGue M, MacKillop J, Madden PAF, Maes HH, Magnusson P, Martin NG, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Nelson EC, Nöthen MM, Palmer AA, Pedersen NL, Penninx BWJH, Porjesz B, Rice JP, Rietschel M, Riley BP, Rose R, Rujescu D, Shen PH, Silberg J, Stallings MC, Tarter RE, Vanyukov MM, Vrieze S, Wall TL, Whitfield JB, Zhao H, Neale BM, Gelernter J, Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A. PMID: 30482948; PMCID: PMC6430207.
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320 Fields:
Predictors of adult outcomes in clinically- and legally-ascertained youth with externalizing problems. PLoS One. 2018; 13(11):e0206442.
Border R, Corley RP, Brown SA, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Stallings MC, Wall TL, Young SE, Rhee SH. PMID: 30383806; PMCID: PMC6211688.
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Applying a novel population-based model approach to estimating breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) from transdermal alcohol concentration (TAC) biosensor data. Alcohol. 2019 12; 81:117-129.
Sirlanci M, Rosen IG, Wall TL, Luczak SE. PMID: 30244026; PMCID: PMC6426692.
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Genome-wide association meta-analysis of age at first cannabis use. Addiction. 2018 11; 113(11):2073-2086.
Minica CC, Verweij KJH, van der Most PJ, Mbarek H, Bernard M, van Eijk KR, Lind PA, Liu MZ, Maciejewski DF, Palviainen T, Sánchez-Mora C, Sherva R, Taylor M, Walters RK, Abdellaoui A, Bigdeli TB, Branje SJT, Brown SA, Casas M, Corley RP, Davey-Smith G, Davies GE, Ehli EA, Farrer L, Fedko IO, Garcia-Martínez I, Gordon SD, Hartman CA, Heath AC, Hickie IB, Hickman M, Hopfer CJ, Hottenga JJ, Kahn RS, Kaprio J, Korhonen T, Kranzler HR, Krauter K, van Lier PAC, Madden PAF, Medland SE, Neale MC, Meeus WHJ, Montgomery GW, Nolte IM, Oldehinkel AJ, Pausova Z, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Richarte V, Rose RJ, Shin J, Stallings MC, Wall TL, Ware JJ, Wright MJ, Zhao H, Koot HM, Paus T, Hewitt JK, Ribasés M, Loukola A, Boks MP, Snieder H, Munafò MR, Gelernter J, Boomsma DI, Martin NG, Gillespie NA, Vink JM, Derks EM. PMID: 30003630; PMCID: PMC7087375.
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Independent predictors of mortality in adolescents ascertained for conduct disorder and substance use problems, their siblings and community controls. Addiction. 2018 11; 113(11):2107-2115.
Border R, Corley RP, Brown SA, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, McWilliams SK, Rhea SA, Shriver CL, Stallings MC, Wall TL, Woodward KE, Rhee SH. PMID: 30091161; PMCID: PMC6175651.
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Positive expectancies mediate the association between sensation seeking and marijuana outcomes in at-risk young adults: A test of the acquired preparedness model. Am J Addict. 2018 Jun 06.
Curry I, Trim RS, Brown SA, Hopfer CJ, Stallings MC, Wall TL. PMID: 29873863; PMCID: PMC6281840.
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Cannabis use disorder and male sex predict medical cannabis card status in a sample of high risk adolescents. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 02 01; 183:25-33.
Kim J, Coors ME, Young SE, Raymond KM, Hopfer CJ, Wall TL, Corley RP, Brown SA, Sakai JT. PMID: 29223914; PMCID: PMC6043896.
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Impulsivity Dimensions and Risky Sex Behaviors in an At-Risk Young Adult Sample. Arch Sex Behav. 2018 02; 47(2):529-536.
Curry I, Luk JW, Trim RS, Hopfer CJ, Hewitt JK, Stallings MC, Brown SA, Wall TL. PMID: 28884246; PMCID: PMC6067112.
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Age of Drinking Initiation as a Risk Factor for Alcohol Use Disorder Symptoms is Moderated by ALDH2*2 and Ethnicity. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2017 Oct; 41(10):1738-1744.
