Anthony Magit

Title(s)Clinical Professor, Surgery
SchoolVc-health Sciences-schools
Address9500 Gilman Drive #
La Jolla CA 92093
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    Dr. Anthony E. Magit, Pediatric Otolaryngologist, obtained his undergraduate education at Stanford University, and went on to attend medical school here at the University of California, San Diego. Following this, Dr. Magit completed his residency at Duke University, and a two-year fellowship in Pediatric Otolaryngology at Children´s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

    In addition to general Pediatric Otolaryngoglogy, he has a special interest in cystic-fibrosisrelated sinus disease and lymphatic and vascular malformations.

    Dr. Magit has been with UC San Diego since 1992. He has repeatedly been named one of "San Diego's Top Doctors."

    Dr. Magit’s research focuses on the use of Picibanil in the treatment of lymphatic malformations. His most recent publication is Blakely B, Magit, A. The role of tonsillectomy in reducing recurrent pharyngitis: A systematic review. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2009 140, 291-297.

    Dr. Magit has done extensive research on common otolaryngic problems affecting children, including numerous studies on otitis media (middle ear infections). His other research interests include otolaryngology-related diseases, patients with HIV, and the epidemiology of upper respiratory infections, sinusitis, and otitis media in daycare populations.

    Dr. Magit is an advisor to the Practice Guideline Panel for Otitis Media with Effusion, in association with the Agency for Health Care Policy of the Department of Health and Human Services, to establish clinical guidelines for the management of specific diseases. He is co-director of the American Academy of Pediatrics Otitis Media Outcome Project. The purpose of this project is to develop a functional outcome instrument to be used in clinical practice and research settings, to objectively assess the impact of ear disease and its treatment on patients and their families.

    Dr. Magit is an active member of the UC San Diego medical staff and the staff of Rady Children´s Hospital San Diego, as well as Children's Physicians Medical Group, Children's Specialists of San Diego, and Pediatric Specialists Medical Group.