Luczak SE, Liang T, Wall TL. PMID: 28847041; PMCID: PMC5626619.
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Gene-by-Environment Interactions on Alcohol Use Among Asian American College Freshmen. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2017 07; 78(4):531-539.
Luk JW, Liang T, Wall TL. PMID: 28728635; PMCID: PMC5551658.
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Unique and interactive effects of impulsivity facets on reckless driving and driving under the influence in a high-risk young adult sample. Pers Individ Dif. 2017 Aug 01; 114:42-47.
Luk JW, Trim RS, Karyadi KA, Curry I, Hopfer CJ, Hewitt JK, Stallings MC, Brown SA, Wall TL. PMID: 29038610; PMCID: PMC5639912.
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Review: Prevalence and co-occurrence of addictions in US ethnic/racial groups: Implications for genetic research. Am J Addict. 2017 Aug; 26(5):424-436.
Luczak SE, Khoddam R, Yu S, Wall TL, Schwartz A, Sussman S. PMID: 27759944; PMCID: PMC5397372.
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Risky driving and sexual behaviors as developmental outcomes of co-occurring substance use and antisocial behavior. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2016 Dec 01; 169:19-25.
Luk JW, Worley MJ, Winiger E, Trim RS, Hopfer CJ, Hewitt JK, Brown SA, Wall TL. PMID: 27750183; PMCID: PMC5140786.
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The FKBP5 Gene Affects Alcohol Drinking in Knockout Mice and Is Implicated in Alcohol Drinking in Humans. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Aug 05; 17(8).
Qiu B, Luczak SE, Wall TL, Kirchhoff AM, Xu Y, Eng MY, Stewart RB, Shou W, Boehm SL, Chester JA, Yong W, Liang T. PMID: 27527158; PMCID: PMC5000669.
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Genome-wide association study of lifetime cannabis use based on a large meta-analytic sample of 32 330 subjects from the International Cannabis Consortium. Transl Psychiatry. 2016 Mar 29; 6:e769.
Stringer S, Minica CC, Verweij KJ, Mbarek H, Bernard M, Derringer J, van Eijk KR, Isen JD, Loukola A, Maciejewski DF, Mihailov E, van der Most PJ, Sánchez-Mora C, Roos L, Sherva R, Walters R, Ware JJ, Abdellaoui A, Bigdeli TB, Branje SJ, Brown SA, Bruinenberg M, Casas M, Esko T, Garcia-Martinez I, Gordon SD, Harris JM, Hartman CA, Henders AK, Heath AC, Hickie IB, Hickman M, Hopfer CJ, Hottenga JJ, Huizink AC, Irons DE, Kahn RS, Korhonen T, Kranzler HR, Krauter K, van Lier PA, Lubke GH, Madden PA, Mägi R, McGue MK, Medland SE, Meeus WH, Miller MB, Montgomery GW, Nivard MG, Nolte IM, Oldehinkel AJ, Pausova Z, Qaiser B, Quaye L, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Richarte V, Rose RJ, Shin J, Stallings MC, Stiby AI, Wall TL, Wright MJ, Koot HM, Paus T, Hewitt JK, Ribasés M, Kaprio J, Boks MP, Snieder H, Spector T, Munafò MR, Metspalu A, Gelernter J, Boomsma DI, Iacono WG, Martin NG, Gillespie NA, Derks EM, Vink JM. PMID: 27023175; PMCID: PMC4872459.
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92 Fields:
Gambling problems and comorbidity with alcohol use disorders in Chinese-, Korean-, and White-American college students. Am J Addict. 2016 Apr; 25(3):195-202.
Luczak SE, Wall TL. PMID: 26935871; PMCID: PMC5319422.
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Effect of adolescent substance use and antisocial behavior on the development of early adulthood depression. Psychiatry Res. 2016 Apr 30; 238:143-149.
Choi TK, Worley MJ, Trim RS, Howard D, Brown SA, Hopfer CJ, Hewitt JK, Wall TL. PMID: 27086224; PMCID: PMC5094832.
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Biology, Genetics, and Environment: Underlying Factors Influencing Alcohol Metabolism. Alcohol Res. 2016; 38(1):59-68.
Wall TL, Luczak SE, Hiller-Sturmhöfel S. PMID: 27163368; PMCID: PMC4872614.
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Association of the OPRM1 Variant rs1799971 (A118G) with Non-Specific Liability to Substance Dependence in a Collaborative de novo Meta-Analysis of European-Ancestry Cohorts. Behav Genet. 2016 Mar; 46(2):151-69.
Schwantes-An TH, Zhang J, Chen LS, Hartz SM, Culverhouse RC, Chen X, Coon H, Frank J, Kamens HM, Konte B, Kovanen L, Latvala A, Legrand LN, Maher BS, Melroy WE, Nelson EC, Reid MW, Robinson JD, Shen PH, Yang BZ, Andrews JA, Aveyard P, Beltcheva O, Brown SA, Cannon DS, Cichon S, Corley RP, Dahmen N, Degenhardt L, Foroud T, Gaebel W, Giegling I, Glatt SJ, Grucza RA, Hardin J, Hartmann AM, Heath AC, Herms S, Hodgkinson CA, Hoffmann P, Hops H, Huizinga D, Ising M, Johnson EO, Johnstone E, Kaneva RP, Kendler KS, Kiefer F, Kranzler HR, Krauter KS, Levran O, Lucae S, Lynskey MT, Maier W, Mann K, Martin NG, Mattheisen M, Montgomery GW, Müller-Myhsok B, Murphy MF, Neale MC, Nikolov MA, Nishita D, Nöthen MM, Nurnberger J, Partonen T, Pergadia ML, Reynolds M, Ridinger M, Rose RJ, Rouvinen-Lagerström N, Scherbaum N, Schmäl C, Soyka M, Stallings MC, Steffens M, Treutlein J, Tsuang M, Wall TL, Wodarz N, Yuferov V, Zill P, Bergen AW, Chen J, Cinciripini PM, Edenberg HJ, Ehringer MA, Ferrell RE, Gelernter J, Goldman D, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Iacono WG, Kaprio J, Kreek MJ, Kremensky IM, Madden PA, McGue M, Munafò MR, Philibert RA, Rietschel M, Roy A, Rujescu D, Saarikoski ST, Swan GE, Todorov AA, Vanyukov MM, Weiss RB, Bierut LJ, Saccone NL. PMID: 26392368; PMCID: PMC4752855.
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60 Fields:
Bivariate Trajectories of Substance Use and Antisocial Behavior: Associations with Emerging Adult Outcomes in a High-Risk Sample. Emerg Adulthood. 2015 Aug 01; 3(4):265-276.
Trim RS, Worley MJ, Wall TL, Hopfer CJ, Crowley TJ, Hewitt JK, Brown SA. PMID: 26889401; PMCID: PMC4753076.
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Development of a real-time repeated-measures assessment protocol to capture change over the course of a drinking episode. Alcohol Alcohol. 2015 Mar; 50(2):180-7.
Luczak SE, Rosen IG, Wall TL. PMID: 25568142; PMCID: PMC4327345.
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Assessing Acculturation Over Time: A Four-year Prospective Study of Asian American Young Adults. Asian Am J Psychol. 2014 Sep; 5(3):252-261.
Murray KE, Klonoff EA, Garcini LM, Ullman JB, Wall TL, Myers MG. PMID: 25558310; PMCID: PMC4280080.
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Effects of ALDH2∗2 on alcohol problem trajectories of Asian American college students. J Abnorm Psychol. 2014 Feb; 123(1):130-40.
Luczak SE, Yarnell LM, Prescott CA, Myers MG, Liang T, Wall TL. PMID: 24661165; PMCID: PMC4074595.
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Framing ethnic variations in alcohol outcomes from biological pathways to neighborhood context. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2014 Mar; 38(3):611-8.
Chartier KG, Scott DM, Wall TL, Covault J, Karriker-Jaffe KJ, Mills BA, Luczak SE, Caetano R, Arroyo JA. PMID: 24483624; PMCID: PMC3959254.
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Cigarette smoking initiation during college predicts future alcohol involvement: a matched-samples study. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2013 Nov; 74(6):909-16.
Myers MG, Doran NM, Edland SD, Schweizer CA, Wall TL. PMID: 24172118.
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Association of the ALDH1A1*2 promoter polymorphism with alcohol phenotypes in young adults with or without ALDH2*2. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013 Jan; 37(1):164-9.
Otto JM, Hendershot CS, Collins SE, Liang T, Wall TL. PMID: 22591209; PMCID: PMC3440549.
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ALDH2 and ADH1B interactions in retrospective reports of low-dose reactions and initial sensitivity to alcohol in Asian American college students. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2011 Jul; 35(7):1238-45.
Luczak SE, Pandika D, Shea SH, Eng MY, Liang T, Wall TL. PMID: 21355870; PMCID: PMC3116988.
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Evaluating a cognitive model of ALDH2 and drinking behavior. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2011 Jan; 35(1):91-8.
Hendershot CS, Witkiewitz K, George WH, Wall TL, Otto JM, Liang T, Larimer ME. PMID: 21039630; PMCID: PMC3057511.
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Evaluation of a brief web-based genetic feedback intervention for reducing alcohol-related health risks associated with ALDH2. Ann Behav Med. 2010 Aug; 40(1):77-88.
Hendershot CS, Otto JM, Collins SE, Liang T, Wall TL. PMID: 20652463; PMCID: PMC2977977.
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ADH1B*3 and response to alcohol in African-Americans. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2010 Jul; 34(7):1274-81.
McCarthy DM, Pedersen SL, Lobos EA, Todd RD, Wall TL. PMID: 20477764; PMCID: PMC4682545.
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ALDH2, ADH1B and alcohol expectancies: integrating genetic and learning perspectives. Psychol Addict Behav. 2009 Sep; 23(3):452-63.
Hendershot CS, Neighbors C, George WH, McCarthy DM, Wall TL, Liang T, Larimer ME. PMID: 19769429; PMCID: PMC2761721.
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A prospective study of cigarette smoking initiation during college: Chinese and Korean American students. Health Psychol. 2009 Jul; 28(4):448-56.
Myers MG, Doran NM, Trinidad DR, Wall TL, Klonoff EA. PMID: 19594269; PMCID: PMC2742368.
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Associations of ALDH2 and ADH1B genotypes with alcohol-related phenotypes in Asian young adults. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2009 May; 33(5):839-47.
Hendershot CS, Collins SE, George WH, Wall TL, McCarthy DM, Liang T, Larimer ME. PMID: 19298323; PMCID: PMC2878767.
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Ethnic differences in level of response to alcohol between Chinese Americans and Korean Americans. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2008 Mar; 69(2):227-34.
Duranceaux NC, Schuckit MA, Luczak SE, Eng MY, Carr LG, Wall TL. PMID: 18299763; PMCID: PMC2739570.
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Stability of heavy episodic drinking in Chinese- and Korean-American college students: effects of ALDH2 gene status and behavioral undercontrol. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2007 Nov; 68(6):789-97.
Doran N, Myers MG, Luczak SE, Carr LG, Wall TL. PMID: 17960296.
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Differences in pharmacogenetics of nicotine and alcohol metabolism: review and recommendations for future research. Nicotine Tob Res. 2007 Sep; 9 Suppl 3:S459-74.
Wall TL, Schoedel K, Ring HZ, Luczak SE, Katsuyoshi DM, Tyndale RF. PMID: 17978975.
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Heritability of illicit drug use and transition to dependence in Southwest California Indians. Psychiatr Genet. 2007 Jun; 17(3):171-6.
Ehlers CL, Wall TL, Corey L, Lau P, Gilder DA, Wilhelmsen K. PMID: 17417061.
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ALDH2, ADH1B, and ADH1C genotypes in Asians: a literature review. Alcohol Res Health. 2007; 30(1):22-7.
Eng MY, Luczak SE, Wall TL. PMID: 17718397; PMCID: PMC3860439.
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139 Fields:
Testing of an orthogonal measure of cultural identification with adult mission Indians. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2006 Oct; 12(4):632-43.
Venner KL, Wall TL, Lau P, Ehlers CL. PMID: 17087525.
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Associations of variations in alcohol dehydrogenase genes with the level of response to alcohol in non-Asians. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2006 Sep; 30(9):1470-8.
Duranceaux NC, Schuckit MA, Eng MY, Robinson SK, Carr LG, Wall TL. PMID: 16930209.
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Meta-analyses of ALDH2 and ADH1B with alcohol dependence in Asians. Psychol Bull. 2006 Jul; 132(4):607-21.
Luczak SE, Glatt SJ, Wall TL. PMID: 16822169.
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106 Fields:
Early environmental factors, ethnicity, and adult cognitive test performance. Clin Neuropsychol. 2006 Jun; 20(2):243-60.
Byrd DA, Walden Miller S, Reilly J, Weber S, Wall TL, Heaton RK. PMID: 16690545.
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ALDH2*2 is associated with a decreased likelihood of alcohol-induced blackouts in Asian American college students. J Stud Alcohol. 2006 May; 67(3):349-53.
Luczak SE, Shea SH, Hsueh AC, Chang J, Carr LG, Wall TL. PMID: 16608143.
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Genetic associations of alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase with alcohol dependence and their mechanisms of action. Ther Drug Monit. 2005 Dec; 27(6):700-3.
Wall TL. PMID: 16404797.
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Genetic associations of alcohol dehydrogenase with alcohol use disorders and endophenotypes in white college students. J Abnorm Psychol. 2005 Aug; 114(3):456-65.
Wall TL, Shea SH, Luczak SE, Cook TA, Carr LG. PMID: 16117582.
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Ethnic variation in CYP2A6*7, CYP2A6*8 and CYP2A6*10 as assessed with a novel haplotyping method. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2005 Mar; 15(3):189-92.
Mwenifumbo JC, Myers MG, Wall TL, Lin SK, Sellers EM, Tyndale RF. PMID: 15861044.
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Psychosocial, cultural and genetic influences on alcohol use in Asian American youth. J Stud Alcohol. 2005 Mar; 66(2):185-95.
Hendershot CS, MacPherson L, Myers MG, Carr LG, Wall TL. PMID: 15957669; PMCID: PMC2749922.
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Associations of ALDH2 and ADH1B genotypes with response to alcohol in Asian Americans. J Stud Alcohol. 2005 Mar; 66(2):196-204.
Cook TA, Luczak SE, Shea SH, Ehlers CL, Carr LG, Wall TL. PMID: 15957670.
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Comorbidity of select anxiety and affective disorders with alcohol dependence in southwest California Indians. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2004 Dec; 28(12):1805-13.
Gilder DA, Wall TL, Ehlers CL. PMID: 15608596.
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Association of ALDH1 promoter polymorphisms with alcohol-related phenotypes in southwest California Indians. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2004 Oct; 28(10):1481-6.
Ehlers CL, Spence JP, Wall TL, Gilder DA, Carr LG. PMID: 15597079.
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Genomic screen for loci associated with alcohol dependence in Mission Indians. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2004 Aug 15; 129B(1):110-5.
Ehlers CL, Gilder DA, Wall TL, Phillips E, Feiler H, Wilhelmsen KC. PMID: 15274051.
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The clinical course of alcoholism in 243 Mission Indians. Am J Psychiatry. 2004 Jul; 161(7):1204-10.
Ehlers CL, Wall TL, Betancourt M, Gilder DA. PMID: 15229052.
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ALDH2 status and conduct disorder mediate the relationship between ethnicity and alcohol dependence in Chinese, Korean, and White American college students. J Abnorm Psychol. 2004 May; 113(2):271-8.
Luczak SE, Wall TL, Cook TA, Shea SH, Carr LG. PMID: 15122947.
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EEG alpha and level of response to alcohol in Hispanic- and non-Hispanic-American young adults with a family history of alcoholism. J Stud Alcohol. 2004 May; 65(3):301-8.
Ehlers CL, Phillips E, Wall TL, Wilhelmsen K, Schuckit MA. PMID: 15222586.
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Biological and behavioral markers of alcohol sensitivity. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2004 Feb; 28(2):247-56.
Fromme K, de Wit H, Hutchison KE, Ray L, Corbin WR, Cook TA, Wall TL, Goldman D. PMID: 15112932.
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Evaluation of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 promoter polymorphisms identified in human populations. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2003 Sep; 27(9):1389-94.
Spence JP, Liang T, Eriksson CJ, Taylor RE, Wall TL, Ehlers CL, Carr LG. PMID: 14506398; PMCID: PMC4560114.
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Family history of alcohol dependence in Asian Americans. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2003 Jul-Sep; 35(3):375-7.
Ebberhart NC, Luczak SE, Avanecy N, Wall TL. PMID: 14621135.
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Religious influences on heavy episodic drinking in Chinese-American and Korean-American college students. J Stud Alcohol. 2003 Jul; 64(4):467-71.
Luczak SE, Corbett K, Oh C, Carr LG, Wall TL. PMID: 12921188.
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Protective association of genetic variation in alcohol dehydrogenase with alcohol dependence in Native American Mission Indians. Am J Psychiatry. 2003 Jan; 160(1):41-6.
Wall TL, Carr LG, Ehlers CL. PMID: 12505800.
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Binge drinking in Jewish and non-Jewish white college students. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2002 Dec; 26(12):1773-8.
Luczak SE, Shea SH, Carr LG, Li TK, Wall TL. PMID: 12500100.
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Prevalence, predictors, and outcomes of early adherence after starting or changing antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2002 Apr; 16(4):157-72.
Mathews WC, Mar-Tang M, Ballard C, Colwell B, Abulhosn K, Noonan C, Barber RE, Wall TL. PMID: 12015870.
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Genetic risk for alcoholism relates to level of response to alcohol in Asian-American men and women. J Stud Alcohol. 2002 Jan; 63(1):74-82.
Luczak SE, Elvine-Kreis B, Shea SH, Carr LG, Wall TL. PMID: 11925062.
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Psychiatric diagnoses among Mission Indian children with and without a parental history of alcohol dependence. J Stud Alcohol. 2002 Jan; 63(1):18-23.
Gilder DA, Wall TL, Ehlers CL. PMID: 11925054.
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Visual P3 findings in Mission Indian youth: relationship to family history of alcohol dependence and behavioral problems. Psychiatry Res. 2001 Dec 15; 105(1-2):67-78.
Ehlers CL, Wall TL, Garcia-Andrade C, Phillips E. PMID: 11740976.
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Binge drinking in Chinese, Korean, and White college students: genetic and ethnic group differences. Psychol Addict Behav. 2001 Dec; 15(4):306-9.
Luczak SE, Wall TL, Shea SH, Byun SM, Carr LG. PMID: 11767261.
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29 Fields:
ALDH2 status, alcohol expectancies, and alcohol response: preliminary evidence for a mediation model. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2001 Nov; 25(11):1558-63.
McCarthy DM, Brown SA, Carr LG, Wall TL. PMID: 11707629.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Auditory P3 findings in mission Indian youth. J Stud Alcohol. 2001 Sep; 62(5):562-70.
Ehlers CL, Wall TL, Garcia-Andrade C, Phillips E. PMID: 11702795.
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EEG asymmetry: relationship to mood and risk for alcoholism in Mission Indian youth. Biol Psychiatry. 2001 Jul 15; 50(2):129-36.
Ehlers CL, Wall TL, Garcia-Andrade C, Phillips E. PMID: 11526994.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Effects of age and parental history of alcoholism on EEG findings in mission Indian children and adolescents. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2001 May; 25(5):672-9.
Ehlers CL, Wall TL, Garcia-Andrade C, Phillips E. PMID: 11371716.
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ADH2 and alcohol-related phenotypes in Ashkenazic Jewish American college students. Behav Genet. 2001 Mar; 31(2):231-9.
Shea SH, Wall TL, Carr LG, Li TK. PMID: 11545539.
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A genetic association with the development of alcohol and other substance use behavior in Asian Americans. J Abnorm Psychol. 2001 Feb; 110(1):173-8.
Wall TL, Shea SH, Chan KK, Carr LG. PMID: 11261392.
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Integrating biological and behavioral factors in alcohol use risk: the role of ALDH2 status and alcohol expectancies in a sample of Asian Americans. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 2000 May; 8(2):168-75.
McCarthy DM, Wall TL, Brown SA, Carr LG. PMID: 10843299.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Prehospital ECG transmission speeds reperfusion for patients with acute myocardial infarction. N C Med J. 2000 Mar-Apr; 61(2):104-8.
Wall T, Albright J, Livingston B, Isley L, Young D, Nanny M, Jacobowitz S, Maynard C, Mayer N, Pierce K, Rathbone C, Stuckey T, Savona M, Leibrandt P, Brodie B, Wagner G. PMID: 10737033.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Hangover symptoms in Asian Americans with variations in the aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) gene. J Stud Alcohol. 2000 Jan; 61(1):13-7.
Wall TL, Horn SM, Johnson ML, Smith TL, Carr LG. PMID: 10627091.
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Parental history of alcoholism and problem behaviors in Native-American children and adolescents. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2000 Jan; 24(1):30-4.
Wall TL, Garcia-Andrade C, Wong V, Lau P, Ehlers CL. PMID: 10656189.
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Evaluation of the self-rating of the effects of alcohol form in Asian Americans with aldehyde dehydrogenase polymorphisms. J Stud Alcohol. 1999 Nov; 60(6):784-9.
Wall TL, Johnson ML, Horn SM, Carr LG, Smith TL, Schuckit MA. PMID: 10606490.
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Influence of alcohol on electrophysiological responses to facial stimuli. Alcohol. 1999 May; 18(1):11-6.
Orozco S, Wall TL, Ehlers CL. PMID: 10386659.
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Electroencephalographic responses to alcohol challenge in Native American Mission Indians. Biol Psychiatry. 1999 Mar 15; 45(6):776-87.
Ehlers CL, Garcia-Andrade C, Wall TL, Cloutier D, Phillips E. PMID: 10188009.
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Medication adherence strategies for drug abusers with HIV/AIDS. AIDS Care. 1998 Jun; 10(3):297-312.
Sorensen JL, Mascovich A, Wall TL, DePhilippis D, Batki SL, Chesney M. PMID: 9828973.
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Determinants of P3 amplitude and response to alcohol in Native American Mission Indians. Neuropsychopharmacology. 1998 Apr; 18(4):282-92.
Ehlers CL, Garcia-Andrade C, Wall TL, Sobel DF, Phillips E. PMID: 9509496.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Ethnic variation in response to alcohol. Ann Intern Med. 1998 Mar 15; 128(6):507.
Wall TL. PMID: 9499342.
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Alcohol metabolism in Asian-American men with genetic polymorphisms of aldehyde dehydrogenase. Ann Intern Med. 1997 Sep 01; 127(5):376-9.
Wall TL, Peterson CM, Peterson KP, Johnson ML, Thomasson HR, Cole M, Ehlers CL. PMID: 9273829.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
The firewater myth and response to alcohol in Mission Indians. Am J Psychiatry. 1997 Jul; 154(7):983-8.
Garcia-Andrade C, Wall TL, Ehlers CL. PMID: 9210750.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Alcohol dehydrogenase polymorphisms in Native Americans: identification of the ADH2*3 allele. Alcohol Alcohol. 1997 Mar-Apr; 32(2):129-32.
Wall TL, Garcia-Andrade C, Thomasson HR, Carr LG, Ehlers CL. PMID: 9105506.
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Alcohol expectancies in a Native American population. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1996 Nov; 20(8):1438-42.
Garcia-Andrade C, Wall TL, Ehlers CL. PMID: 8947322.
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Psychiatric morbidity, illicit drug use and adherence to zidovudine (AZT) among injection drug users with HIV disease. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 1996 Nov; 22(4):475-87.
Ferrando SJ, Wall TL, Batki SL, Sorensen JL. PMID: 8911586.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Alcohol elimination in Native American Mission Indians: an investigation of interindividual variation. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1996 Oct; 20(7):1159-64.
Wall TL, Garcia-Andrade C, Thomasson HR, Cole M, Ehlers CL. PMID: 8904964.
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Investigator-observed alcohol-induced flushing but not self-report of flushing is a valid predictor of ALDH2 genotype. J Stud Alcohol. 1996 May; 57(3):267-72.
Wall TL, Thomasson HR, Ehlers CL. PMID: 8709585.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Acute effects of alcohol on P300 in Asians with different ALDH2 genotypes. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1995 Jun; 19(3):617-22.
Wall TL, Ehlers CL. PMID: 7573783.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Adherence to zidovudine (AZT) among HIV-infected methadone patients: a pilot study of supervised therapy and dispensing compared to usual care. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1995 Mar; 37(3):261-9.
Wall TL, Sorensen JL, Batki SL, Delucchi KL, London JA, Chesney MA. PMID: 7796721.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Genetic Influences Affecting Alcohol Use Among Asians. Alcohol Health Res World. 1995; 19(3):184-189.
Wall TL, Ehlers CL. PMID: 31798054; PMCID: PMC6875758.
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Effects of acute alcohol administration on verbal and spatial learning. Alcohol Alcohol. 1994 Mar; 29(2):163-9.
Mungas D, Ehlers CL, Wall TL. PMID: 8080597.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Cortisol responses following placebo and alcohol in Asians with different ALDH2 genotypes. J Stud Alcohol. 1994 Mar; 55(2):207-13.
Wall TL, Nemeroff CB, Ritchie JC, Ehlers CL. PMID: 8189741.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Effects of alcohol on the EEG in Asian men with genetic variations of ALDH2. Biol Psychiatry. 1993 Jul 1-15; 34(1-2):91-9.
Wall TL, Gallen CC, Ehlers CL. PMID: 8373942.
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HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
Coupons attract high-risk untreated heroin users into detoxification. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1993 Feb; 31(3):247-52.
Sorensen JL, Costantini MF, Wall TL, Gibson DR. PMID: 8384985.
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Subjective feelings of alcohol intoxication in Asians with genetic variations of ALDH2 alleles. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1992 Oct; 16(5):991-5.
Wall TL, Thomasson HR, Schuckit MA, Ehlers CL. PMID: 1443441.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Effects of dizocilpine (MK-801) and ethanol on the EEG and event-related potentials (ERPS) in rats. Neuropharmacology. 1992 Apr; 31(4):369-78.
Ehlers CL, Kaneko WM, Wall TL, Chaplin RI. PMID: 1522954.
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Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF): studies in alcohol preferring and non-preferring rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1992; 106(3):359-64.
Ehlers CL, Chaplin RI, Wall TL, Lumeng L, Li TK, Owens MJ, Nemeroff CB. PMID: 1570383.
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Differential effects of ethanol on punished responding in the P and NP rats. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1991 Aug; 15(4):700-4.
Baldwin HA, Wall TL, Schuckit MA, Koob GF. PMID: 1928646.
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Long latency event-related potentials in rats: effects of dopaminergic and serotonergic depletions. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1991 Apr; 38(4):789-93.
Ehlers CL, Wall TL, Chaplin RI. PMID: 1831273.
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EEG alpha activity and personality traits. Alcohol. 1990 Sep-Oct; 7(5):461-4.
Wall TL, Schuckit MA, Mungas D, Ehlers CL. PMID: 2222849.
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EEG spectral characteristics following ethanol administration in young men. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1989 Sep; 73(3):179-87.
Ehlers CL, Wall TL, Schuckit MA. PMID: 2475322.
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HumansCTClinical Trials
Nucleus accumbens as a substrate for the aversive stimulus effects of opiate withdrawal. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1989; 98(4):530-4.
Koob GF, Wall TL, Bloom FE. PMID: 2505294.
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Picrotoxinin receptor ligand blocks anti-punishment effects of alcohol. Alcohol. 1988 Nov-Dec; 5(6):437-43.
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Symptomatology in men who were molested as children: a comparison study. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 1988 Jul; 58(3):457-61.
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Rapid induction of tolerance to the antipunishment effects of ethanol. Alcohol. 1987 Nov-Dec; 4(6):481-4.
Koob GF, Wall TL, Schafer J. PMID: 3435637.
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Comparison of voluntary and electrical stimulation contraction torques*. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1984; 5(6):324-31.
Kramer JF, Lindsay DM, Magee D, Wall T, Mendryk SW. PMID: 18806394.
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